Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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How Did You Find Out About Pathfinder?

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FAQ System

Update me on the status of your PF1 campaign!

Any other magical schools than Magaambyan institute?

101 Cursed items

Monsters You Wish Got Stats in Pathfinder?

What is your favorite ranged damage dealer?

Back to PF1 and Roll 20

Anyone know what are the top 5 largest dungeons in 1e?

Why isn't Disrupt Undead on the Cleric spell list?

So How Long Have You Been Coming To This Site?

Stuff That You Wish Paizo Had Done For Pathfinder 1E?

Druid Wild Shape Doesn't Seem Balanced

What do you think it would take to redeem Krampus?

Have you added a Prestige Class to a Monster (anything with Racial HD) without a regular class? What was it like?

[New Player] What assumptions do you use when calculating ranged damage?

Gnomes in Pathfinder

Black Iron?

Vivisectionist and Antropomorphic Animal

Mythic broken?

Custom Race Balance

Community Use Package - Iconics, character sheets

Character Deification

Characters you want to play?

When does posting to the PF1 forum become an act of nostalgia...

Your very first character to make it to level 20

Meet the Characters - new Campaign.

REJOICE! Empower spells DOES increase static bonuses!

How can I get full PF1 source rules content for a personal / community project?

Magic Item Cost Calculator

Beyond Morality for a Mythic Cornugon (Horned Devil)

DEX-Based Magus Equips

Would you take an ability that would make you impossible to kill? Details inside.

Pathfinder Pawns art not found in Adventure Paths

Name that Demiplane!

Is there any character builder that has a gestalt option for pathfinder?

Out of curiosity: What are the restrictions on the magic items that you can make a legendary item?

Blood Arcanist Bloodline Options

help to assemble a combo, two-weapon barbarian

Is there a (mythic) feat or ability that lets you...

Is there a monster…

Where did I see this? Human NPCs with +2 to ability scores?

Minimum 4d6 for rerolls opinions

GMs: Giantslayer Half-Orc Hatred in Trunau

Why would you ever combine Two Weapon Fighting with power attack?

What's the most multi-classed character you've seen in play?

How hard is the Emerald Spire?

Vivisectionist Ratfolk take over Golarion

Schrodinger's Catfolk

Rise of the Runelords: Alternatives to The Shopkeepers Daughter encounter

Spell and MIC order for Chimney Backed snail.

Shadow / Sneak attack tripper w / AoO

Why can't Alchemists craft Elixirs?

Help with a Bloodrager1 / Hunter X build or similar

Androffan Names.

The All Bard Party

Light-weavers Guild

Librarian Bard - Should I be an Archivist or Studious Librarian

thought expirement

I don't Foudry 12+ Pathfinder 1e?

Are the Veins of Creation a source of Mythic Power?

Any way to add some animal / fey / Dragon features on a PC witouth the need to multiclass

Irii with Agile Mythic Simple Template and the Temporal Accelerator makes for an interesting combo.

Underground Greenhouse

Kineticist Powers I Would Like To See

DMs who started with AD&D 1 / 2 - why do you still run 3.x?

Has anyone run a game (especially, but not limited to, an Adventure Path or Module) but changed it so that the PCs (or at least some of the PCs) have NPC wealth but gain a bonus level?

Owen K.C. Stephens and New Pathfinder 1e Material

Should knowledgeable players be able to 'solve' encounters?

looking to build a sorcerer..

Looking for a drain theme character

Intelligent legendary Items

What's the simplest / most complex unoffical change you've made to a statblock?

The most powerful class-based abilities in the Pathfinder system

An idea for a complicated story

Rasping Rifts Planar Traits?

Help finding most detailed map?

Scarab sages / Osirion Scenarios

do we know who created the Arcanist?

Ruling on Caster Level and is my DM right?

Would you (IRL) wear a Ring of Lifebleed if it was also a Ring of Resumption and / or a Ring of Regeneration?

All Things Kaiju

Idea Needed for a Monster of Vast (almost apocalyptic) Destruction

Useful feats for a promethean alchemist?

Need high level adventure design advice

Tombs of Golarian: "A Note on Buried Potential"

Amalgamation of the Rasping Rifts and the Ivory Labyrinth?

Dex-based melee users kinda get the shaft

Hellknight or Anti Paladin?

Tyrant antipaladin into Hellknight

Looking for archetypes that count as fighter levels

Do you feel new characters make sense?

magic items + sneak attack

Another Family Group

What would I have to do to continue putting out Pathfinder 1st Edition content?

Does anyone know of any special gems or a suppliment that has them?

What do you think ioun stones are?

Age of Worms PC tie-ins? And a rant.

How many times in a single round can a metamagic rod be used?

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