Imron Gauthfallow

Daniel Newell.'s page

33 posts. Alias of Almonihah.

Full Name

Daniel Newell


| HP 8/8 | AC: 12 T: 12 Fl: 10 | CMB: -1 CMD: 11 | F +0 R +2 W +3 | Init +2 | Perc: +3


| Spell Points 6/6 | Third Eye Divination: Detect Magic | Current Effects:


M Human Hedgewitch 1







Strength 9
Dexterity 14
Constitution 11
Intelligence 19
Wisdom 14
Charisma 9

About Daniel Newell.

Medium Neutral Good Humanoid (Human) Hedgewitch 1

Reflex 2 = 0 base + 2 Dex
Fortitude 0 = 0 base + 0 Con
Will 2 = 2 Base + 0 Wis + 1 trait

Unarmed Strike -1 1d3-1 nonlethal

Initiative +1
Speed 30'
CMB -1 = 0 BAB - 1 Str

HP: 8/8
AC: 12 = 10 + 0 Armor + 2 Dex
Touch: 12 Flat-footed: 10

CMD 11 = 10 + 0 BAB - 1 Str + 2 Dex
Skill points: 10 (4 + 4 (Int) per level + 1 favored class + 1 Human)
Diplomacy 3 = 1 rank - 1 Cha + 3 Class
Fly 6 = 1 rank + 2 Dex + 3 Class
Stealth 6 = 1 rank + 2 Dex + 3 Class
Spellcraft 8 = 1 rank + 4 Int + 3 Class
Survival 7 = 2 rank + 2 Wis + 3 Class
Heal 6 = 1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 Class
Knowledge (Arcana) 8 = 1 rank + 4 Int + 3 Class
Knowledge (Nature) 8 = 1 rank + 4 Int + 3 Class
Knowledge (Planes) 8 = 1 rank + 4 Int + 3 Class
Knowledge (Religion) 5 = 1 rank + 4 Int
Perception 3 = 1 rank + 2 Wis

Background skills
Knowledge (Engineering) 5 = 1 rank + 4 Int
Knowledge (Hisotry) 5 = 1 rank + 4 Int
Perform (Sing) 3 = 1 rank - 1 Cha + 3 Class
Profession (Computer User) 8 = 3 rank + 2 Wis + 3 Class
Profession (Gamer) 6 = 1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 Class

Favored Class: Hedgewitch (+1 Skill point/level)

Feats and Traits
Light Armor Proficiency
Simple Weapon Proficiency
Extra Magic Talent x2

Gift for Magic (Alteration)
Indomitable Faith

Racial Traits
Extra Skills
Bonus Feat

Common, Elven, Tengu, Tien, Varisian

Casting Tradition:
General Drawbacks: Somatic Casting
Sphere-specific Drawbacks: Lycanthropic

Alteration Sphere:
Animalistic Transformation
Greater Changes

Divination Sphere:

Time Sphere:
Improved Haste

Warp Sphere:

Griffon T-Shirt
Cargo Pants
Cheap Smartphone
Sling w/ 4 stones

23 sp

Class Features
Paths (Academia and Green Magic)
*Wild Empathy
*Animal Companion
*Woodland Stride
*Amateur Hedgewitch (Font of Inspiration)

Ability/"Cheat Skill"
Super SSS Accelerated Learner is an interesting skill set. You can increase your knowledge by merely doing or acting.

Reading a book has multiple effects: Gain a skill point, know and remember that content, and gain a temporary bonus to the associated skill for a week +2 max.

1. If you observe a feat used, you can replicate it with ease for the rest of the day.
2. You can increase your knowledge by merely reading books.
3. Once per day you can use another classes class feature if you study it for 1 minute.

Third Eye: You have a third eye in your forehead which can see the unseen. As long as it is open, you can perceive the world around you as if concentrating on any one divination you know in addition to your normal senses. You can change which divination you are using as a swift action.


Daniel grew up in a small town in the Midwest, the biggest town around for forty miles at a little over 10,000 people. As a child, he discovered a love for computers (through gaming) and became convinced he’d become a programmer when he grew up. At the same time, he did enjoy spending time in the local state park, exploring the woods at the end of the street, and going on hikes with his Boy Scout troop (he would earn his Eagle Scout shortly before his 18th birthday--he kept putting off his Eagle project until it was almost too late).
(2 ranks in survival)
As he’d suspected, he did have a talent for programming. His parents got him some books on programming which he enjoyed reading and following the directions to write his first programs, and then went on to program some games for himself on his graphing calculator.
(+1 Intelligence)
At the same time, Daniel also had interests in other things. Many other things. He did well in school mostly because he found interest in almost every subject, and found it ironic that he scored higher on the English portions of standardized tests than the math portions (though both were quite high). He joked that this was due to his reading habit--he was known from about fourth grade for always having a paperback novel in his pocket which he would pull out at the least opportunity.

Of course, one of his favorite things to do was always gaming. Board games, card games, video games, RPG’s… he started playing AD&D 2nd edition with his father and brother while in junior high and never stopped playing one system or another.
(1 rank in profession gamer)
He went to college shortly before his 18th birthday, studying computer science. He took a break at 19 for a two-year church mission in Los Angeles. In addition to his required courses for his major he also took some time to indulge in a few electives he found interesting, and to get a math minor.
(+1 Intelligence)
After graduating he took a job doing software development for a signal processing company, enjoying the opportunity to learn something else new while exercising his programming skills. It was during this time that he met his wife and started dating her, thanks to a shared RPG session. He bought a small house for his wife and himself, living in a suburb of a mid-sized city in the Midwest.
(Class skill: Computer Use and 3 ranks in computer use.)