Previous Contests

RPG Superstar™ Season 9 (2016)
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, magic armor, or magic weapon, Round 2: Create an encounter map, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2015
Open Call: Design a magic armor, weapon, ring, rod, or staff, Round 2: Create a map, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2014
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 3: Design an encounter, Round 4: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2013
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design an archetype, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2012
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a new organization, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2011
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design an archetype, Round 3: Design a villain, Round 4: Create a Golarion location, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2010
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a monster concept, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design a Golarion location, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2009
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a villain concept, Round 3: Create a villain stat block, Round 4: Design a villain's lair, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2008
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design a country, Round 3: Design a villain, Round 4: Design thematically linked monsters, Round 5: Design an encounter, Round 6: Submit an adventure proposal

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Beacon of Hope

Round 2 Judging Format and Guidelines

Leash of the Shadowhound

Round two rules question


Text For Losing Items?

Your favorites - Round 1

What should the subs be doing?

Congrats to the 32 and the Runner-ups!

A Nightmare I had after the great Revealing!

Wondrous Items: Uncouth

Can we see our own wondrous item critique?

Hey, my posts are getting scrubbed!

Almost There....!

A question about the future round rules (serious)

Congratulations, Winners!

Would it be legal to have a list of the items available on a website???

Is This Going To Be A Yearly Contest?

How many votes per account?

Able to see my item comments?

That format they hate


What happens with all these cool wondrous items?

Can I try just one more time?

Odd request

Discuss your wondrous item

And we are essentially done...

Aw man, I think the clock is slow ...

Good luck from the Judges

With less than 27 hours until the winners are announced ...

Round 2 Assignment Questions--Taking Your Input

Feedback on submissions

"I can't find the country submit button" or "I've got the SRD blues"

Contest Concern

Auto-Rejection Reasons

Future Rounds of the Superstar Contest?

Proposal- Sub section for Wondrous Items accepted and not

After the 32 are chosen

A Judge's Tip to Cut the Suspense of Waiting

Item Design Master Class

Second String Items

Most expensive item submitted?

Upcoming deadlines seem a bit steep?

Thanksgiving Day

Tip from one of the Judges

How many entered?

Oops, found a typo post submission

Clark Says: Give yourselves a hand!

Don't put your name in the text of the submission

Ahh, submitted...

Word Count

Important! In case we do not make it to Round 2...

This is gonna be a l-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g 2 weeks

Missed the deadline - all shook up

Hardcover cover credit?

Missed the deadline

I missed the deadline too, here goes:

I wanna be an RPG Superstar!

What if we goofed? (Please respond)

Format Question: WotC IP

Missed it by that much!

Format question

Psionic Items?

Post Submission Blues

Rejected Submission IP question

Clark says: Competition Still Wide Open!

Stupid attack

Man... you've got to be kidding me

Unsure if submission processed....

Convention Event

Team / Collaboration Entries

60 words left - should I include method behind my madness?

Formatting Question: Tables

SRD Question: Knock-Down Feat


Judges: Round Two Instructions?

Soooooo..... Hmmm....

Spelling and Grammar

Design a Country- What are you all doing?

Entry question: Cost to create

Question: Are Greater / Lesser versions of items considered 1 item or two?

Handling Voting Irregularities?

Very cool

An artificer's homunculus...

RPG Superstar Questions

Bad link

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