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How does the Exalted Prestige Class "Expanded Portfolio (Su)" Ability Work?

Homebrew Racial Trait for the Race Builder: Immortal. Please let me know if this is reasonable.

Fire Trail damage clarification

homebrew character classes: the Tourist

Has anyone run a game (especially, but not limited to, an Adventure Path or Module) but changed it so that the PCs (or at least some of the PCs) have NPC wealth but gain a bonus level?

Enchantment and willing target

Pomp and Pageantry trait from Halfling of golarion

Despel Magic vs Magic Trap

How many Race Points do you think equals CR +1?

Simple class templates and high spellcasting modifier


Owen K.C. Stephens and New Pathfinder 1e Material

Worldbuilding Exercise - Get 5 Random Races, Build a Setting

Creating Gods

What is a good mythic path for occultist?

Nonlethal, Sneak Attack and Damage Reduction.

Multiple (Different) Natural Attacks using the same limbs?

Seamantle slam attack

Alchemist dip and high level mutagens

New Metamagic Feat (Why Doesn't This Exist?)

What bonuses can you stack on damage cantrips?

Sorcerer archetype Razmiran Priest (Wildblooded-Sage) Arcane Bloodline at 5th & 11th level

Should knowledgeable players be able to 'solve' encounters?

looking to build a sorcerer..

Weightlifting Competition

Looking for a drain theme character

Would an Unfettered Eidolon work as different creature types?

Intelligent legendary Items

Elemental Monk is seriously janked

Is there a feat or trait to give ambidexterity like the old 3.5 one?

Would it be reasonable for a Winter Witch to also be an Evangelist, with the Aligned Class being the PRESTIGE Class Winter Witch?

Official Tiefling content books?

Raising BAB and other small questions.

What's the simplest / most complex unoffical change you've made to a statblock?

Arcanist and Wizard-Only Spells

Healer's Way - Divine Herbalist d6 progression

DMDM's Guide to the Spell Sage DRAFT Part 1

Wiz arch Spell Sage at 5th & 11th level

Possible Bestiary 6 Errata

"makes" a check

Looking for feedback on a Rogue build

Resistance vs Vulnerability?

Bardic Masterpiece: Lingering Leitmotif

[Purple Duck Games] EZG reviews the Porphyra Roleplaying Game (Porphyra RPG)

How AoO's and reach work

replaced class Abilities and magic items

What counts as a Prepared spell?

Does Grasping Darkness have a saving throw?

Sacred Summons: Can a Sarenrae worshipping cleric summon [Good] monsters ?

Idea to rescale damage


Varisian Pilgrim - Caravan Bond question

Temporary negative levels and buffing before saving throws

Tattooed Sorcerer

Negative levels always temporary before they become permanent?

How to deal with a paladin tank ac?

Succubus in a grapple.

Multiple attacks of tentacles (Black Magga)

List of all damage types

Arcane bond choice

The most powerful class-based abilities in the Pathfinder system

Can a deity that has a stat block take levels of, say, Cleric, and worship themself / grant themself spells?

weapon shift and Shillelagh

How to protect from confusion

Divine Mind Overhaul problems [3.5 / PF1, Psionics]

weapon shift and Shillelagh

Revolver, Nagant M1895 price?

Resilient Bulk Monk

Multi-classing, Spell list access, and Magical Knack...

Stacking fear immunity and fear removing abilities

Advice for a kid-friendly adventure

Question About the Spell "Secluded Grimoire"

What classes and archetypes can cast other class spells?

Suggestions for Ocean Adventure

[Kickstarter] Iz'Areth Campaign Setting

Paladin Channel Dice on Odd Levels

Trying to homebrew some flavorful regional traits. Please help

what happen to my Arcane Bond weapon if i retraining archtype

Limitations of Disguise Self

Idea to end rocket tag, alteration to rolls.

Pot of Marvelous Pigments Mechanics

Shaping First World with Charisma Check, DC’s?

An idea for a complicated story

Sacred Fist Build for WOTR - Advice?

Bluffing against Confess spell

Skinsend interaction with trasmutation / polymorph effects and other spells

SKILLS (Before and After Unchained) ALL Opinions Welcome

Spiritualist - Resentful Aura Help?

Dispel Magic vs Kineticist and multiple effects

Campaign Building Advice Request: Aroden ; Dominion of the Black ; (Strange Aeons, Gatewalkers, Doomsday Dawn, Stolen Fate)

Need recommendation for adjusting to Leadership for a high-level 3 player party

Theorycrafting an army of followers

Rasping Rifts Planar Traits?

All Mounted Combat Rules

Custom wondrous magic item casting 1 level spell 1 / day

Myrrh, Frankincense, and Steel: Kurald Galain's Guide to the Magus

Roads and Ruins, ready to be torn apart by the community.

Grab / Constrict / Grapple - Can damage up to 3 times!?

Runelord Alaznist at full power (Spoilers)

Advanced Weapon Training combat feat Q

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