First Edition

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chatgpt game

How do multiple movement types interact with eachother in one move action?

Monster manual

On Playing A Lawful Evil Asmodean Inquisitor

Shift (Su):

Bard's Countersong and Critical Success / Failure

If All Classes Got Feats Every Level What Would You Give to Replace Bonus Feats?

What happens if a Vampire bites an inert clone?

Harrow DoMT - Tyrant

Ranged hunter, ranged companion build advice

Can you select the vigilante Talent "Shield of Blades" without meeting the strength requirement for power attack?

Killing the summoner

Does readying onto higher initiative move the entire turn to new initiative?

Antipaladin and vmc cavalier order of the stars.

Magical Tail DCs

Basis for the Shaman and Witch Spell Lists

Abilities that recharge duration question?

Classes that emulate creatures

Sword and quickdraw shield, or sword and unarmed strike? Which combo is prefered for Two-Weapon Fighting?

Kender Random 'Found' Item Table.

Haste extra attack and stacking with similar effects

Remove fear / Unbreakable Heart

Tiefling question

Can I use Lethal Grace to get Noble Scion?

What is the highest critical multiplier possible?

Blighted Defiler clarification

What do you think would be more dangerous in a fight? A Bow Warpriest or a Sling warpriest?

Do I need quick draw if i wanna play a two weapon fighting inquisitor so i can cast spells?

About to play a Arcanist, First ever full arcane caster, Got any tips?

Monk Related Questions

Blighted Defiler clarification

Occult Adventures - Medium - Haunt Channeler

Spell based Temporary HP and Feat / Trait based Temporary HP -- stack?????

What bombs actually work with perfumers Effervescent Bombs?

You got drunk after an AP and woke up to find you'd passed the test of the starstone, what happens next?

Which ability do you think would be more generally useful?

A curious question with absolutely no ulterior motives

Cant find Deific / Fiendish / Fey / Etc ... Obedience boon list

How does phylactery of positive channeling interact with bless equipment?

New fcb list, non-racial

Add Non-witch Spells to Witch Spell List

Rakshasa's Fortune Arcana

Crating math

how to trap a minor deity

Crits on rapid shot, mounted AoO?

Should my slayer take a level of Vivisectionist, or not?

[Dreamscarred Path of War] How do Stances work out of combat?

What modifications would you make to this kensai magus build?

Tower Rhyme?

Inspired Blade / Noble Fencer / Shackles Corsair Swashbuckler

The Radical- an inquisitor archetype

Am I right this is how the nail of blood works?

The Harpy's Captivating Song

What Does Capsize Actually Do?

Fixing my main character

Sqeezing and grapple

NPC Codex for PC pre-gens?

Could a Ghost Rider choose Order of the Saddle?

When class levels count as OTHER class levels

Silksworn Occultist and Trappings of the Warrior

Reaping strike and vital punishment

Deed of Renown: Hilt Hammer

Iluzry's Guide To The Mystic Theurge

help me flesh out 2 adventuring duos

Are there any ways to demoralize as a move or swift action?

Eldritch Scion Clarification


Looking for a searchable database

Reach Metamagic Animate Dead, how many undead can I make?

Interaction between outflank and paried opportunist with Fighter Tactics ot simular feature

Canned Coven

Brass Knuckles Questions

How does the Deathsnatcher get it's stats?

Top 5 most powerful classes at Level 20

How would you go about making a kensai magus with the end goal of using Maximized Spellstrike?

Is the arcane strike feat worth it on a spell dancer magus?

Havocker Witch with Kineticist Dip

Easy-To-Make Constructs through Promethean Disciple?

Is drinking blood an inherently evil act?

Peer review my classes; Antimage and Arbalist

Azothath's Homebrew: Durable Aniform:T(4-5) spell

Pathfinder 1e animal training / combat training

Using Silent Image in Combat

Titan reality vs modify

Do melee occultist keep up in the damage department?

Tripping with off hand

Azothath - Purchased Mounts - and in particular horses

Pathfinder Kingmaker Sheet Management

Question about Grappling and Attacks of Opportunity

Blood God Disciple inspiration

Kingmaker Foundry VTT Questions..

Stacking arcane archer abilities

Venomous Stare / Anathema Interaction? (1E Mesmerist / Investigator)

Ascetic form and specified style strikes.

Missing Mythic Powers?

Condition-based build

Bodyguard Feat (one FAQ to rule them all?)

PCGen 6.06.00 -- Adding Pathfinder Templates

How would you go about building a spellblade magus?

Verduous Ooze

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