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Our Price: $49.95


The Babylon 5 RPG explodes back into your gaming store with the all-new 2nd Edition.

With feedback garnered from thousands of gamers since the release of the first rulebook three years ago, the Babylon 5 RPG has been refined and focused by writer Gareth Hanrahan.

Now 'timeline neutral', the 2nd Edition allows you to play in any era of Babylon 5, from the Earth/Minbari War through to the Crusade era and beyond. Space combat has been completely overhauled with a faster-flowing system that nevertheless squeezes in more detail. New character classes have been added, including the Trader and Ranger, meaning you no longer have to 'qualify' to play one of the most iconic characters of the TV series, as well as new player races—yes, the Pak'ma'ra can now be used by players!

On top of all that, there are copious new notes on the universe of Babylon 5, the station itself, and the alien races that can be found throughout the galaxy.

Best of all, the 2nd Edition Babylon 5 RPG is fully compatible with all the supplements printed during the first edition of the game, from the Earth Alliance Fact Book right up to Merchants, Traders and Raiders!

List Price: $49.99

Our Price: $44.99


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Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of bold explorers and brave adventurers. Based on the Classic Traveller rules set and streamlined for modern roleplaying, the Traveller Core Rulebook contains everything you need to begin exploring the galaxy of the Third Imperium, including information on spaceports, ancient civilizations, air/rafts, cold steel blades, laser carbines, far distant worlds, and exotic alien beasts - it is your gateway into new universes!

Our Price: $24.95


Pirates. Thieves. Temptresses. The fallen classes of the Hyborian age live amongst the shadows, lurking and hiding in the dark recesses of every city. Civilised people often presume rules come from the gods or even from strange books wherein the "Truth" is written. Actions are either correct or incorrect and a culture of guilt arises from violating the tenets laid down by society. Societies who try to live by those rules breed shadows and these shadows are the fallen classes, by-products of all the impulses contrary to a given society's definitions of truth and order. Some consider the shadows evil, others see them as a necessity. Many long to give in to the shadows but pretend to condemn them. The fiercest—barbarians, nomads and borderers—are forces of nature impacting upon society. The finest—nobles, scholars and soldiers—are the creators and maintainers of society and 'law' itself. The fallen represent impulsive temptation—those who reject the 'Truth' insisted upon by the finest and challenged by the fiercest. To be one of the fallen is to be hunted by the so-called finest elements of society. To be one of the fallen is to have your deeds and beliefs treated as sinful, criminal or worse.

The first section of this book reveals a shadow few want to discuss: the temptress. Although there are males who fit the role of tempter, the fears of Hyborian society usually revolve around the women who break society's rules, the women who stand up to men, the women who refuse to give in to the laws dictated to them by the men who dominate their environment. They angrily label these women as 'whores' but this is an inaccurate label borne of man's fears, an attempt to belittle those who have the strength to stand up to the establishment.

The second section of this book discusses how the various cultures of Conan's age look at the pirate, thief and temptress classes. Advice is given on what skills and feats to emphasise for each culture's iconic brand of these three classes, as well as additional cultural information. In some cases, variant rules are offered to better portray these character classes in some cultures.

The third section of this book reveals the secrets of the fallen classes. Information on ability score options, archetypal roles, new uses for old skills, information on crime families and thieves' guilds are presented. Also, new poisons and rules regarding shock and surprise are given. New combat manoeuvres also provide for varied combat and character concepts.

The fourth section of this book shows how to mix and match the nine character classes to create new archetypes of the pirate, the thief and the temptress. Here you will find nymphs, vamps, sea captains, privateers, crime lords and many more.

Our Price: $19.95


The first of the Expert Player's Guides, the Renegade Wizard's Spellbook provides 256 hardbound pages jam-packed with variant spellcasting methods and a huge array of arcane spells.

This tome is the perfect companion to other magic compendiums—after all, who wants to play a wizard who only has access to the 'standard' spells that everyone else has? With spells and spellcasting rules drawn from the very best of Open Content sources, the Renegade Wizard's Spellbook is your one-stop shop for arcane power!

The Renegade Wizard's Spellbook features 100% Open Game Content.

Our Price: $19.95


The Renegade Cleric's Tome is packed full of spells collated from the cream of renegade stock, including many updated and expanded favorites from the extensive Mongoose d20 archives.

Our Price: $19.95


The Skinnies have raided the borders of the federation for years but the Mobile Infantry has concentrated its military might on the far more dangerous Arachnids. Now, the Skinnies have declared outright war on humanity and no amount of diplomacy or politicking seems likely to stop them.

The Skinnies Army Book reveals this mysterious race—their culture, their technology... and their motives.

Our Price: $19.95


Bringing alive Robert Heinlein's classic novel, and the movies and television series that have followed, the Starship Troopers RPG gives players the opportunity to experience the Bug War at first hand. Players can follow in the footsteps of Jonny Rico and his Mobile Infantry troopers as they face the menace of the Arachnids.

Starship Troopers RPG: Floorplans is a lavishly illustrated set of gaming floor plans, allowing players who prefer a firm 3-D image of their role- playing games to accurately simulate the alien atmosphere of Starship Troopers. Be it Arachnid tunnel complexes of Skinny townships, this comprehensive set of card floor plans has the answer.

Our Price: $29.95


Citizenship brings responsibilities as well as rights, something that every person in the United Citizens' Federation, be they citizen or civilian, knows very well. Citizenship also brings opportunity, the chance to travel and understand the whole of the Federation in a way very few civilians can, a chance to truly see the beauty and immensity of the Federation.

Citizens' Federation, a supplement to the Starship Troopers Roleplaying Game, acts as the reader's tour guide through the Federation, illuminating all aspects of the Federation in unprecedented detail. From the cultures, laws and societies of Earth, to the history of the Federation itself, to an in-depth look at some of humanity's major colonies in space, Citizens' Federation contains a wealth of information for players and Games Masters alike.

The defining trait of a citizen is the willingness to put the safety of the human race ahead of his own. A wise citizen understands that remaining true to that trait requires more than a decision to enlist in Federal Service, it requires understanding what the Federation truly is, and what it truly means. It requires knowing what he is fighting for.

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Our Price: $29.95


At last, the secrets of the Arachnid Empire are revealed! This 160 page full colour hardback is packed full of information on the bugs, whether you are a trooper dedicated to saving the Federation or a Games Master looking to terrify your players.

The Ararchnid Empire includes a complete update on the universe of Starship Troopers, detailing the Road to Victory camapign, the disasterous Klendathu Invasion and its aftermath. A complete bug colony is mapped out, allowing you to set scenarios and camapigns based around raids into Ararchnid-held territory (cowards need not apply!), and there is a guide to over 30 different sub-species of bug! Added to this is information on Arachnid society, their aims and tactics, and you have a complete guide to Mankind's greatest threat.

Our Price: $29.95


Everything you need to know about fighting aliens on distant worlds is contained in this book - no Trooper should be without it!

Just a few of the treats inside;

Equipping Squads Bored with the Logistics Corp constantly denying your requests for heavy weaponry? Find out how to equip your entire squad with all manner of interesting weapons and equipment as standard issue!

Toys, Toys, Toys! Weapons, armour, kit, vehicles, and much more. Learn how to use Exosuits, master the Spitball rocket launcher and graft new cybernetics onto your tired, battered body!

Cross-Training Done your tours as a Field Medic or Engineer? Increase the scope of your MI career and become a Chaplain, or sign up for Selection into the Pathfinders!

Promotions and Awards Got your eye on the Sergeant's chevrons? We tell you how. Want to forget about leadership and concentrate on earning shiney medals for your chest? All the secrets are here!

The Mobile Infantry Field Manual - you would be crazy to leave base without it. . .

Our Price: $19.95


The battle for the Human species comes to your gaming group with this, the Pocket Edition of the hit roleplaying game, Starship Troopers.

Containing all the information of its big hardback brother, the Starship Troopers RPG Pocket Edition has everything a trooper needs to know when fighting the Arachnids, all in a handy package that is easy and light to take to the gaming table!

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Explore the sights and mysteries of the French Arm, one of humanity's main thrusts into the depths of space. This book contains several adventures set in the French Arm, allowing you to kick start a 2300AD campaign quickly and with the minimum of fuss. Combined with The French Arm sourcebook, referees will have between these two books everything they need for months of adventuring through an area of space troubled by a powerful alien invasion.

Our Price: $29.95


It is a big Solar System, too big to be contained in a single rulebook. Though the WARS Rulebook contains everything a Games Master or a player absolutely needs to play a WARS Roleplaying Game campaign, Battlefront takes things a few giant leaps further. ... Within the pages of this book, meant...

Our Price: $44.95


4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

A dark mountain looms against the darker sky. It seems made of wisps of shadow and faint traces of evil fancy, like it does not quite exist. Rather like a nightmare. The terrain around the mountain is no better, all grown with rocky peaks and crags like a skin disease. It is completely devoid of...

Our Price: $34.95


The Drow War III: The Darkest Hour is the final part of the Drow War campaign. This massive adventure is epic in both senses of the word familiar to d20 enthusiasts. It takes the action out into the manifold planes of existence, pitting the Player Characters against no less a threat than the...

Our Price: $29.95


Stay in formation. Hold the Line. No one gets through, no matter what. ... The Earth Alliance has risen from an obscure minor race to one of the powers of known space, the equals of the old Lion of the Galaxy or the Narn Regime. Even the mighty Minbari failed to defeat the Alliance. ... The...

Our Price: $29.95


There are beings in the universe billions of years older than any of our races. Once, long ago, they walked among the stars like giants, vast, timeless. Taught the younger races, explored beyond the rim, created great empires, but to all things, there is an end. Slowly, over a million years, the...

Our Price: $29.95


Sipping drinks on the beaches of Disney Planet you wait for your next stock reports. Counting your first million credits hit the market from the bridge of your fleet flagship. Watching opposing governments scramble to make a higher bid over your services. ... Sound nice? You want to live that...

Our Price: $19.95


This deluxe set of counter sheets greatly expands those found in the main box set of A Call to Arms. Supplementing the new Sky Full of Stars rulebook, they include multiple copies of every ship featured in that book, including the very latest designs such as the Chronos, Delphi and Apollo! ......

Our Price: $49.95


The Babylon 5 RPG explodes back into your gaming store with the all-new 2nd Edition. ... With feedback garnered from thousands of gamers since the release of the first rulebook three years ago, the Babylon 5 RPG has been refined and focused by writer Gareth Hanrahan. ... Now 'timeline neutral',...

List Price: $49.99

Our Price: $44.99


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Traveller is a science fiction roleplaying game of bold explorers and brave adventurers. Based on the Classic Traveller rules set and streamlined for modern roleplaying, the Traveller Core Rulebook contains everything you need to begin exploring the galaxy of the Third Imperium, including...

Our Price: $24.95


Pirates. Thieves. Temptresses. The fallen classes of the Hyborian age live amongst the shadows, lurking and hiding in the dark recesses of every city. Civilised people often presume rules come from the gods or even from strange books wherein the Truth is written. Actions are either correct or...

Our Price: $19.95


The first of the Expert Player's Guides, the Renegade Wizard's Spellbook provides 256 hardbound pages jam-packed with variant spellcasting methods and a huge array of arcane spells. ... This tome is the perfect companion to other magic compendiums—after all, who wants to play a wizard who only...

Our Price: $19.95


The Renegade Cleric's Tome is packed full of spells collated from the cream of renegade stock, including many updated and expanded favorites from the extensive Mongoose d20 archives.

Our Price: $19.95


The Skinnies have raided the borders of the federation for years but the Mobile Infantry has concentrated its military might on the far more dangerous Arachnids. Now, the Skinnies have declared outright war on humanity and no amount of diplomacy or politicking seems likely to stop them. ... The...

Our Price: $19.95


Bringing alive Robert Heinlein's classic novel, and the movies and television series that have followed, the Starship Troopers RPG gives players the opportunity to experience the Bug War at first hand. Players can follow in the footsteps of Jonny Rico and his Mobile Infantry troopers as they face...

Our Price: $29.95


Citizenship brings responsibilities as well as rights, something that every person in the United Citizens' Federation, be they citizen or civilian, knows very well. Citizenship also brings opportunity, the chance to travel and understand the whole of the Federation in a way very few civilians...

Our Price: $29.95


5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

At last, the secrets of the Arachnid Empire are revealed! This 160 page full colour hardback is packed full of information on the bugs, whether you are a trooper dedicated to saving the Federation or a Games Master looking to terrify your players. ... The Ararchnid Empire includes a complete...

Our Price: $29.95


Everything you need to know about fighting aliens on distant worlds is contained in this book - no Trooper should be without it! ... Just a few of the treats inside; ... Equipping Squads Bored with the Logistics Corp constantly denying your requests for heavy weaponry? Find out how to equip your...

Our Price: $19.95


The battle for the Human species comes to your gaming group with this, the Pocket Edition of the hit roleplaying game, Starship Troopers. ... Containing all the information of its big hardback brother, the Starship Troopers RPG Pocket Edition has everything a trooper needs to know when fighting...

4.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Explore the sights and mysteries of the French Arm, one of humanity's main thrusts into the depths of space. This book contains several adventures set in the French Arm, allowing you to kick start a 2300AD campaign quickly and with the minimum of fuss. Combined with The French Arm sourcebook,...