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Hunter's Ward Aspect requirements?

What type of bonus does the deck of many things star card give?

Brainstorm Uses for the Summon Instrument cantrip

The Shugenja from 3.0 Oriental Adventures and the d20 Rokugan Setting

Excited about a 3pp Class, wanted the opinions of long-time players on it

What happens if 2 mythic spellcasters run a foul of each other and actually want to kill each other?

Can you extend a spell affected by enduring blessing mythic abilitiy?

Melee druid with only pathfinder 1e core rulebook

multiclass Ranger / Shifter / Hunter questions

GM Help: Kingdom Description / Scenario

Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook FAQ

Improved Eldritch Heritage Interaction with Draconic Heritage Question

What Minimum level to fight a Tarrasque and win?

The Slumbering Tsar - Starting, DM Set up, Questions, and Advice

[DSP] Maintaining Psionic Focus

Concentration Checks and SoP casting

Amalgamation of the Rasping Rifts and the Ivory Labyrinth?

So I want a walking cauldron for my witch, and I just grabbed Craft Wondrous Item, but...

Alchemist Promethean Archetype

Dex-based melee users kinda get the shaft

Question about Hallow - interred vs. died

Is Paragon Surge OP?

Wolf with Greater Trip and Other Feats... is this correct?

Hellknight or Anti Paladin?

Can racial heritage be use to give me the fcb of a gnome?

Move Action and Spells

Leveled Mutations

How to Rappan Athuk 1e

Crafting mastery technicality

Looking for raw AND rai, but which templates, if any, that are normally applied to individuals, can be applied to Swarms?

Tyrant antipaladin into Hellknight

Converting Golarion for Warhammer Fantasy 4e

Savant Opinions and Suggestions (Expanded New Paths Compendium by Kobold Press)

Light Blindness

Comparing 9th level casters

The double hackbut

How would desna's 2nd evangelist boon interact with clustered fire balls and bloodline arcana

For you Gestalt creators out there, need some help

Custom template for bosses ^^

Looking for archetypes that count as fighter levels

Fun low level player minions

Any good ways to negate armor penalties?

Is locking stuff useful?

True Primitives and their Trophy Fetish

Any way to cheat the premature death caused by using a Temporal Accelerator?

Is taking a level of crossblooded sorcerer orc and dragon worth it on a winter witch build

Arcanist and Spell loss upon death

Unchained classes and existing Archetypes

Gauntlet Unarmed Strikes and AoO

Headband of Vast Intelligence skill + skillpoints?

Blink and Blind-Fight

Fly Speed / Airwalk for Wolf Mount

Ships: Sailing & Combat

Can you apply Construct only templates to a Tsukumogami, and can you make an Undead Tsukumogami?


Do you feel new characters make sense?

Spell Combat Thrown Starknife?

Bhole natural reach 60 feet?

Ring of Wishing for More Wishes

Does this armor combo work?

Advice requested. Running 1st ed wrath of righteous campaing

Deadly aim and Magic Missile.

Holy tactician Paladin of Iomedae + slightly homebrew Hellknight or other PrC's

Can a crossblooded sorcerer take the unique bloodline alternative capstone?

Can you Dispel an Anti-Magic field?

List of 3pp Pathfinder Campaign Settings

magic items + sneak attack

Sharding and Deflect

Larva of the Outer Gods Liberated Flesh ability

Another Family Group

Sin Monk Archetype Converted To Unchained

BAB and attack spells

umbral dragon shadow breath -- negative energy?

Slayer Study vs Crimson Templar Fiendish Study

[Azoth Games] The Xiao previews Akashic Expansions: Tai Lin

Thinking of doing a solo campaign, any advice?

Tiefling "invisible to undead"

Advice on Chelish Diva bard archetype please?

One-Shot Idea -- After the Wish

Can a crossblooded sorcerer take the unique bloodline alternative capstone?

Deadly dealer / Cards as weapons Gambler build

Advice on kitsune fighter build

Hand of the Apprentice+Double weapon

Spell Combat (not Spellstrike!) with a Sharding Weapon

What would I have to do to continue putting out Pathfinder 1st Edition content?

Does anyone know of any special gems or a suppliment that has them?

[Legendary Games] The ARCFORGE UNIVERSE Kickstarter has launched!

Wyrwood Traits

Wizard Archetype Spell Sage Spell Study - Scribing Spells and Other Crafting

What do you think ioun stones are?

Axe-Chucks, yo!

Age of Worms PC tie-ins? And a rant.

How many times in a single round can a metamagic rod be used?

What reason is there to use Axes over swotds ?

Can I choose to have an action take longer?

Do elemental styles...

Does RAW - Rune of Durability double a monk\brawler's hp?

Spheres of guile release?

Crafting firearms

Making a Human Gunslinger With Mythic Ranks. Need Some Help

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