GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 2
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg;
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 4);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; +4 to next Disable Device check;
Dasus - 9 dmg;
Red - dmg;
Misfortune extended 1 round to account for Cackle
Courage, Altovin, and Dasus are up!

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Not sure what else to do to get through this door or gate so let's go again!
"Let's keep at it!" he says to Courage as it continues to guide him and the others support his attempt.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 8 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 8 + 1 + 4 = 21

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 3
Conditions: Door - 4 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg;
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 4);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 9 dmg;
Red - dmg;
Altovin continues working on the lock, but even with help from Courage and Romulus he is unable to open it.
Botting Dasus... Dasus takes out his Battleaxe and begins to hack away at the door, in hopes of simply breaking it down.
dmg: 1d12 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
The door seems pretty hard and only some of the impact of his blow goes through. Still, he hits hard enough to send some splinters flying.
Through the arrow slit, Dasus can see Red reloading his crossbow and then taking aim, apparently planning to shoot him right in the face!
Crossbow, PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 5 + 1 = 8
dmg, pbs: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
However, the excitement of having his target so close somehow causes the bolt to fly awry, as it whizzes right past Dasus' ear!
Start of Round 3
Heccuba and Romulus are up!

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Romulus sighs and steps back a bit, knocking another arrow.
Keep hacking that door down Dasus! I'll keep ya covered!
Readied action to grant AC bonus to first team member who is attacked.
Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 3
Conditions: Door - 4 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg; readied action to add +4 to AC to ally who is attacked
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 4);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 9 dmg;
Red - dmg;
Heccuba is up!

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She will give the misfortuned crosswbowmen the evil eye to make it harder for him to hit and then cackle.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 3
Conditions: Door - 4 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg; readied action to add +4 to AC to ally who is attacked
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 5); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 11)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 9 dmg;
Red - dmg;
Blue Will save DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 or Blue Will save DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Heccuba gives the already unlucky Blue the stink eye and then laughs malevolently.
Blue attempts to return the favor, shooting a bolt at Heccuba.
Blue crossbow, PBS, evil eye: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 8 or Blue crossbow, PBS, evil eye: 1d20 + 5 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 1 - 2 = 8
But he is very unlucky!
Altovin and Dasus are up!

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 3
Conditions: Door - 14 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg;
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 5); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 11)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 9 dmg;
Red - dmg;
I forgot to note last time that Romulus readied action to aid Heccuba's AC against the crossbow bolt was triggered, though it didn't make a difference since it missed anyway.
Dasus bashes the door again. Although it is still in place, it is looking noticeably battered.
Altovin is up!

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"Alright! Let's break it down!" Altovin cheers as he waits for Dasus to strike and follows with his own...trying to aim for the same spot.
Attack (MW CI Morningstar): 1d20 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 + 1 = 12
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 4
Conditions: Door - 15 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg;
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 11 dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Altovin easily hits the door but barely makes a dent in its hard surface.
Red once again reloads his crossbow and takes a shot at Dasus!
Crossbow, PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 5 + 1 = 26 Uh oh!
dmg, pbs: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Crit Confirm? Crossbow, PBS: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 5 + 1 = 14 Whew!
Red hits Dasus but narrowly misses taking out his eyeball.
Start of Round 4
@Heccuba, you can't misfortune someone that you've already misfortuned, but you can use it on the Red guy (without causing the one you already have on Blue to lapse). (Assuming that is what you intended, then...)
Red Will DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Heccuba now has both of the hapless crossbowmen under her spell, causing her to cackle with glee.
Romulus is up!

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Romulus draws back his arrow... what else can he do but make sure his comrades are safe while they break down the door?
Defend against the first attack made against ally.
Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 4
Conditions: Door - 15 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg; readied action to aid another AC +4
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 11 dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Romulus once again readies to provide covering fire for his friends who are bashing in the door.
Blue steps out of view and all the pathfinders hear the sound of a loud bell being rung.
Altovin and Dasus are up! If someone wouldn't mind botting Dasus in light of his recent post about being sick that would be helpful (Dasus, hope you get well soon!).

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"Dasus! Let's knock it down this time. You go first!" Altovin calls out as his ally smashes the door.
Damage (Dasus): 1d12 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Not giving the door a chance to recover (lol) the gnome follows with his own strike.
Damage (Altovin): 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 4
Conditions: Door - 15 dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Romulus - dmg; readied action to aid another AC +4
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Dasus - 11 dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Dasus smashes the door to smithereens. Through the now open doorway, the pathfinders see a long and narrow guardroom. The heavy wooden door in the western wall is now in ruins. An iron lever is set in the northwest corner, and a pull rope hangs on the northeast corner. A rather unfortunate looking human (Blue) stands next to the pull rope, looking like he is ready to pull on it again, perhaps now with greater urgency, while another unfortunate fellow (Red) stands just before you, loaded crossbow in hand.
Altovin, you can still act since Dasus' blow was sufficient to destroy the door.

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Altobin seeing the bleeding wounds on Dasus get worse he takes a moment to create a divine connection between the two.
Standard: Life Link w/ Dasus.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 5
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12)
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 11 dmg;
Romulus - dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Altovin establishes a mystical healing link with Dasus.
Red shouts, "Frank, ring the alarm bell again! I'll try to hold them off." He drops his crossbow, draws a short sword, and steps into the now-open doorway to attack... 1 Altovin, 2 Dasus: 1d2 ⇒ 2 ... Dasus.
Short Sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 OR Short Sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
But between his misfortune and the assistance of Romulus, his attack misses badly.
Romulus, I've moved you to just before Red in the initiative order.
Start of Round 5
Heccuba can act!

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She will attempt to put the one ringing the bell to sleep with her hex or if not, the other one and then cackle
dc 15 will

GM Abraham |

Heccuba, Blue is out of range (30') of your slumber hex unless you move (which will not leave you a move action to cackle). You've already used Slumber on Red and cannot do so again for 24 hours. If you want to slumber Blue, you'll need to move up to be within 30' range.
Still Heccuba's turn!

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 5
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12); sleeping; prone; crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 9 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 11 dmg;
Romulus - dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Heccuba moves forward and casts her supernatural gaze upon Blue through the now open doorway, bidding him to sleep a sweet slumber...
Will DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 OR Will DC 15: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20... Already afflicted by misfortune, the poor fellow slumps to the ground before he can ring the bell again.
Altovin, Dasus, and Romulus are up!

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Start of my turn Dasus is healed 5 damage and I take 5 damage.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 + 2 + 1 = 7 Taking me to 15.
As Dasus feels his wounds closing quickly Altovin groans in pain as tears of blood drip down his eyes. The gnome steps back away from the enemy before pulling out and using his wand.
"Do not worry for me or fear those brigands. Take them out quickly, Dasus." he calls out.
After coughing a few times he asks Courage to help out as well before and it obliges by flying over to peck Dasus on the head. While annoying he feels more focused.
Courage: Guidance on Dasus.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 5
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12); sleeping; prone; crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 6 dmg; Guidance;
Romulus - dmg;
Red - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Dasus and Romulus are up!

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Romulus pulls back his bow.
Keep the pressure up Dasus, we got them on the run!
Covering Fire!
Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC. Triggered on the first ally to be attacked.

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Dassus will try to take out the remaining, awake man with his ax
1d20 + 7 + 1 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 1 = 18
1d12 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 6
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 12); prone; crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 6 dmg;
Romulus - dmg; Readied action to add +4 to AC of first ally to be attacked.
Red - 10 dmg; Misfortune (expires round 6)
Romulus provides covering fire for his friends.
Then, with the guidance of the little bird, Dasus steps into the doorway and chops at Red with his axe, dealing him a grievous blow!
Red steps back 5' and kicks the snoring Blue urgently. "Hey, wake up! This is no time to nap!"
Start of Round 6
Heccuba is up!

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The witch will cackle to keep up the hexes affecting the cretins
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10 and attempts to intimidate the standing guard
Stop where you are or when I catch you I'll gut your from sternum to crotch and allow Book to feast on your innards

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 6
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 7); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 13); crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 12 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 1 dmg;
Romulus - dmg;
Red - 10 dmg; Misfortune (expires round 7)
Heccuba attempts to scare Red but he is no more unnerved than he already is.
After being kicked by his friend, Blue wakes from his snooze with a start and leaps to his feet in alarm and swiftly rings the bell again. Previously, he rang the bell a single time, but this time he rings it twice, with what seems to be much greater urgency. The bell is quite loud.
Then he steps forward 5'.
Altovin's lifelink triggers, healing Dasus for 5, and giving Altovin 5 additional dmg.
The bold may act!

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Romulus pulls back his arrow.
We got them on the run!
Covering Fire!
Readied Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.

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CLW: 1d8 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 2 + 1 = 10
Altovin smiles through the pain as more of the wounds Dasus has suffered begin to close. He taps himself once more with the wand before following Dasus into the room.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 6
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Misfortune (expires round 7); Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 13); crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 1 dmg; Guidance
Romulus - dmg; readied action to give ally +4 to AC;
Red - 10 dmg; Misfortune (expires round 7)
Romulus once again provides covering fire for his allies.
Altovin cures himself of some of the damage that he has taken and then enters the room.
The small bird Courage hovers out of reach of the cat and offers some mystical guidance to the bold Dasus.
Dasus is up! Since we haven't heard from Dasus in awhile, would someone like to bot him for now?
Romulus' readied action triggers, giving Dasus a +4 to AC.
MISFORTUNE: Red short sword vs Dasus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 OR Red short sword vs Dasus: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Red slashes at Dasus as he moves by, but misses.

GM Abraham |

Bump! Someone want to bot Dasus? I've written to him but haven't heard back yet. Sure hope he's ok!

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 7
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 13); crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link (Dasus);
Dasus - 1 dmg;
Romulus - dmg;
Red - 10 dmg;
Dasus moves into the room to attack Red. As he passes through Altovin's square Red swings at him but, hampered by the witch's misfortune hex, the hapless fellow misses. Dasus swings at him as well, but also misses.
Red attempts to hit the dangerous looking half-orc...
Misfortune: short sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17 OR short sword: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
... but once again his bad luck stymies him.
Begin Round 7
It looks like I goofed - the misfortune hexes should have expired last round, before Heccuba had a chance to cackle to extend them. I'm not going to retcon it, but they do now, finally, expire. (They expire just before Heccuba's turn on the round that they expire. This basically means - until you hit level 8 and Misfortune lasts 2 rounds - if you want it to keep going you need to hex and cackle on the first round that you use it, and then cackle every round to keep it going - since you had one round where you moved up and used your slumber hex, it now expires before you can extend it again).
Heccuba is up!

GM Abraham |

It's still Heccuba's turn. Since we have two new players joining us, I'll just have them join in now (on Dasus' initiative), and have Dasus fade out, rather than waiting until this fight ends - I'm starting to wonder if it ever will.... :-)

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Dotting in and waiting for an intro before an IC post.

GM Abraham |

00:00 || Round 7
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (3:00);
Blue - dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 13); crossbow dropped;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; Life Link(Dasus);
Dasus - 1 dmg;
Romulus - dmg;
Yanda - dmg;
Ylosani - dmg;
Red - 10 dmg;
Just then, something strange happens. Dasus, with his greatsword poised to separate Red's head from his shoulders, instead becomes incorporeal and insubstantial, as he magically fades away, hopefully to return soon. At the very same moment, the pathfinders hear the sounds of footsteps on the stairs following them into the Spire. Before they have a chance to worry that they are being attacked now from both sides, they see two familiar faces: Yanda and Ylosani, whom the group had met back at the tavern in Fort Inevitable. It seems that the two decided that the pathfinders' tales of derring do in the Emerald Spire were too outrageous to be taken at face value, and they have followed the group to see for themselves.
Yanda and Ylosani, go ahead and put your tokens on the stairs on the upper left corner of the map.
Begin Round 7
Heccuba is up!

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Placed, but I do not know how to turn it into a circular icon instead of a square one.

GM Abraham |

Placed, but I do not know how to turn it into a circular icon instead of a square one.
Did it for you. Welcome!