
Game Master BloodWolven

New Beginnings - Pig's Roast

Arcanium Quests - New Beginnings

- Black Spire Boss room

Fight Map!

Elrich manor
level 2 Elricht Manor
level 3 Elricht Manor

Basement/Double Dungeon Elricht Manor

Arcanium Info. Random, Cursed, and Blessed Loot boxes. Green screen info. And so much more!

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HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

With no threats in sight he drags his foot into the room, letting his boot slide the marbles and caltrops away from his immediate path. He then whipsers to the group, "Should we go left, forward, or right?" He heads ever so slowly to the door on the right and listens for movement.

perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

The marbles and caltrops move aside easily. After three rounds of moving the objects with the side of your boot you clear a 5 foot square. So it takes Matthew 12 rounds to get to the door on the right.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"I like left", Zaidel chimes in.
Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

"I don't hear anything over here. Do you want me to open the door?" He asks Zaidel in a whisper. With the affirmation he would slowly cross the room and helps Zaidel back if needed.

Zaidel waits or follows Matthew into the room and as he goes right, Zaidel works on making a path left.

You think you hear wind or something like it on the other side of the door.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Sounds like a blowing wind" Zaidel answers. "Might be a magical trap, based on the caltrops and marbles you got rid of. Thanks by the way."

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

"We can check and see if there is magic." Jean says.

Jean casts detect magic and looks first at the ring he found and then down the left path to see if there are any auras.

The ring is magical. The caltrops are magical. There is a magical rune on the door forward, west.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

"Do we have a rogue or at least someone with trapfinding? I could take my second class as rogue. So should we open the door on the right?" He asks the group.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Zaidel chuckles. "Oy! Whispers?! Still with us?" The satyr shouts into the darkness behind him.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (14) + 18 = 32

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

"We could sit back and I could try and destroy the door with breath attacks." Jean says as he looks over the ring.

Spellcraft to Identify the Ring: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (9) + 9 = 18

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
Jean de Montes wrote:
"We could sit back and I could try and destroy the door with breath attacks." Jean says as he looks over the ring.

"Honestly, I've been thinking the same", Zaidel admits. "But, again, I fearful the vegation would attack our dragon. I'd hate to see you strangulated, Jean."

I keep forgetting about him. This should help me.

Almost as if coming from the shadows he appears. "At your service." He slips in front of Matthew and Zaidel. He analyzes the door and once done states, "Yup, there is a trap here. I can't disarm it unless I open the door. But I think opening the door would set the trap off. So don't go left." He then slowly and carefully moves over to the west door. He pulls out some chalk and makes a fee designs on the door. Then he says, "that should stop the trap from going off." He then moves behind the group again waiting for the others to open doors.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Thanks, Whisper."
"So, West door then?"
The satyr carefully opens the hopefully detrapped western door.

Bard 2 | HP: 21/24 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 11 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will +3 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 16 | Init: +0 | Perception: +5 | Archeologist’s Luck: 8/8

Jon nodded, keeping behind Zaidel. Fitting through the doors took work.

The satyr opens the door to the West and sees another hallway that opens into a larger room.

Entering the room you see it is in fact partly a cavern with bonfires set on the opposite side of the room. About 100 feet away. There is about 30 feet of space between the ceiling and the floor. You can see where the work on this room has stopped and turns into a more natural cavern.

The figure on the throne stands up and begins to clap his hands. Once your group is within the room a red magical barrier appears behind you. "Welcome to the dungeon of manor Elrick. You will get to choose what you face against first, slimes, trolls, or mimics? The choice is yours."

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Who are you?" Zaidel questions the man on the throne.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

He cackles before answering, "Me? I am Salvadore Elrick the third! Master of this manor and its great magic!"

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He moves forward until he finds a similar red barrier blocking their path to the creatures.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

"Why would we fight any of those things? What is in it for us instead of leaving or taking the fight to you?" Jean asks.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Oh!" Zaidel cringed. "Angering the Dragon. No good.."
Intimidate (aid): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

Bard 2 | HP: 21/24 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 11 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will +3 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 16 | Init: +0 | Perception: +5 | Archeologist’s Luck: 8/8

Jonathan raised an eyebrow, but hey. Why not?

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
GM Wolf wrote:
He cackles before answering, "Me? I am Salvadore Elrick the third! Master of this manor and its great magic!"

"Were you aware gremlins and gnolls took over your beautiful manor upstairs?" The satyr questioned.

To the dragon he offers, "You are more than welcome to try to take down my barrier, and if you do without defeating a challenge then you get to fight them all to prove your worth. By the power of death only strife can bring forth strength."

He responds simply to Zaidel, "I am very aware of gremlins and gnolls, they do the best work and never complain. I died and came back. I don't care anymore so that is my problem. Thus I have been dabbling in dark magic and blood magic. You could try the superior dungeon, just go stand on the glowing blue square."

Looking around you can see that there are gremlins, gnolls, and more giant weseals around him. They are all within the light of the bonfires.

Touching the barrier does not seem to affect Matthew. As he walks along its path he and those with darkvision see things in the dark... to the North trolls and to the South puddles, which are likely slimes. No sign of the mimics...

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

"If you don't care, then why set up weird fights in your basement? What are you actually getting out of this?" Jean asks.

"Power, as anyone who knows it." he offers simply.

In response to Matthew, he adds, "The superior dungeon is on another plane. It is controlled by another source of power. Though there are no challenges except to follow the rules. The rewards would be great compared to what you would claim with me, though this is the only time it would open to you."

"Technically you are correct. Once done you will be transported back once you are done. You may appear in the manor or nearby. Planar travel is not very precise."

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

"Anyone have something that might work against this magical barrier? If not we should pick a challenge and get this thing done. What is the superior dungeon?" He asks as he continues to trace the barrier with his off hand.

sense motive: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13

"Wait, I get the feeling that we could do the superior dungeon and then come back to take your challenge. Since the superior dungeon is on another plane, once we are done with it where and how would we return?" He questions and gets his thoughts out.

"Shall we take on the superior dungeon then?" He asks the group as he looks at the blue square.

HP: 31/31, AC: 20_ T: 15_ FF: 15_ Perception +4, Sense Motive +5, Initiative: +5, Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30
Acro+5_Ap+5_Bluf+14_Climb+0_Dip+15_EscA+5_HA +14_Heal+6_K (Arc Nob)+5_Ling+1_Ride+9_SM+5_Spell+6_ Ste+5_Sur+1_Swim+0_UMD+14

"I am here to help and am willing to try the superior dungeon if all or the majority want to do it." She offers her response obviously indifferent.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Well, I still have all my channel energy blasts, and spent only one cleric spell for healing", Zaidel rattles off. "Jon may be spent on healing for the day, and we still have Matt's channels."

"Time to consult The Oracle." Zaidel takes the contents of his waterskin, which was a combination of Mt. Dew Baha Blast, orange juice, and rum, and drinks half a dozen large gulps.

"Aaaaa. Fu<k it. Let's do it! Like Cayden did!" The satyr wipes his mouth with his wrist. "WOOOOOOO!"

HP: 59/90, AC: 22_ T: 18_ FF: 14, Perception +10, Sense Motive +2, Initiative: +8, Fort: +9 _ Ref: +12 Will: +6, CMB: +8, CMD: 26, Speed: 30
Skills: Acro+9_Bluff+6_Climb+7_Dip+2_HAni+7_Heal+10_K (geo,Arc,Pla,Nat,Dungeon)+4_Perc+10_SM+2_SpellC+7_Stealth+14_Surv+8_Swim+7_ UMD+7

"I don't know, the name superior dungeon, seems like it would be worse. But if the majority has it I will go along." She adds a bit of a warning and is not willing to put forth a yes or a no.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

After Zaidel he responds with, "Yes I have all but one channel. I think we should go for it nothing ventured, nothing gained!"

Sovereign Court

The scotty dog yips and barks excitedly, then speaks in celestial as he wags his tail.

Yes I agree we should go forth and adventure! Use Cayden as the example!"[/b]

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

"Seems good to me. If we trust him. It would suck if we all walked into a disintegrate trap." Jean says as he looks at the glowing spot.

HP: 49/49, AC: 18_ T: 15_ FF: 13_ Perception +8, Sense Motive +1, Initiative: +5_ Fort: +4 _ Ref: +5_ Will: +4, CMB: +2, CMD: 17, Speed: 30

"It seems like we are going in," she says and waits to follow the others onto the blue square.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

He nods and walks onto the blue square.

Then Matthew disappears.

detect magic & K Arcane DC 15:
You can tell Matthew was hit with a conjuration spell.

Spellcraft DC 18:
You can tell that Salvadore Elrick cast a teleport spell. Then the square began to glow blue.

Upon the blue square you can see a magic circle of some kind.

Once you step upon the blue square you are teleported into a cavern. You appear in a large cavern and can see you are not alone. There are many different groups separated from each other. Besides your group there are 5 other groups which consist of 4 or 5 members. There appears to be four different tunnels that lead out of the cavern.

A charismatic human male walks from his group and offers, "We are here for the superior dungeon. Are you as well? There is strength in numbers. We just arrived here as well." He is wearing a toga, sandals, and an olive wreath upon his head. A blade is sheathed on his belt, a shield is on his back, and he holds a spear like a staff.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25

GM Wolf wrote:
A charismatic human male walks from his group and offers, "We are here for the superior dungeon. Are you as well? There is strength in numbers. We just arrived here as well." He is wearing a toga, sandals, and an olive wreath upon his head. A blade is sheathed on his belt, a shield is on his back, and he holds a spear like a staff.

"Greetings. My name is Zaidel", the satyr said with reservation. "What do they call you?"

Sense Motive (assess trustworthiness): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30 WOW!

"Greetings! I am Darius Agustus of the Olympian Penninsula. And my companions are Adonis the cleric of 'love', Alexandria of the bow and the wilds, and finally Astro beautiful sorceress of the stars." He says brightly and points with his open hand to each of his companions as he introduces them. Each of them nods in acknowledgement.

Another burly and strong leader stepped forward, "I am Kause of the wild. We barbarians roam the lands for adventure and glory. We don't see why we would need the likes of you?"

The armored group obviously bristle at the challenging words, bringing their shields together for protection. They are a group of armored gnomes.

The group of lanky what appears to be jackal humanoids scoff at the barbarians statement. Their leader an obviously stronger specimen than the rest steps forward and says, "Go then and see if you can take on the challenges on your own. We will gladly accept the aid of any who wish to join forces. I am Bes Bomani of the Aubians. Cathius, Ala, and Arn." each of them raises their weapon in a salute to the ceiling as they are introduced. The other three seem nearly identical, at least to your untrained eye.

The gnomes speak from behind their shields, "We will join you as well. Though as you can tell we don't trust any of you. I hope betrayal and treachery are not meant for the near future. We are the Smaddnep
Smilvaruck Fighters. We can be your wall to crush our foes upon."

The last group is made of beautiful but scantily clad women. They all seem to be human though abnormally tall. They continue to analyze your groups. The shortest one is about six feet tall as the tallest is possible near eight feet tall. Each of them have large two handed weapons, though they are standing at ease.

You don't sense any shiftiness from most of the groups. Though the barbarians likely are too proud to take help. None of the groups are showing hostility or possible untrustwortiness. Most of them seem wary, though the gnomes are obviously paranoid.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

Jean steps through and then begins looking over the others groups as Zaidel talks to the others. He sniffs around to see if there are any beings in the room that cannot be seen.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

You do pick up a strange scent off towards one of the walls. Getting close to it you hear, "Hello little dragon, I assume you caught my scent? Anyways I am on board for teamwork. I do my best work with my invisibility."

Jean moves off towards one of the walls and soon a black and teal humanoid canine of some sort materializes.

She is holding a black serrated dagger by its blade harmlessly. As her gear shows many other daggers as well.

Kause scoffs and walks between the groups, his barbarians follow him and head down one of the tunnels alone.

One of the amazons walks forward and introduces her group, "I am Vashina Melissa Truthspeaker of the Familia of Ishtar. We will gladly join you to the end of strength in numbers. Though once we are done should you prove your worth you may have a wonderful night of pleasure with one of us for the right price. We value strength and power in our companions."

Darius exclaims, "Excellent it looks like the rest of us are in an accord. My group shall go in first and support from the gnomes would be appreciated. If the tunnels widen we would appreciate any other groups to fill in the gaps. To glory!" He then moves off to a different tunnel than the barbarians. His companions follow and the gnomes move forward to join them creating a metal wall on the right side of Darius's team.

Before encountering the beasts you hear some cries as they echo off the walls.

Should your group follow, they come to face off against some carnivourous beasts. Without taking many wounds the beasts are killed.

HP: 95/199_ FH:13_AC: 37 _T: 26_FF: 30_ Perception +9_Init: +6_Fort: +14_Ref: +10_Will: +17_CMB: +15_CMD: 29_Speed: 60
Acro+14_Ap+6_Bluf+21_Climb+13_Dip+27_EscA+14_HA +17_Heal+1_Intimidate+21_K +7_K his +14 (rel, Nob) +10_Ling+12_Ride+10_SM+8_ Ste+15_Sur+4_Swim+14_UMD+21

"I will join you on the front line. Jean I am sure you will be fine beside me as well." He states as he draws his greatsword preparing for any threats.

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

"Well", the satyr claps his hands together in finality. "If it is the goal for us all to survive and be richly rewarded. I stand with you all."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (4) + 18 = 22
"For those 'late-comers', I am once again Zaidel the Benevolent! Humble cleric of Cayden Cailean, God of Heroes. To my left, the juggernant who's intellect matches his size, Jonathan. Next to him, the powerful bronze dragon champion, Jean. The greatsword master warden, Mathew Locke. Our huntress from the North, Angelica Delathor.The druid elven mistress, Alia Silverleaf. One of the few paladins dedicated Cayden Cailean, The Amazing Mia Thornrose. And that feeling that you're being watched is likely our guest and ally, Whisper, of the Mistress familia.
Together, we are Aeria Gloris. A pleasure to make your collective acquaintances"
, the satyr ended with a bow.

Matthew_Locke wrote:
"I will join you on the front line. Jean I am sure you will be fine beside me as well." He states as he draws his greatsword preparing for any threats.

"I'll try to stay in the middle, so i can go where needed and get the most out of any energy channels. Personally, I'm all about following the Amazons. I have so many questions."

Bard 2 | HP: 21/24 | AC: 16, T: 10, FF: 11 | Fort: +4, Ref: +1, Will +3 | BAB: +1, CMB: +7, CMD: 16 | Init: +0 | Perception: +5 | Archeologist’s Luck: 8/8

Jon bowed formally at the introduction, although he was not entirely sure it was true now. When he'd been human, maybe. He wasn't an idiot by any stretch - degrees didn't come to those who couldn't add 2+2 - and he'd been a good 6ft 3. Now, he towered, and he wasn't sure his mind had been entirely unaffected by the trip over.

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

Jean looks over the groups and asks, "Where did you guys come from? Are you groups of Chosen?"

Vashina speaks for her amazon warriors, "We are from the Jumangi Jungle. We are not chosen but the heroes of our tribe."

The black and teal humanoid canine offers, "I am Kitsie Chosen of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. I was in some ruins within the Black Garden of the Bare Mountain. Then came to this superior dungeon."

Darius says, "We are not Chosen though we do have some divine insight. Some of our grandparents are gods."

Bes Bomani the black jackal offers, "We are from the eastern sands of oblivion." Then uncertain he states, "We are not... Chosen. What is a Chosen? Well we were chosen to clear the dungeon."

The gnome leader then speaks up as well, "We were in a dungeon as well and given the option to come to the superior dungeon. Some of us are Chosen of Garl Glittergold, after this trip the others will likely want to join as well. Fortune and luck favors his Chosen!"

It seems like your group and the others have been jiving pretty well. Most of the archers and ranged spell throwers jell with a volley. The front liners scoff at the pitiful attacks and begin to brag to each other. Assuming that you continue to talk as you walk, fight and then repeat.

Then your entire squadron comes to face with a massive door of red worked metal. There are many arcane and divine runes upon the door and it is worked out like a map with land forms and seas of this world, Arcanium.

When you go to touch the doors:
They open inward and on their own. As you enter into this massive dome room that is at least 500 feet tall and 750 feet wide. Massive huge stone statues dominate the room, each one is holding something different. Some are holding instruments as others hold different kinds of weapons. On the far side of the room from the doors you entered, is a colossal throne and a stone statue sits in it. A crown and robes adorn the statue. In the center of the room is a raised dais, which looks like a divination circle.

In Celestial it is written on a massive stone tablet being held by a winged cloaked stone statue:
Commandments of the Enlightened Temple:
1 Thou shall worship god.
2 Thou shall praise god.
3 Thou shall prove thy faith.

Those who fail to obey these commandments shall not be spared.

The doors then slam shut.

Black Jakal's group decides to leave and once they get to the door and touch it the closest huge stone statues animate and cleave through their group. In one strike they are all slaughtered.

Perception DC 12, you are able to react as the colossal throned statue’s eyes begin to glow. What do you do? Here are several choices but not limited to them: drop to the ground prone, kneel, move back, move forward, jump,

Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day
GM Wolf wrote:
Vashina speaks for her amazon warriors, "We are from the Jumangi Jungle. We are not chosen but the heroes of our tribe."

Hmm. Are there many Amazon tribes in the Jumangi Jungle? I haven't heard of it until now. Is the Jumangi Jungle on a world from Arcanium? That's where my party's from." Zaidel asks, doing his best not to ogle the fine Amazon bodies as he follows. "Most of you are part of Ishtar's familia? Have you met her? What's she like in person?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (9) + 18 = 27

GM Wolf wrote:
The black and teal humanoid canine offers, "I am Kitsie Chosen of the Sisters of the Sightless Eye. I was in some ruins within the Black Garden of the Bare Mountain. Then came to this superior dungeon."

"Our group, Aeria Gloris, came across the Superior Dungeon, as we were clearing out an decrepit, but majestic manor overun by gremlins and dire weasels. Bes, you said you are an Aubian. Are you anyway associated with the god, Anubus, one of the Great Gods of Death?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33 Zaidel is purposely not bringing up the gnolls they fought to the Aubians.

GM Wolf wrote:
Darius says, "We are not Chosen though we do have some divine insight. Some of our grandparents are gods."

"Wow!" Zaidel marveled. "So some of you may be aasimar, or maybe godlings? Is that term familiar to you?" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31

GM Wolf wrote:
Bes Bomani the black jackal offers, "We are from the eastern sands of oblivion." Then uncertain he states, "We are not... Chosen. What is a Chosen? Well we were chosen to clear the dungeon."

"As I understand it, a Chosen is a soul plucked from another world who has died and reincarnated here on Arcanium for the purpose of defeating and destroying Dark Souls", Zaidel explained. "But until recently, we dsicovered you do not have to be from another world to be Chosen. Some become Chosen by sheer will alone."

The satyr flashes a playful wink back at Mia. Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (17) + 18 = 35

GM Wolf wrote:
The gnome leader then speaks up as well, "We were in a dungeon as well and given the option to come to the superior dungeon. Some of us are Chosen of Garl Glittergold, after this trip the others will likely want to join as well. Fortune and luck favors his Chosen!"

"Good to here Garl Glittergold still kicking around the universe", Zaidel smiled. "I'm was on my way to New Faces to officially join Cayden Cailean's famila. The Drunken God also favors the bold and brave!" Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (20) + 18 = 38

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Diplo +44|Percep +27|Heal +19|Bluff +31|Handle +34|Intim +30|Kn. Arcana +18|Kn. Nature +19|Kn. Rel. +17|Perform (wind, sing, string) +45|SM +21|Spell +17|Stealth +14|UMD +26
Sublime Satyr|HP 157/157|F: +16, R: +14, W: +15|Init + 4|AC 28 (17 T, 21 FF)|BAB +3 Cleric-Bard Gestalt/5th|Channel Energy (Su) 3d6 11/21x/day|Agile Feet (Su) 10/10x/day|Touch of Good (Sp), Strength Surge (Sp) +2 10/10x/day|Liberation (Sp) 5/5rds./day|Bardic Performance 30/30 rds/day

Perception: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (10) + 14 = 24
Zaidel meekly steps forward, bravely trying to not look back at the slaughter he just witnessed. The satyr takes a deep breath in.

"Greetings. I am Zaidel, humble cleric of Cayden Cailean, Drunken God of Heroes. I hope to become a member of his famila when I get to New Faces."

The satyr takes out his tankard and creates water within it, then changes it to ale. Zaidel then drinks the entire contents of the tankard down.
"Next I shall sing a song of praise to my God. It's originally from my world, but it holds true to his tenets."

Zaidel then casts summon instrument and an acoustic guitar leaps into existence in his arms. Zaidel begins to play his song
Perform (sing): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (2) + 16 = 18
Perform (string): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30
Who got the hooch
Who got the hooch
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
The working day was long
And the road is grinding on
And your body's winding down again
The tribal fire's here
And the circle speaks so near
And the simple truth so very much clearer
Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
The birds and bees will sing
The jams begin to ring
The good vibes flow from me to you
The evening turns to night
The fire and moonlight
The dance of all who came before
Who got the hooch, baby
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Who got the love, who got the fresh-e-freshy
Who got the only sweetest thing in the world
Let's get real, let's get heavy
Till the water breaks the levee
Let's get loose, loose, who got the hooch

Grand Lodge

Diplomacy +26, Fly +12, Knowledge (arcana) +21, Knowledge: (Planes) +21, Knowledge (Religion) +21, Perception +15, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +20, Stealth +10, Swim +27
Large Sublime Young Bronze Dragon Arcanist 6; Init +2; HP 256/256; AC 28, T 11, FF 28; DR 5/Magic; CMB +16; CMD 28 (32 vs. trip); Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +12 (+2 vs Fear); SR 17; Arcane Reservoir: 6/8

Jean watches Zaidel perform and stares at the statue as he considers his options and waits to see if it will swat Zaidel.

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