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Romulus quickly moves into the hallway.
Well, that will announce us pretty well it seems.
He pulls back his bow and watches his new bird friend carefully...
Covering Fire!
Readied Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 10
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green - 11 dmg; prone;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Ylosani - 13 dmg; 2 non-lethal; 2 CON dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Orange - 3 dmg;
Romulus - dmg; readied action triggers when ally attacked, but no AC bonus this time;
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 22 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, dying.
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin and Romulus synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1). Heccuba hasn't gone through yet but will be 1 round later.
Romulus moves up and prepares to offer some covering fire (but his arrow will go astray.)
Blue stabilization: 1d20 + 1 - 4 ⇒ (5) + 1 - 4 = 2
Fire spread?: 1d20 ⇒ 3 The fire in the corridor grows a little larger.
Green throws himself on the ground and rolls about, trying to put the flames out.
Reflex: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
He succeeds, but he now lies prone on the floor.
The bold may act!

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Ylosani has little sympathy for the man who shot an arrow at him and even less respect for his swordsmanship. He chops down at the man who is still smoking.
MW Katana: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Slashing: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Perhaps...subconsciously...he does have some sympathy for him.

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The witch pats the archer on the rump to give his a sense of guidance and then moves closer to the fray.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 10
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green - 11 dmg; prone;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg;
Ylosani - 13 dmg; 2 non-lethal; 2 CON dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Orange - 3 dmg;
Romulus - dmg; readied action triggers when ally attacked, but no AC bonus this time; Guidance;
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 22 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, dying.
Ylosani swings at his opponent but in his excitement misses badly.
Heccuba gives Romulus some divine guidance and then hurries up to join the others.
Heccuba Fort: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin and Romulus synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2).
Altovin is up!

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Unable to reach the fray Altovin bows his head calling on his mysterious powers to build a link between himself and Ylosani.
"I will share your burden. Do not be afraid. I will return shortly." he says while retreating after establishing the link. Since I forgot earlier heading back to stabilize the dying enemies. My lifelink functions from 120 feet currently anyways.
Standard: Life Link (Ylosani). Movement: 20 feet.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 11
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green - 11 dmg; prone;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Ylosani - 13 dmg; 2 non-lethal; 2 CON dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 16 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; Guidance;
Orange - 3 dmg;
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, dying.
Fire spread?
Altovin establishes a mystical healing link with one of the newcomers.
Altovin Fort DC+2: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Romulus Fort DC +2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (2 doses) and Romulus (2 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2).
Pink stabilization check: 1d20 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 2 - 5 = 4
Orange takes a swing at Ylosani with his short sword, triggering Romulus' covering fire, which is ineffective this time... (Romulus, this moves you to just before Orange in the initiative)
short sword: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
... but his blow comes nowhere near the well-armored tengu.
Blue stabilization check: 1d20 + 1 - 5 ⇒ (8) + 1 - 5 = 4
Fire spread?: 1d20 ⇒ 12 The fire continues to burn in the corridor beyond the battle, but does not, for the moment, spread.
Start of Round 11
Yanda is up!

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Yanda steps to teh side to get a better view and tosses a dagger at the one still standing.
"You should surrender so we can sabilize your friends and stop that fire."

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 11
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green - 11 dmg; prone;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Ylosani - 8 dmg; 2 non-lethal; 2 CON dmg;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 16 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; Guidance;
Orange - 5 dmg;
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, dying.
Fire spread?
Yanda hurls a dagger at Orange and draws some blood from the brave defender.
Green stands up, reloads his crossbow, and steps backwards 5', rather uncomfortably close to the raging fire that threatens to fill the corridor.
Altovin's mystical link with Ylosani now begins to do its work, easing the tengu's wounds and transferring them to the gnome. Does this also cure the 2 non-lethal that Ylosani took? I assume so.
Altovin, Ylosani, and Heccuba are up!

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The one who calls himself "Buzzard Bait" suddenly feels much better. He shows no sign of gratitude or surprise but continues his assault on his opponents.
MW Katana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
Slashing: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

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"Dang. I left all my gear with the mule. Anyone have anthing to put out the fire? A bedroll? Some water?"

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Yeah, it just says it heals their HP and I take damage. Pretty generic.
Altovin moves back towards the other two and lays his hand on the nearly flayed mans chest.
"Don't make me regret this but I can't let you suffer. We may be able to get to more robust help in time." he says stabilizing the soldier with the blue insignia as it looks like his friend is holding together on his own.

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The rules say "when a spell or ability cures hit point damage, it also removes an equal amount of nonlethal damage." So...maybe it just goes away?

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 11->12
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green - 11 dmg; prone;
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Ylosani - 8 dmg; 2 CON dmg; guidance;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 17 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance;
Orange- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone,dying(stable from Altovin?).
Fire spread?
Ok, that's what I assumed. The non-lethal is healed along with the lethal from life link.
Ylosani slashes at the Orange human, laying him flat on his back.
Heccuba gives a bit of magical guidance to Ylosani.
Altovin returns to the guardroom and stabilizes Blue. Altovin, what are you doing to stabilize him?
Pink stabilization check: 1d20 - 6 + 2 ⇒ (12) - 6 + 2 = 8
Romulus Fort DC +4: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (2 doses) and Romulus (3 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2).
fire spread?: 1d20 ⇒ 14
The fire raging in the corridor does not spread.
Start of Round 12
Romulus and Yanda are up! (Sorry, Romulus, you should have been up with the group already - I missed that the intervening NPC was already down.)

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Yanda tosses a vial of acid at green.
+8/1d6+5, or 6 splash acid [rng: 10 ft; 20/x2; acid] (+3[BAB] +3[dex] +1[throw anything] (+1)[pblank]/1d6 +4[int] +1[pblank])
"That has GOT to hurt."

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Oracle Cantrip

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Romulus pulls back his arrow and waits for the chance to protect his friends.
Ouch indeed.
Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 12
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green- 30 dmg; dead.
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 12 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Ylosani - 3 dmg; 2 CON dmg; guidance;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 17 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; readied action to give +4 to AC of first ally attacked;
Orange- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Yanda's flask of acid catches the Green fellow right in the eye and he collapses to the floor.
Romulus takes aim and prepares to once again aid any of his comrades in their defense.
Green stabilization: 1d20 - 12 + 1 ⇒ (4) - 12 + 1 = -7
Green lets out a death rattle and expires.
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (2 doses) and Romulus (3 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2).
Ylosani Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Yellow stealth, concealment: 1d20 + 7 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 10 = 27
Maroon stealth, concealment: 1d20 + 7 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 7 + 10 = 23
Purple stealth, concealment: 1d20 + 7 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 7 + 10 = 30
Cyan stealth, concealment: 1d20 + 7 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 7 + 10 = 19
Yellow Readied crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 dmg: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (6) = 9 Fort DC 13 20% miss chance, high is good for me: 1d100 ⇒ 29
Maroon Readied crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 dmg: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (1) = 3 Fort DC 13 20% miss chance, high is good for me: 1d100 ⇒ 60
Purple Readied crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 dmg: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + (1) = 8 Fort DC 13 20% miss chance, high is good for me: 1d100 ⇒ 46
Cyan Readied crossbow: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 dmg: 1d8 + 1d6 ⇒ (2) + (3) = 5 Fort DC 13 20% miss chance, high is good for me: 1d100 ⇒ 89
Maroon Crit confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 Crit dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 6
Purple Crit confirm: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20 Crit dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Ylosani catches the sound of something moving beyond the fire in the corridor. Smoke is beginning to fill the hallway.
All of the foes are now down but we remain in initiative because reasons.
Altovin's life link once again provides some healing to Ylosani. (Altovin now has 12 dmg, and Ylosani has 3 dmg).
Pathfinders (except Yanda) are now up!

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"Well you two won't be dying for the moment but I have to make sure my actual friends aren't dying either! It sure feels like they are trying to." Altovin says pained while heading back to the group and casting a cure spell on himself.
CLW: 1d8 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 + 2 + 1 = 10

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Altovin's assessment seems even more true as Ylosani continues moving forward. In fact, the intent way he looks at the fire suggests that he was planning on crossing it before spotting a side passage that is closer and requires investigation.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 12
Conditions: Concealment (20% miss chance) through the fire squares due to smoke; squares with boxes require a climb check to enter, are difficult terrain, and give higher ground.
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green- 30 dmg; dead.
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Yellow - dmg;
Maroon - dmg;
Purple - dmg;
Cyan - dmg;
Ylosani - 22 dmg; 2 non-lethal, 2 CON dmg; guidance; Two Fort saves needed; move action used - swift and standard still available;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 17 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; readied action to give +4 to AC of first ally attacked;
Orange- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Altovin heals himself and moves back to rejoin the rest of the group.
Courage Fort: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (4) + 0 = 4
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (2 doses) and Romulus (3 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2). Courage synesthesia at 00:11 (round 5)
Ylosani moves out around the corner, intending to investigate the doorway to the east, but before he gets there, he is met with a barrage of crossbow bolts from the other side of the fire. Although the smoke from the fire undoubtedly makes it harder to aim, still two of the bolts manage to find a chink in his armor, critically wounding him. Through the smoke, Ylosani can now make out four human warriors, dressed much like the ones you have been fighting.
Some metagame explanation: the four figures that are now on the (updated) map stealthed into the corridor last round (behind the cover of the fire and smoke) and readied actions to fire. All but one of them beat Ylosani's perception check (which is why I alerted you that you had heard a sound), but that one missed his shot anyway. Two of the others hit, both critical threats that confirmed (due to Ylosani being flat-footed to their attacks), dealing double crossbow damage as well as precision damage (from sneak attack). Total damage over two attacks was 21, two of which are converted to non-lethal, leaving 19 lethal damage and 2 non-lethal. Ylosani already had 3 dmg as well as 2 con dmg, so current total is: 22 dmg, 2 non-lethal, and 2 con dmg, leaving Ylosani (barely) conscious. The details of the readied attacks can be seen in the GM Screen 3 spoiler above (please don't look at the other GM screen spoilers) so let me know if I've made any mistakes. By my calculation the second crit only confirmed because of Ylosani being flat-footed, so let me know if I've messed anything up. Also, I gave 20% miss chances on all the shots (due to the smoke) but all the shots beat the miss chance. Ylosani still has an action remaining (having used a move action to move into the corridor and trigger the readied attacks) but first needs to make two Fort saves. Also, note that Romulus' readied action to aid AC does not trigger due to this all happening out of his view. Lastly, per Pathfinder rules about readied actions, all four of the new enemies are now in the initiative order just *above* Ylosani.
As Ylosani reels from this barrage, and considers what to do next, he realizes that there is something smeared on the crossbow bolts sticking out of his neck. Ylosani, I need 2 Fort saves. Please decide whether you are using Resolve or any other shenanigans on the first roll before rolling the second roll. Also, note that you have one use of guidance available - you need to declare its use before rolling.
Ylosani is up! (I'm going to ask Heccuba and Romulus to wait until we see the result of the rest of Ylosani's turn).

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Ylosani makes no sound as he takes several crossbow bolts. He stands firm though he does go into a more defensive stance.
Not much I can do but I'll fight defensively as my standard action to increase my AC to 23 for the next round of attacks.
I'll use Guidance on the first Fort Roll and Resolute on the second.
Fort 1 plus Guidance: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (16) + 5 + 1 = 22
Fort 2A: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Fort 2B: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 12
Conditions: Concealment (20% miss chance) through the fire squares due to smoke; squares with boxes require a climb check to enter, are difficult terrain, and give higher ground.
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Green- 30 dmg; dead.
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 2 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Yellow - dmg;
Maroon - dmg;
Purple - dmg;
Cyan - dmg;
Ylosani - 22 dmg; 2 non-lethal, 2 CON dmg; fighting defensively for +2 AC;
Heccuba - dmg; mage armor (03:00);
Pink- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; readied action to give +4 to AC of first ally attacked;
Orange- 15 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Ylosani manages to resist the poison on the crossbow bolts and adopts a defensive posture.
Pink stabilization: 1d20 + 2 - 7 ⇒ (11) + 2 - 7 = 6
Romulus Fort, DC +6: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (2 doses) and Romulus (4 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2). Courage synesthesia at 00:11 (round 5)
Heccuba and Romulus are up!
Btw, I added a picture of what these guys look like. It's over to the right side of the map.

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If it wasn't for all the smoke I would want to see there face as our tengu frontliner starts to heal from the critical arrow wounds...and they hear the pained groans of a gnome somewhere behind him, lol.

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Romulus moves up so he can have an angle to protect his friend and readies another arrow.
Don't die on me now!
Ranged Aid Another Vs AC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
[ooc]On success, 1 Teammate + all people who share this feat gain +4 to AC.[ooc]

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The witch, seeing that they cannot afford to sit there and be pot shotted by crossbow men, moves up to catch as many as she can with a flurry of snowballs, moving up next to one of the crossbow men and cast defensivley
1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23 concentration
4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 6, 4) = 19 dc 16 reflex for half

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I don't think you can do the spread like that. It's a cone that emanates from your position so the point has to be next to you. If you move one more east you can get three of them (all but green) with the other pattern.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 13
Conditions: Concealment (20% miss chance) through the fire squares due to smoke; squares with boxes require a DC 10 climb check to enter, are difficult terrain, and give higher ground.
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Yellow- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Maroon- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Purple- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Cyan- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Ylosani - 17 dmg; 0 non-lethal, 2 CON dmg; fighting defensively for +2 AC;
Heccuba - 3 dmg; mage armor (03:00); 5' up (atop crates, giving +1 to melee attacks for higher ground and counting as difficult terrain);
Pink- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; readied action to give +4 to AC of first ally attacked;
Orange- 16 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Romulus moves forward and takes aim with his bow to prepare covering fire for any of his allies that may be attacked. I believe that the 20% miss chance for the smoke should apply to this, since you are firing your arrow at the foe that is targeting your ally. I'll roll to see whether it matters and then we can discuss it if you disagree. 20% concealment miss chance, high is good for Romulus: 1d100 ⇒ 79 Ok, it's moot anyway.
Heccuba bravely rushes into the fire to try to deal with the enemy crossbowmen...
Fire dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 3 ... scorching her hands, but not too badly.
Climb DC 10, half speed: 1d20 + 0 - 5 ⇒ (17) + 0 - 5 = 12 Despite the flames blazing around her, she successfully manages to clamber atop the burning crates and begins to cast her spell. She successfully maintains her concentration while casting the spell defensively, but the flames licking at her hands are another obstacle to her concentration...
Concentration DC 10+1+2: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 The fire dmg counts as continuous damage, so the DC is 10 + 1/2 dmg taken + spell level.
... however the courageous witch is not to be deterred and manages to send a flurry of cold snowballs hurtling towards her foes...
Cyan Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Maroon Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
Yellow Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Purple Reflex DC 16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8
... and knocking all of them flat on their backs.
@Yanda, you are correct, Heccuba was using the wrong cone template. But Flurry of Snowballs is a 30' cone anyway, so she is able to catch all of them in any case.
Orange stabilization: 1d20 + 2 - 5 ⇒ (7) + 2 - 5 = 4
Fire spread?: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Once again, the narrow confines of the corridor prevent the fire from spreading.
Beginning of Round 13
Altovin's mystical link once again provides badly needed healing to Ylosani.
Courage Fort, DC +2: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2
Altovin Fort, DC +4: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Note to self: Ylosani and Yanda both made their saves; Altovin (3 doses) and Romulus (4 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 1); Heccuba synesthesia at 00:11 (round 2). Courage (2 doses) synesthesia at 00:11 (round 5)
Pathfinders are up!
To clean up the map a bit I'll be removing anyone (such as Green) who is actually dead.

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Would the snow help out out the fire?
I was going to move her next to the bad guy, but I think I lost her, lol

GM Abraham |

Would the snow help out out the fire?
I was going to move her next to the bad guy, but I think I lost her, lol
I thought about this question and did a bit of google-fu. There's no clear consensus that I could find, but some (other) spells are specifically called out as putting out fires, so I think that's a good argument for saying that Flurry of Snowballs doesn't. In addition, where you positioned yourself you actually didn't catch any of the fire squares in your cone, so that would make it moot anyway.
Now that there are no (apparent) threats besides the fire, I'll entertain ideas about how you might want to put it out. However, we are still in initiative because reasons. If it's not already obvious, this particular level of the Spire appears to be the home of a fairly organized human fighting force and you have certainly made your presence known.

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Yanda quickly moves around the corner and lobs another one of her lethal bombs at...
...She suddenly notices that all 4 of the opponents are laid out and decides to spare the bomb.
"I missed that. What did you do to those poor souls? They look all wet. Perhaps we could use their wet bodies to put out the fires?"
Liking her idea, Yanda tries to toss the body she is standing over on top of the fire beside her to smother it (yes, even though this particular body is not wet).
reposition: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

GM Abraham |

Yanda quickly moves around the corner and lobs another one of her lethal bombs at...
...She suddenly notices that all 4 of the opponents are laid out and decides to spare the bomb.
"I missed that. What did you do to those poor souls? They look all wet. Perhaps we could use their wet bodies to put out the fires?"
Liking her idea, Yanda tries to toss the body she is standing over on top of the fire beside her to smother it (yes, even though this particular body is not wet).
Do you mean the dead body next to you (which I've just removed from the map), or the unconscious one in your square? If the latter, be aware that that's probably an evil act. Also, recall that the Hellknights who rule Fort Inevitable are quite strictly lawful, and will likely want you to bring prisoners for interrogation and/or standing trial, rather than summarily executing them.

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Naturally she will take a dead body if one is available. I'll skip on the evil act as fun as it might be.

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Altovin runs around the corner hearing the talk of using bodies.
"No! Absolutely not. Does anyone have rope? We should tie them up and get the AWAY from the fire. Use their wt clothes if you have too..." he says trying to make sure they are all away from the flames and stabalized...the ones still alive at least.
He digs through his bags and looks around for something to help with the fire.
"There was a doorway back there...maybe it is a storage closet if we can't find something out here." he says looking around hoping one of the party will decide to help.

GM Abraham |

Did she kill all of them?
No, only one is actually dead: Green, whom I've removed from the map and initiative tracker in hopes of making things simpler for y'all, though I think maybe I've just made it more confusing. Everyone else (on the map, and on the init tracker) at present is unconscious. Some are stable and some are dying. All this info is available in the init tracker.

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 13
Conditions: Concealment (20% miss chance) through the fire squares due to smoke; squares with boxes require a DC 10 climb check to enter, are difficult terrain, and give higher ground.
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Yellow- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Maroon- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Purple- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Cyan- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Ylosani - 17 dmg; 0 non-lethal, 2 CON dmg; fighting defensively for +2 AC;
Heccuba - 3 dmg; mage armor (03:00); 5' up (atop crates, giving +1 to melee attacks for higher ground and counting as difficult terrain);
Pink- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; readied action to give +4 to AC of first ally attacked;
Orange- 16 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Yanda drags Green's body into the fire, in hopes of putting it out, but it simply seems to add additional fuel to the fire, though his corpse doesn't appear quite as flammable as the cache of supplies that are already ablaze.
Altovin hurries to rejoin the group and prevent any mistreatment of the prisoners. Regarding the possibility of finding the means to put out the fire, besides the various crates and barrels that you see stacked in various places (noted on the map), there are also several doors visible now. You passed a closed door to the West (note that the map is oriented so that the right side of the map is North), near where Courage is currently. There is a closed door to the East (one square away from Ylosani). There are three doors further up the corridor (right by where the latest arrivals were just felled by the flurry of snowballs); one of these doors is open. The corridor also continues North past their bodies, with two smaller openings to the West. Whether water or some other means of putting out the fires is to be found in any of these directions is as yet unknown.
The bold may act!

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Romulus grunts and steps back from the fire.
I'm all for going up a level and waiting until it burns itself out. Maybe we'll get lucky and smoke someone.
Delay for the moment? Just in case someone does something stupid and I have to rescue them...

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"It's against my nature to let a fire burn out of control. Besides, the fire could easily get out of control and do far more damage than you might think. Scatter the piles and that should help. Fire likes company."

GM Abraham |

00:01 || Round 13
Conditions: Concealment (20% miss chance) through the fire squares due to smoke; squares with boxes require a DC 10 climb check to enter, are difficult terrain, and give higher ground.
Yanda - dmg; mutagen (00:40);
Courage - dmg;
Altovin - 7 dmg; 1 DEX dmg; life link (Ylosani);
Yellow- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Maroon- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Purple- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Cyan- 19 dmg; unconscious, prone, crossbow dropped, dying.
Ylosani - 17 dmg; 0 non-lethal, 2 CON dmg; fighting defensively for +2 AC;
Heccuba - 3 dmg; mage armor (03:00); 5' up (atop crates, giving +1 to melee attacks for higher ground and counting as difficult terrain);
Pink- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Romulus - dmg; guidance; on delay;
Orange- 16 dmg; unconscious, prone, dying.
Red- 18 dmg; unconscious, prone, stable.
Blue- 23 dmg; Evil Eye -2 atks (expires round 14); unconscious, prone, stable.
Fire spread?
Pathfinder doesn't really give me rules for adjudicating how easy or difficult it is to put out the fire - at least that I'm aware of. I'm using rules lifted from one of the APs for whether and how the fire spreads, but aside from that I'm really improvising here. Unless someone else has a suggestion, I'll entertain Survival checks to put out each square of fire: difficult (DC 20) without any firefighting supplies but I'll give bonuses if you find some source of water or blankets or other suitable means of fighting the fire. Aiding is allowed and I'll say that attempting such a check is a full round action. Seem reasonable?
Ylosani and Heccuba are up!

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So...obviously I'm benefiting from it, but how exactly does life link work? Does it split the damage evenly between us as it is taken or does it keep transferring damage from me to Altovin each round?
For all the attention Ylosani shows the fire, it appears that he doesn't care if the dead bodies, supplies or the whole spire burns down. He stares at it for a few moments, as if contemplating walking through it.
Then, he simply turns to his right and opens the door he discovered before being so rudely shot.

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Currently it checks at the start of your round if you have at least 5 damage. If you do it heals it and I take 5 damage.

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Currently it checks at the start of your round if you have at least 5 damage. If you do it heals it and I take 5 damage.
Oh...well, that's going to last a while. If Altovin explains, Ylosani will give him his Cure Light Wounds Wand.