Blackfire Adept

Lady Narcise's page

12 posts. Alias of BloodWolven.



She looks at Zaidel with an amused look as she replies, "Oh I think she is waiting for you." She then seems to float out of the room. Other business most likely. The butler waits until your whole group is ready to go.


She calmly states, "Your manors and lands will not worsen for lack of attention in the near future. They will be there when you return. We look forward in seeing you in the future. If there isn't anything else my man will escort you out."

You finish your hot or cold beverage and soon get escorted out. Where to now ?


She in turn states sheepishly, "Honestly I only know what you now know. I haven't been to any of them before or after I became Mayor. Honestly I didn't look over the deeds that much."

You are more than welcome to suggest previous names and such for the manors/houses. Also any history you wish to create about the previous owners will grant you bonuses.


Nonplussed she replies with a questioning notion, "I don't know a Jeleena but Jellena Darkling, the High Priestess of the Mistress and her voice on Arcanium. She stopped by saying she had business with your group."


The neutral look gets a sparkle as her lips turn up. She positively states, "Thank you for noticing. I entertained a high priestess today. She also told me of your groups arrival too."


She nods to the butler and he leaves. Within minutes he returns with a silver tray with three leather strapped scroll cases. She takes the black one and hands it to Stratton, the red one for Jean, and the brown one for Zaidel. She calmly states, "The title, keys, and floor plans are within."

The room seems like it has been cleaned more throughly but the books and other items around the room seem the same.


She comes shortly after you arrive in a glittering red dress. She greets you with her normal callous, cold, or unfeeling emotions, "What pleasure it is to have you come. Have you come to claim your rewards?"


She shook it with a smile on her face.

As Zaidel sleeps he hears creaks and moving around in the room, he easily hears someone. Looking up you see Krazok doing his best to be quiet going to the bathroom. You likely roll over and listen trying to go back to sleep. Then the bed moves but you hear him shuffling around still. Looking up you see he is trying to get his armor on.

Zaidel's Perception: 1d20 + 27 - 10 ⇒ (6) + 27 - 10 = 23


Zaidel wrote:
Lady Narcise wrote:

She elegantly responds, "My third charge Synthia is a shape changing fey who is like a pixie. Your raw magnetism is too much for her."

Where are each of you sleeping?

Zaidel leans in seductively. "Well. I'm pleased it hasn't overwhelmed you. Care for a ride on these horns, Lady Narcise?"

[dice=Diplomacy (Charming)]1d20 + 44 + 2

She purrs out, "You are charming but I can't mix with my own kind that way. Also keep it in your pants or Shatash will... you get the drift."


She elegantly responds, "Of course, I will check on them and see if they would be open to a visit. Which I know some of them would but should check still."

She simply replies, "My wards... sorry I get you confused with my original saviors. Matt and Kenzie are both orphans. I took them as my wards until Joeseph or one of the other Chosen return. They are both human. My third charge Synthia is a shape changing fey who is like a pixie. Your raw magnetism is too much for her."

Where are each of you sleeping?


She nods a telling thin smile on her face. She also adds, "Hopefully a temple to Cayden will be in the works in the near future as well as a brewery, besides other businesses."


She offers up, "I have three estates, shall I put each of them under each of your names? I will also get the paperwork done for your return to gain your title. So you will not be taking a partial reward, that is for the best. If there isn't any other matters to be addressed, I now have much work to prepare. Best of wishes for your successful completion of your quests, hopefully we will see you soon." She is not trying to rush you out and hasn't left her seat to emphasize the point. She continues to calmly drink her tea in case you have other matters to address.