Previous Contests

RPG Superstar™ Season 9 (2016)
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, magic armor, or magic weapon, Round 2: Create an encounter map, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2015
Open Call: Design a magic armor, weapon, ring, rod, or staff, Round 2: Create a map, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2014
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 3: Design an encounter, Round 4: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2013
Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design an archetype, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2012
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a new organization, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design an encounter, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2011
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design an archetype, Round 3: Design a villain, Round 4: Create a Golarion location, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2010
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a monster concept, Round 3: Create a Bestiary entry, Round 4: Design a Golarion location, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2009
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Create a villain concept, Round 3: Create a villain stat block, Round 4: Design a villain's lair, Round 5: Submit an adventure proposal
RPG Superstar™ 2008
General Discussion, Open Call: Design a wondrous item, Round 2: Design a country, Round 3: Design a villain, Round 4: Design thematically linked monsters, Round 5: Design an encounter, Round 6: Submit an adventure proposal

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I'd like to phone a friend, Regis: Question on "public discussion" rule

Auto Rejected Round 2 Ideas

8 Hours to go!

The Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall, Local #2010

Paizo Blog: Things Are Afoot in Redmond! (Pt. 2)

Round 2 - Archetype Two for One - Swap

Round 5: What's a good hook?

Archetype - Questions to ask yourself

Round 2 Question

We're definitely in the final stage of Round One!

What makes a great wondrous item?

January 18th

Paizo Blog: RPG SuperstarTM 2011 Round 2 Rules

Building upon a specific theme

Judges Input

Oh, So Close Now...

Now my advice: thoughts about being a good audience participant

And... We're Done!

So the writers have superstar. What about artists?

Back in the Saddle Again, Top 32 Stats

Dedication to the RPG Superstar in each of Us

Want to know what an Archetype is?

Round 2 Info...

What makes a Superstar

1 Week Left!

18 days to go

Regarding the "Submissions become property of Paizo" thing

Looking ahead a little...

Superstar Archetypes

One week to go

Round 2, some advice

Round 4 - Location, Location, Location...

Round One Winners Question

How do I know if I'm getting better?

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #20: Item Makes GMing Harder

Clark, Please Give Me Feedback on My Item

Round 2: own commentary on submissions?

So any word on what this year's 'meme' is?

Milestone Reached

Round 2 - Question to Judges, if I may...

Previous Years' Round Rules...

Things I have noticed so far...

"This item functions as a Bag of Holding, except...."

Just out of curiosity, why aren't all the rounds anonymous?

Here is a question, how many of you have bought previous RPGSS modules?

A call to Villainy - aka Round 3

Great Job Everyone!

Word Count Tool...clarification

Thanks to all who submitted!

Word Count Tool - Suggestion

Previous Entries

A Word of Advice to the 32

Wondrous advice #27 / 27: An awesome item may disregard the previous advice

It's over!

Round 2 rules clarification

Wow! This is amazing!

So... How far are you on stage 2?

Good luck to everyone who competed...

Unsubmitted Items Feedback Thread?


How many entries were received?

Just Missed It

Paizo Blog: The Kobold King Says Get Your Superstar Entry In!


Over already?

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #7: Obvious Pricing Errors

Wondrous Item "Don't Annoy the Judges" Advice List

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #1: Spell in a Can

So about the round 2 Rules


Don't wait until the last minute!

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #5: Item Fails to Follow Game Rules


Reindeer Slay

Archetype Mechanics

It's about time to submit

Question: Round 3

Hands, Slots, and Pricing

Use-activated versus continuous

So for you that have handed in your entry what are your plans for the holidays?

Oh man I am jonesing! And I need your help!

So, I Feel Dumb...

Paizo Blog: RPG Superstar 2011: Time Is Running Out!

Round 4 Question

Lesser and Greater versions?

Taking too long to get to the point

128 items, 40+ monsters... (and now for something completely different)

Fluff Text

Wondrous Items vs. Armor or Wand or Ring

Some thoughts on crafting wondrous items and making top 32

Swiss Army Knife Question

Over the word count, seriously?

How many items have been submitted so far?

Possibly stupid question. (Limit on submissions?)

The "home campaign" item

A question about formatting

Serious Question: Am I prohibited from entering?

Weaknesses for powerful items?

Item rejection: thing from my favorite computer game

Submission: The Ultimate Auto-Reject Item

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