Alexander MacLeod, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Cloister of Saint Bethaene
    Alexander MacLeod's Chymick Swarm, A Thousand Alchemists
    Scapular of True Devotion

Benjamin Bruck, Boise, Idaho, USA
The Peerless Menagerie of Ashpanjara Isle
    Benjamin's Bruck's Churjiir
    Steadfast Gut-stone

Jesse Benner, Glenside, Pennsylvania, USA
Hassaldor's Span
    Jesse Benner's The Lahamu ("The Soul Drinker")

Jim Groves, Ontario, Oregon, USA
Seven Towers Observatory
    Jim Groves' Ardorwesp
    Seducer’s Bane

Matt Goodall, Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia
The Lost Ziggurat of Amar Zedas
    Matt Goodall's Chaitrakhan
    Spellstrike Vambraces

Matthew McGee, Davis, California, USA
False Tomb of the Crawling Pharaoh
    Matthew McGee's Astrumal
    Ossuary Golem
    Batrachian Helm

Matthew Morris, Columbus, Ohio, USA
The Lost Winery
    Matthew Morris's Caltrop Golem
    Tankard of the Cheerful Duelist

Richard Hunt, Plano, Texas, USA
The Green Barrow
    Richard A. Hunt's Slithering Horror
    Needles of the Ebon Strand

Round 4: Design a Golarion location

Voting Booth - Round 4: Design a Golarion location with map

The Green Barrow

The Peerless Menagerie of Ashpanjara Isle

Hassaldor's Span

The Lost Winery

Seven Towers Observatory

Cloister of Saint Bethaene

The Lost Ziggurat of Amar Zedas

False Tomb of the Crawling Pharaoh

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