
Jezebell the Dragon Horse's page

7 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.


"I thank you for that offering. Let's hold off any piping of music."

Zaidel wrote:

Wow! Telepathy!

A worried look washes over Zaidel's face. Can you read my mind as well, or is that the same thing as telepathy? The satyr wonders as his last couple thoughts might be seen as obscene.

No this is telepathy not detect thoughts. We can simply speak to each other with our minds.

As Zaidel provides, or at least the group, she becomes more amiable as opposed to being feisty she even goes as far to say, "Thank you! Oh it helps get the hard to reach spots. Maybe you can have Stratton get some magic horses so we can fly faster than the pompous dragon up there." You realize that she didn't spoke but communicated with telepathy.

She mocks Zaidel with a smile on her face, "Yesh come on aren't you part goat?" She moves her body about to make it more difficult on the saytr.

She quickly relays, "Oh such a noble quest, yes we can be companions on that journey."

She happily laps up the rum, once it is half empty she backs off and the last of the dragon horses rush down to finish off the bucket.

As her son eagerly drinks up the rum she politely says, "Thank you that was delicious. So tell me of yourself. Why do you need flying companions besides the obvious? You are wingless!" She laughs at her own joke.

The dragon horse lands and walks up cautiously to Zaidel. It smells and then drinks the cold apple cider but soon stops. She says, "Interesting but not suitable to my pallette. Do you have any rum or burbon?"