First Edition

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Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
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Stacking fear immunity and fear removing abilities

What is "ground"?

Ascetic Style with Amulet of Mighty Fists?

Paizo Blog: FAQ on Errata

Shifter w / Alternate Natural Attacks + Id Rager Bloodrager Level Dip

Possible to get the Hellfire Ray spell prior to lvl 11?

Bloodline Familiar question

Problem with Vexing Dodger (Limb-Climber)

Remove balephul polymorph by balephul polymorph

[Theorycraft] Putrefactor Witch and Bilocation, Familiar Matrioska

Help finding most detailed map?

Detonate, syringe spear, quick draw, two weapon fighting and you

Fighter turning Barbarian

Pressure Points Trick

Ambidextrous Feat Input

Altered and New Classes

Scarab sages / Osirion Scenarios

Flaming Sphere Placement

Your Opinion Sought: Crafting Magic Items Rules-Change

Replacing one polymorph effect with another

PFS How to get around DR with alchemical cartridges?

[Village of the Damned] 100 Villagers

Creating Magic Items and Caster Level

Making a shaman.

Toon Template / Subtype, free for any who want it.

Id Rager question

Cat folk urogue claw viability

Exalted Expanded Portfolio + Divine Source + Conduit of Divine Will

FULL 3.5 to Pathfinder Warlock conversion.

do we know who created the Arcanist?

Class suggestions to go with a character concept needed

Dirge of Doom

Turnabout Vigilante Talent

A problem while using the Projectionist archetype.

Skill rank reimbursment with Martial Dominance

Casting Miracle in a Demon Lord's Deific Realm?

Composite Bow question

Sorcerer savingthrow stacking question

Is "Umbral Strike; necromancy (shadow)" a Misprint?

Greater Alchemical Simulacrum vs. Leadership

Can haunts be dazed?

Net Questions - Holding multiple nets

Ruling on Caster Level and is my DM right?

Regarding Buckler AC bonus and Crossbows.

GM / Player Advice on all Martial AP

Caster level vs class level

Cave druid ooze form at level 8?

Healing nonlethal damage

Evolved summoned monster question

Disable traps whith blind-fight.

Do Sacred weapon and Warrior spirit stack?

Would you (IRL) wear a Ring of Lifebleed if it was also a Ring of Resumption and / or a Ring of Regeneration?

All Things Kaiju

mind magic immunity and illusions

Phoenix Sorcerer feat help needed

Bodyguard Monk idea

Noble Scion PrC and max cohort level

Infusion Specialization and elemental overflow

Idea Needed for a Monster of Vast (almost apocalyptic) Destruction

Starfinder Classes.

Useful feats for a promethean alchemist?

Build Advice: Martial Bodyguard

Which weapons are treated as....?

Ganny Elda, Empyreal Lord of Hearths, Kitchens, and Hospitality

Dhampire / Vampire melee build

Shadow Walk and Wind Walk in combat speeds?

Do the bonuses from Extreme Mood Swings, Amplified Rage and Raging Vitality stack?

The Ginosaji!

Recent Zen Archer Clarifications?

Flurrying with a hooked boss buckler

Is this an infinite size interaction RAW?

Need high level adventure design advice

Lifesurge weapon on a Hungry Ghost Monk

Custom "Ki Spell" Quaterstaff Creation Advice

Amplified Hex and Split Hex - can you do both on a hex?

So... my pathfinder archive got damaged

How would you rule Sleeves of Many Garments mimicing a Shinobi Shozoku?

Mounted pounce question

Serpentine Tattoo and natural attacks

Tinkering with the First World (AP spoilers)

Amora Campaign Setting

soulbow vs arrows

Pathfinder Artificer

soulbow vs arrows

soulbow vs arrows

Master Craftsman Feat Questions

Detect Fiendish Presence and Undetectable Alignment

DC for knowledge checks on Unique monsters

Swallow Whole for PCs-?

Catfolk Arcane Bloodrager Build Advice (1E)

A variety of rays! Please comment and make suggestions

How does Wild Shape actually work

RuneForged Weapon (Sadistic) Interaction Questions

Rules Clarification: Master Of Many Styles Bonus Feats

Aspect of the Beast feat

Style feats and swift actions

How would you rule noticula's profane ascension gift after her ascension as a deity?

Invisibility question

Tiny God: theory-crafting homonculus

Tombs of Golarian: "A Note on Buried Potential"

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