First Edition

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Product Discussion, Advice and Rules Questions
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This is probably a bad idea, but has anyone run / played in a game where you got a feat for every HD?

Draconic Malice

Flyby Attack (attack of opportunity)

How Does a New GM Properly Select Players for the Campaign?

Ascetic Style to apply weapon finesse?

Per RAW, when you fall Unconscious do you drop your weapon?

Single natural attacks

Self-preservation and confusion / dominate person

Help to create a magic item

Psychodermist power grab

Solar Dragons and Primal Fire

Pinned and CMD

How to build a character that remove his body part to do his bidding?

Pathfinder Mimic-kin (half-mimic) Homebrew race Race

Tripping Paladin 2nd

Cave Fangs Clarifications

Is there any way to get rid of max dexterity bonus for armor?

How much turtle is TOO much turtle?

The All Bard Party

Need Slayer Builds to get into Dimensional Savant

Cybertech & Ability Drain

Adventures in Cheliax Advice

Driving feature and Ranged Trip

Looking for input on a Multi-class build

Azothath's Homebrew: Gigas Spumans (giant foaming hopper) Vermin(insect) CR:2

Large climbing creatures and squeezing

Barbarian - Blood Totem

Detect Magic and wide area spells

Dueling / Duelist for fun and profit

Maze and low intelligence

williamoak's guide to construct crafting

Gambling profession rules

Pure steam - technological bike

Faiths & Avatars - A Pathfinder Conversion of Deities & Demigods

Clerics and Planar Binding restrictions

Kellid clan names

PF1: Bard builds

Build Help: Gnome Bloodrager

Skill Points and Hit Points

Does Flying require an action?

Weapon Focus Trick

Could a Transmuter's Telekinetic Fist hit critical?

How can I reload a double cross bow 2 bolts in free action??

Light-weavers Guild

How can I reload a double cross bow 2 bolts in free action??

Ioun Wyrd Familiar Combat Upgrade Rules Questions

Kinetic Blast VRS Spell Immunity

Librarian Bard - Should I be an Archivist or Studious Librarian

Racial Modifiers for Skeletal Champions

Plankta Clashing Rocks

Terrain Stride, Geomancer Archetype Feature

Pathfinder 1e Gestalt Inquisitor Ranger (no dipping) assistance request

Rite Publishing 1001 Spells: Force Spikes

Massive Pathfinder 1st edition bundle from RGG

thought expirement

Squeeze and Fly?

Summary on Improvised Weapons

Betraying Sting

I don't Foudry 12+ Pathfinder 1e?

The Improviser

Beast health

Magus Arcane Pool Usage Question

Sacred Vows

Regain Dex to AC mid-Full Attack

Kineticist Invisibility vs Blindsense, underwater.

Question about Darklands Guide

Kineticist and caster level

All-Control-Loss Party

Momma said she'd slap the black off me, is this how?

Cave Druid, wildshape Ooze and acid damage

Wildshape + Strong Jaw: Elephant, Common Gore

Are the Veins of Creation a source of Mythic Power?

Pathfinder Unlocked blog - 300+ monsters, templates, and traps

Sharing Houserule and Homebrew Doc - creating the ultimate one

How does the swachbuckler Dizzying Defense deeds and the crane style work together

Any way to add some animal / fey / Dragon features on a PC witouth the need to multiclass

Any way to hide big racial features?

Irii with Agile Mythic Simple Template and the Temporal Accelerator makes for an interesting combo.

Underground Greenhouse

Kineticist Powers I Would Like To See

Sayter question

Toxicant and natural attacks

Purchasing Magic Items and Base Value

DMs who started with AD&D 1 / 2 - why do you still run 3.x?

Level 12 druid Wild Shape question

Ice Cream Flavors

Druid Gear

Oath against Fiends and Oath of the crusarder.

All day spell duration?

Kensai Magus, how does it even work?

Undead slayer's handbook region trait page 13 : Unflinching Faith

Energy Resistance and Vulnerablity

Guide to the Class Guides

Bypassing Age-related penalties?

What races, if any, would have a problem with Superhumans?

Attack of Opportunity while dual weilding?

homebrew character class: Martial Paladin

Homebrew character class: The Sneakspell [?]

Max One Level Dip Multiclass Build (PFS)

Does Whip Mastery eliminate the attack of opportunity generated by combat maneuvers?

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