First Edition

General Discussion
Rules Questions
Paizo Products
Product Discussion, Beginner Box
Pathfinder Player Companion
Third-Party Pathfinder RPG Products
Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
Homebrew and House Rules

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Crafting Magic Items with Feats

Spirit Animals for each PC; Suggest a few?

Question on domain powers

Channel smite

What was that alternate class feature again?

Sources for Alchemy

Paizo Blog: The GameMastery Countdown Begins!

Any word on a Pathfinder "basic?"

Horse animal companion errata?

Golem's neutralized by Silent Image?

Need a new Ranger character for evil campaign

Secretly Going evil in a good group of PC's

Druids and Animal Companions

A list of alignment tied rules

Second Darkness Campaign Traits 2nd Try

Second Darkness Campaign Traits

LPJ Design will be closed from May 4 – 9 Due to Baby Birth but we have a surprise for you…

Discussion on improving the 9th level foresight spell

Possible New Feat??

Is the Mystic Theurge Viable?

Re: the movie ninja assassin. Need help stating a weapon out

Advancing Creatures Question?

Osirian Images Needed

Two wand weilding feat?

Improvised weapons feats...

Charm Spells

Alchemists and Cure Spells Updates

Plant Growth stacks with itself?

New class: The Elementalist

Quick thought about size and CMB

Girallon has +2 CMB from...where?

Greater Grapple feat, grappled and pinned in the same round?

Take 10 on magic item creation?

Summoned creatures with cleric levels...

So, definite answer to the improved natural attack / monk question?

Wild Speculation About 2011

Delaying Feats

Beast Shape I on a Toad

Converting Wizards' Intellectual Property

Simple question about metamagics

The Wildman, a new class

Does the Cavalier mount advance like a Druid's companion?

Power and strings

Need Ideas

Best Teamwork Feat for Cavalier?

Skills: Ranks

Cleric - Channel Energy

Deadly Aim

Website for finding a group.

Deflect Arrows and Splash Weapons

Sorcerer w / out Bloodline

Leadership: Strong Followers and Weak Followers

Animated figure / doll?

Grapple & Sneak Attack

Grapple: what are your options?

Afflictions and Saves

Monkeys and other things

Advanced Players Guide and Pathfinder Society

Looking for concepts ideas for a polearm fighter.

Best Pathfinder NPC Generators?


[Headless Hydra Games] Spell Compendium...please read!

Need clarification: Two-Weapon Rend

Prestige Class: Celestial Scion

Is it me or do Barbarian rage powers weak sauce.

Is there an annotated character sheet?

Charisma Based Checks

Creating new undead variants from Classic Horrors with animate dead?

Elemental Body and Natural Spell!

Calculating BAB for prestige classes

Illusory Wall?

Cleric alignment shift?

Homebrew Class Idea: Tarot Mage

Armor spikes + Greatsword in two weapon fighting still possible?

Water Elemental 'Drench' ability

Wildshape, and AC

Harrower Prestige Class

Flails And Two-Weapon Fighting

Question about multiclassing and BAB

Making an inquisitor

Fighter switching out Heavy Armor Proficiency

Cleric Domains and multiclassing!

Lawful Good Alchemist and Poison

[Devil’s Workshop] Undefeatable 16 for The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Released

Dispel Magic

Campaign Without A Healer

Mystaran Immortals

PDF publishing in Brick and Mortar Stores

Able to cast X level divine / arcane spells

Monk Flurry Multi-class

Ruling on Armored Kilt

Iconic Player Character Sheets?

Caster progression Swap

What is a Gish?

Possible issues with Homebrew Campaign Set up

Different take on Fear Effects

Pathfinder Tibbit conversion?

Spell-less Paladin?

Constitution bonus effects and Hit points

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