First Edition

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Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
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Zealous Rush and Bless

Can a Poleiheira Adherent cast 9th level spells at 1st level?

Two-handed Fighter Seeking Advice

Kirthfinder - World of Warriorcraft Houserules

Reach and Natural Weapons:

Revisiting an old character Concept. Dwarf Barbarian searching to create a legendary Draft

Abusing metamagic

What to do with my bard?

Bardess' Pathfinder Place (my blog)

Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

How to keep game exciting and challenging for op party?

Chaos Bag / Backpack Table

Stuff That You Wish Paizo Had Done For Pathfinder 1E?

Custom trials of the gods

Azothath's Homebrew: Therndentro Lignum (Whompa) MonHmnd CR:16

Moment of Prescience Question

Concentration DC when grappled by something without a CMB?

Homebrew wizard archetype: the Dru-izard (Druid / Wizard mix)

Need help understanding sphere of might

Spear / pole-arm & Shield question

Androffan Names.

Oterisk's Guide to the Dragon Disciple

Skill Synergies

This is probably a bad idea, but has anyone run / played in a game where you got a feat for every HD?

Draconic Malice

Flyby Attack (attack of opportunity)

How Does a New GM Properly Select Players for the Campaign?

Campaign idea: Mortals are secretly cursed, giving power to the entity that did this.

Ascetic Style to apply weapon finesse?

Per RAW, when you fall Unconscious do you drop your weapon?

Best non Pathfinder adventure that I could convert to Pathfinder

Deep Dark Debris

Single natural attacks

What's the most multi-classed character you've seen in play?

Self-preservation and confusion / dominate person

Help to create a magic item

Psychodermist power grab

Solar Dragons and Primal Fire

Pinned and CMD

So How Long Have You Been Coming To This Site?

How to build a character that remove his body part to do his bidding?

Smell My Feats

Pathfinder Mimic-kin (half-mimic) Homebrew race Race

Tripping Paladin 2nd

Cave Fangs Clarifications

Is there any way to get rid of max dexterity bonus for armor?

How much turtle is TOO much turtle?

The All Bard Party

Need Slayer Builds to get into Dimensional Savant

Cybertech & Ability Drain

Adventures in Cheliax Advice

Driving feature and Ranged Trip

Looking for input on a Multi-class build

Azothath's Homebrew: Gigas Spumans (giant foaming hopper) Vermin(insect) CR:2

Large climbing creatures and squeezing

Barbarian - Blood Totem

Detect Magic and wide area spells

Dueling / Duelist for fun and profit

Maze and low intelligence

williamoak's guide to construct crafting

Gambling profession rules

Pure steam - technological bike

Faiths & Avatars - A Pathfinder Conversion of Deities & Demigods

Clerics and Planar Binding restrictions

Kellid clan names

PF1: Bard builds

Build Help: Gnome Bloodrager

Skill Points and Hit Points

Does Flying require an action?

Weapon Focus Trick

Could a Transmuter's Telekinetic Fist hit critical?

How can I reload a double cross bow 2 bolts in free action??

Light-weavers Guild

How can I reload a double cross bow 2 bolts in free action??

Ioun Wyrd Familiar Combat Upgrade Rules Questions

Kinetic Blast VRS Spell Immunity

Librarian Bard - Should I be an Archivist or Studious Librarian

How Did You Find Out About Pathfinder?

Racial Modifiers for Skeletal Champions

Plankta Clashing Rocks

Terrain Stride, Geomancer Archetype Feature

Pathfinder 1e Gestalt Inquisitor Ranger (no dipping) assistance request

Rite Publishing 1001 Spells: Force Spikes

Massive Pathfinder 1st edition bundle from RGG

thought expirement

Squeeze and Fly?

Summary on Improvised Weapons

Betraying Sting

I don't Foudry 12+ Pathfinder 1e?

The Improviser

Beast health

Magus Arcane Pool Usage Question

Sacred Vows

Regain Dex to AC mid-Full Attack

Kineticist Invisibility vs Blindsense, underwater.

Question about Darklands Guide

Kineticist and caster level

All-Control-Loss Party

Momma said she'd slap the black off me, is this how?

A Maddening Number of Planes

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