The messageboards on are renowned for a friendly environment with knowledgeable and passionate members. We encourage anybody who posts to give the community their thoughts on each entry, but to do so in a constructive and non-inflammatory manner. Critique the submissions, but not the designer—personal attacks on the contestants will not be tolerated.

The Top 32

The 2009 RPG Superstar contest drew in hundreds of entries from around the world in a contest to crown the ultimate new roleplaying game design talent. The judges spent the better part of six weeks whittling down the entries to a top 32 finalists and 4 alternates. With their hard work done, the onus now rests on the public to crown the next RPG Superstar!

Andrew Judd (Denton, Texas, USA)—Key of Closed Doors
Carl Flaherty (Poway, California, USA)—Lordly Pavilion
Carl Klutzke (Carmel, Indiana, USA)—Boundary Chalk
Casey Smith (Davis, California, USA)—Maw of Urgathoa
Craig Johnston (Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia)—Dazzler
Doyle Tavener (Richmond, Texas, USA)—Desna's Triptych of Threefold Wisdom
Elizabeth Leib (Cleveland, Ohio, USA)—Haunted Shoes
Eric Bailey (Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA)—Lens of the Runethief
Eric Morton (Normandy Park, Washington, USA)—Veil of the Midnight Vigil
Gerald Andrews (Gardner, Massachusetts, USA)—Spell-Catch Gauntlet
Jacob Manley (New Hampton, New Hampshire, USA)—Dust of Weighty Burdens
James Graham (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada)—Mongoose Claw
Jeffrey Scott Nuttall (Hollywood, California, USA)—Twintone Flute
Joao Beraldo (Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil)—Heart of Oblivion
Joshua Blazej (Simi Valley, California, USA)—Hurricane Gloves
Kevin Carter (Aliso Viejo, California, USA)—Spider Hook
Lucas Jung (Dayton, Ohio, USA)—Ethereal Tether
Mark Thomas (Brooklyn, New York, USA)—Hammer's Bane Torc
Matt Banach (Champaign, Illinois, USA)—Master's Perfect Golden Bell
Matthew Morris (Columbus, Ohio, USA)—Bracelet of Shields
Matthew Stinson (Jacksonville, Florida, USA)—School of Eyes
Mike Speck (Winona, Minnesota, USA)—Blightlady's Bread
Neil Spicer (Charlotte, North Carolina, USA)—Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad
Paul Worthen (Willington, Connecticut, USA)—Ancestral Reliquary
Philip Snyder (Turtle Creek, Pennsylvania, USA)—Temporal Bracers
Pieter Simoons (Leiden, The Netherlands)—Withering Hourglass
Randy Dorman (Pittsfield, Maine, USA)—Helm of the Golem Master
Stefan Schulz (Düsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany)—Abyssal Spurs
Trevor Gulliver (Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)—Horn of the Dark Hunt
Victor Spieles (Eastpointe, Michigan, USA)—Cirroc's Marvelous Crossing
Vladislav Rashkovski (Sofia, Bulgaria)—The Scarlet Legionary Banner
Wesley Lee (Warner Robins, Georgia, USA)—The Dread Trinket

Brad Menpes, Caith Donovan, Scott & Le Janke, Steve Clarkson, and Weston Prestage were selected as alternates. (Names listed in alphabetical order.)

Open Call: Design a wondrous item

Haunted Shoes

Spell-Catch Gauntlet

Helm of the Golem Master

Master's Perfect Golden Bell

Spider Hook

Key of Closed Doors

Lordly Pavilion

School of Eyes


Twintone Flute

Mongoose Claw

Boundary Chalk

Ethereal Tether

The Dread Trinket

The Scarlet Legionary Banner

Cirroc's Marvelous Crossing

Horn of the Dark Hunt

Abyssal Spurs

Blightlady's Bread

Last Leaves of the Autumn Dryad

Dust of Weighty Burdens

Withering Hourglass

Hammer's Bane Torc

Hurricane Gloves

Veil of the Midnight Vigil

Lens of the Runethief

Bracelet of Shields

Temporal Bracers

Ancestral Reliquary

Heart of Oblivion

Maw of Urgathoa

Desna's Triptych of Threefold Wisdom

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