RPG Superstar™

General Discussion
Previous Contests
RPG Superstar™ Season 9 (2016), RPG Superstar™ 2015, RPG Superstar™ 2014, RPG Superstar™ 2013, RPG Superstar™ 2012, RPG Superstar™ 2011, RPG Superstar™ 2010, RPG Superstar™ 2009, RPG Superstar™ 2008

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Red Adder Magus (Magus)

The Migrus Thread

Six Freedoms Acolyte

Gloves of Flame Command

Ghost Ship Binnacle

Trick Shot Glove

Eizenholt, Abandoned Duergar Mining Outpost

Oathlorn (Cavalier)

Skinchanger (Witch)

Wignalzik and Sons Lumber Camp

Egelsee Cocktail

Mienka’s Cauldron

Thorn Manor

Floodwalker (witch)

Spectral Lampblack

Ethersnare Dust

Flagellant (Inquisitor)

The Vise

Top 9-16 Locations

Witchwood Comb

Feer’s Crossing

Put on your fancy designer hats!

Wintertide Candle

RPG SuperStar 2020 (Brought To You By Roll for Combat)

Seer's Soap

Blazing 9! (season 10 prep)

Whispering Gloves

Gorum's Stompers

Scallywag (Cavalier)

The Smuggler's Collapsible Robe


When is the next RPG Superstar Season?

Superstar Designers seek Template Fu feedback

Template Fu Challenge 2 - CR question

Critique my Occult Ritual!

Critique my Item! ...Please?

A Sincere and Modest Proposal to Paizo and the RPGSS Community

Looking for another place to develop freelancing skills? This is it!

Wondrous Item auto-reject advice #21: Item gives a class ability or a feat

Migrus Locker

I think someone broke the voter tags...

Superstar Season Greetings

Has this closed yet?

Kravyad – 599 Words

First-Round Item Feedback from me!

Critique My Item Please!

The Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall and Haunted House

CMI response Thread

How far would you have gotten in the top 32 self analysis

Paizo Blog: More Star Power—Nick Wasko Wins RPG Superstar!

Beneath the Storm-Veiled Spires

Dangers of the Drowned Garden

Escape from Moonshell Grotto

The Starpearl Tower

This would have been my encounter entry

Uh, what time was the vote supposed to close?

Paizo Blog: It's Adventure Proposal Time!

These are the monsters that weren't

Poll: Round 5: Submit a Sodden Lands Adventure Proposal

The Petrified Plain – 1332 Words

Laboratory of Unraveling Arcana – 1393 Words

Dead Man's End – 1399 Words

This Would have been my Map Entry

OFFICIAL - Final Four Word Count Leniency

Paizo Blog: The Final 4 Are Revealed!

The return of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly item Critique thread Season 9 edition

Kynoon’s Crossing – 1398 Words

The Faceweaver’s Workshop – 1353 Words

The Official Season 9 RPG Superstar Top 100!

Want to be a better designer? Start by being good at workshopping

Bracken Moor Bridge – 1357 Words

Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ruby Butterfly

Gnome's Throw Crossing – 1391 Words

Rimesoul Nexus – 1388 Words

Round 5 Elevator Pitch

RPGSS Season 9 Round 4 Playtest Interest Check

Question about RPG SS

Public offer for those still in the contest

Map choices

Matianak – 580 Words

Poll: Top 8: Design an encounter – 47 Words

Why Monster over NPCs?

Valemask – 512 Words

Tatterghoul – 599 Words

Waiting in the Depths

Round 4 rules question

The New Viewer's Guide to RPGSS

Critique My Item 2.0 thread

Paizo Blog: The Surviving Monsters are Revealed!

Hollow One – 594 Words

Corpsebound – 598 Words

Encounter Design

Phase Mongrel (Jumm-Vubburath) – 595 Words

Malkin – 597 Words

Round 3 Discussion - Top 16 Don't Post Here! - How are you voting?

Tranquility Ooze – 534 Words

Sorrow Stitcher – 600 Words

Superstar Conspiracy Theories

Guillowed – 599 Words

Thaumigorger – 526 Words

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