
Aaftaab's page

443 posts. Organized Play character for noral.

Full Name

Aaftaab's Animal companion Sabz


HP 68/68 | NOW: AC 24 vs. evil | AC 22 T 17 FF 16 | CMB +0, CMD 16 | F: +11, R: +13 (Evasion), W: +9 | Init: +9 | Perc: +15 vs. traps +1, SM: +10, Dipl.: +13 | Darkvision 60ft


| Dipl. reroll 3/3 | Chaldira Reroll 1/1 | T-Shirt Reroll 1/1 | Spells 1st 3/4 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: prot. from evil, ioun torch


Male NG Grippli | Inquisitor 3, Kineticist 1, Rogue 3 |




Resources used: 4 clw charges

About Aaftaab


- - Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsmaster) 3, Kineticist (Kinetic Knight) 1, Unchained Rogue (Planar Sneak) 3 - -

Male NG Grippli

- TYPE: Humanoid (Grippli)

- SIZE: Small

- Darkvision 60 ft

- - BACKGROUND - - :


- - STATS - -

Str 5, Dex 22*, Con 16, Int 8, Wis 17, Cha 7
* Lvl 4 stat increase, +2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity

- - SAVES - -

Fortitude: +11* (Con +3, Inquisitor +3, Kineticist +2, Rogue +1, Cloak of resistance +2)

Reflex: +13* (Dex +6, Inquisitor +1, Kineticist +2, Rogue +3, Cloak of resistance +2)

Will: +9* (Wis +3, Inquisitor +3, Kineticist +0, Rogue +1, Cloak of resistance +2)

* A Rogue ‘planar sneak’ gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against all effects with the air, chaos, earth, evil, fire, good, law, or water descriptors.


-- COMBAT --

- Ranged to hit: +11 (BAB +4, Dex +6, Size +1)

- MW Net +12 (special)

- Melee to hit: +2 (BAB +4, Str -3, Size +1)

- Void Kinetic blade +11, negative energy hitting touch AC (1d6+1; 20/x2) To hit: BAB +4, Finesse +6, Size +1 / Damage: d6+ ½ Con

- Void Kinetic blade with outflanking +15, negative energy hitting touch AC (1d6+1+3d6; 20/x2) To hit: BAB +4, Finesse +6, Size +1, +4 Flank with ’Outflank’ / Damage: d6+ ½ Con + 2d6 Sneak Attack + d6 Precise Strike Feat

- Adamantine Kukri +1 with outflanking +16, slashing (1d3+7+3d6; 18-20/x2), To hit: Enhancement +1, BAB +4, Finesse +6, Size +1, +4 Flank with ’Outflank’ / Damage: 1d3+ 6 Dex Finesse + 2d6 Sneak Attack + d6 Precise Strike Feat +1 Enhancement

- CMB +0 (BAB +4, Str -3, Size -1)

- CMD 16 (BAB+4, Dex +6, Str -3, Size -1)

- AC 25, Touch 18, FF 18 (Armor +5, Buckler +1, Dex +6, Size +1, Natural Armor +1, Deflection +1)

- Initiative +9: +6 Dex; +3 Wis from Inquisitor’s ‘Cunning Initiative’


-- SKILLS --

Acrobatics +12 (Rank +3, Class +3, Dex +6)
Climb +5 (Rank +0, Str -3, Climb speed +8) *Can always take 10 due to climb speed
Diplomacy +13 (Rank +7, Class +3, Wis +3 ‘Reformation Inquisition - Inspired Rhetoric’ trait)
Disable Device +23 (Rank +7, Class +3, Dex +6, MW Tool +2, Rogue +1, Vest of Escape +4)
Escape Artist +16 (Rank +1, Class +3, Dex +6, Vest of Escape +6)
Handle Animal +11 (Rank +6, Class +3, Cha -2, Link +4, Training harness +2)
Intimidate +8 (Rank +1, Class +3, Wis +3 ‘Reformation Inquisition - Inspired Rhetoric’ trait, Inquisitor ‘Stern Gaze’ +1)
Perception +15 (Rank +7, Class +3, Wis +3, Alertness from Animal Companion 'Bodyguard' archetype +2) Rogue +1 vs. traps
Ride +10 (Rank +1, Class +3, Dex +6)
Sense Motive +10 (Rank +1, Class +3, Wis +3, Inquisitor ‘Stern Gaze’ +1, Alertness from Animal Companion 'Bodyguard' archetype +2)
Sleight of Hand +10 (Rank +1, Class +3, Dex +6)
Stealth +14 (Rank +1, Class +3, Dex +6, Size +4)
Survival +8 (Rank +1, Class +3, Wis +3, Inquisitor ‘Track’ +1)
Swim +1 (Rank +1, Class +3, Str -3)
Use Magic Device +2 (Rank +1, Class +3, Cha -2)

Lvl 1: 5 skill points: 6 Inquisitor - 1 Int
Lvl 2: 3 skill points: 4 Kineticist - 1 Int
Lvl 3 & 4: 5 skill points: 6 Inquisitor - 1 Int
Lvl 5 to 7: 7 skill points: 8 Rogue - 1 Int

TOTAL: 39 skill points


- Racial (Common, Grippli)



- 0 level: 4

- 1st level: 4 = 3 + 1 Wis


- 0 level: Acid splash, detect magic, read magic, stabilize, guidance, detect poison

- 1st level: Protection from Evil, Divine Favor, Bless, Barbed Chains




-- GEAR --
15 lbs or lower is light load with Str 5 and MW backpack for a small character.

Adamantine Kukri +1

Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2, 1/4 lbs

Mithral Chain Shirt +1, 5 lbs.

Amulet of Natural Armor +1

Ring of Deflection +1

Shining Wayfinder

Vest of Escape, 0 lbs

Cloak of resistance +2, 1/4 lbs.

MW Buckler, 2.5 lbs.

Backpack, Masterwork, 1 lbs.

Minor bag of holding, 2 lbs. (all items below in there)

Ioun torch
4 x Oil of grease, 0 lb

MW Cold Iron Kukri

MW Silver Kukri

Light Crossbow (20 bolts), 2 lbs.

Concealable Thieves Tools, 1/2 lbs.

MW Net

12 x Alchemical grease, 12 lbs.

Air bladder, 0 lbs.

Snorkel masterwork, 0 lbs.

Animal glue, 0 lbs.

Earplugs, 0 lbs.

Bell string, 0 lbs.

Whistle signal, 0 lbs.

Smelling Salts, 0 lbs.

Vermin repellent, 0 lbs.

Potion of 'Touch of Sea', 0 lbs.

Bladeguard, 0 lbs.

Potion of Invigorate, 0 lbs.

Antiplague, 0 lbs




* Currently: 18 XP / 8 PP / 28 Fame

* Spent PP: 18 PP



- On 2nd Level: Retrained 1 Hit Points each costing 3 days / 3 PP / 60 gp (=3 days * 2 Lvl * 10gp) -> Total cost for retraining 1 Hit Points: 3 PP and 60 gp.
- On 3rd Level: Retrained 1 Hit Points each costing 3 days / 3 PP / 90 gp (=3 days * 3 Lvl * 10gp) -> Total cost for retraining 1 Hit Points: 3 PP and 90 gp.
- On 4th Level: Retrained 2 Hit Points each costing 3 days / 3 PP / 120 gp (=3 days * 4 Lvl * 10gp) -> Total cost for retraining 2 Hit Points: 6 PP and 240 gp.
- On 5th Level: Retrained 2 Hit Points each costing 3 days / 3 PP / 150 gp (=3 days * 5 Lvl * 10gp) -> Total cost for retraining 2 Hit Points: 6 PP and 300 gp.
- Shining Wayfinder for 2 PP via the Beacon of Good Silver Crusade vanity.


- - GOLD - -


* Currently: 6645


- - HIT POINTS - -

Lvl 1 - 12 Hit Points: 8 Inquisitor + 1 Favored Class + 3 Con
Lvl 2 - 9 Hit Points: 5 Kineticist + 3 Con + 1 Retraining
Lvl 3 - 10 Hit Points: 5 Inquisitor + 3 Con + 1 Favored Class + 1 Retraining
Lvl 4 - 11 Hit Points: 5 Inquisitor + 3 Con + 1 Favored Class + 2 Retraining
Lvl 5 - 10 Hit Points: 5 Rogue + 3 Con + 2 Retraining
Lvl 6 to 7 - 8 Hit Points: 5 Rogue + 3 Con

TOTAL - 68 Hit Points


-- FEATS --

------ Free Feats from Class Features ------
- 2nd level (free) – Kineticist (Kinetic Knight) 1: Kinetic Warrior (Ex): Use her Constitution score in place of her Intelligence score when qualifying for combat feats. This ability counts as having COMBAT EXPERTISE for the purpose of feat prerequisites.
- 4th level (free) – Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsmaster) 2: PACK FLANKING (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites : Int 13, Combat Expertise, ability to acquire an animal companion. Benefit : When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.
- 5th level (free) – Rogue 1: WEAPON FINESSE
- 6th level (free) – Rogue 2: Rogue Talent ‘Combat Trick’ (bonus combat feat): TWO-WEAPON FIGHTING

------ Level Progression Feats ------
- 1st level: BOON COMPANION: Prerequisites: Animal companion class feature or familiar class feature. Benefit: The abilities of your animal companion or familiar are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a maximum effective druid level equal to your character level. If you have more than one animal companion or familiar, choose one to receive this benefit. If you dismiss or lose an animal companion or familiar that has received this benefit, you can apply this feat to the replacement creature.
- 3rd level: PAIRED OPPORTUNIST (Combat, Teamwork): Benefit : Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.
- 5th level: PRECISE STRIKE (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same the creature, you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.
- 7th level: OUTFLANK (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites : Base attack bonus +4. Benefit : Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally.


-- TRAITS --

- LESSONS OF CHALDIRA (Religion: Chaldira Zuzaristan): Your studies of Chaldira Zuzaristan's exploits have given you a knack for avoiding trouble. Once per day, when you fail a saving throw, you can reroll the saving throw. You must take per day, when you fail a saving throw, you can reroll the saving throw. You must take the second result even if it is worse. (PFCo: FoP 20)

- MAGICAL KNACK (Magic: Inquisitor): You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait — your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn’t raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.




* CLASS ABILITIES - Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsmaster) 3 *



Reformation Inquisition:
- Inspired Rhetoric (Ex): You use your Wisdom modifier in place of your Charisma modifier when making Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Perform (oratory) checks. Perform (oratory) is an inquisitor class skill for you.
- Blessed Correction (Ex): At 4th level, when you make a Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Perform (oratory) check, you may roll twice and take the more favorable result. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom bonus.


* CLASS ABILITIES - Kineticist (Kinetic Knight) 1*

- 1st level infusion: DAMPENING INFUSION; Element void; Type substance infusion; Level 1; Burn 1; Associated Blasts negative, void; Saving Throw Will negates; Your kinetic blast swirls with darkness, making it harder for your foes to see. If your blast hits a foe (and penetrates SR if applicable), that foe must succeed at a Will save DC 14 or be dazzled for 1 minute, whether or not it takes damage from the blast. You can reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase the DC of this save by 2.


* CLASS ABILITIES - Unchained Rogue (Planar Sneak) 1*

Rouge Talent 2nd: ‘Combat Trick’



- Str: -2, Dex: +2, Wis: +2

- TYPE: Humanoid (Grippli)

- SIZE: Small (Grippli are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a - 1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to their CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks)

- SPEED: 30 feet

- CLIMB SPEED: 20 feet.

- SENSES: Darkvision 60 feet

- WEAPON FAMILIARITY: Gripplis are proficient with nets.

- JUMPER: Gripplis with this trait are always considered to have a running start when making Acrobatics checks to jump. This racial trait replaces camouflage.

- GLIDER: Gripplis' aerodynamic bodies and thick webbing between the toes enable a falling grippli to treat the distance fallen as half the actual distance. The grippli can steer himself while falling, moving horizontally up to a number of feet equal to half the vertical distance fallen. The grippli cannot use this trait if it is wearing heavy armor, is carrying a heavy load, or is unable to react to the fall (such as being helpless). This racial trait replaces swamp stride.

- Automatic Languages: Common, Grippli


Aaftaab's Animal companion Sabz



Hello GM,
a couple of points on Aaftaab and his Animal Companion.

I am using the Inquisitor (Sacred Huntsmaster) ability to share Aaftaab's teamwork feats with the animal companion.

Especially, Pack Flanking which allows to almost always flank and Precise Strike which allows to then add +d6 precision damage per hit. And Outflank that allows to increase flank bonus to +4 together with Paired Opportunist to get two AoO vs. an enemy every time Aaftaab or the animal compa confirm a crit.

Please see all these teamwork feats below:

Please note that the Int / Combat Expertise requirements are fulfilled due to the Kinetic Knight Kineticist Archetype.

PACK FLANKING (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites : Int 13, Combat Expertise, ability to acquire an animal companion. Benefit : When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Precise Strike (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites: Dex 13, base attack bonus +1. Benefit: Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same the creature, you deal an additional 1d6 points of precision damage with each successful melee attack. This bonus damage stacks with other sources of precision damage, such as sneak attack. This bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

PAIRED OPPORTUNIST (Combat, Teamwork): Benefit : Whenever you are adjacent to an ally who also has this feat, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on attacks of opportunity against creatures that you both threaten. Enemies that provoke attacks of opportunity from your ally also provoke attacks of opportunity from you so long as you threaten them (even if the situation or an ability would normally deny you the attack of opportunity). This does not allow you to take more than one attack of opportunity against a creature for a given action.

OUTFLANK (Combat, Teamwork): Prerequisites : Base attack bonus +4. Benefit : Whenever you and an ally who also has this feat are flanking the same creature, your flanking bonus on attack rolls increases to +4. In addition, whenever you score a critical hit against the flanked creature, it provokes an attack of opportunity from your ally.


GM, also important is that Aaftaab as a Kineticist (Kinetic Knight) has the VOID Kinetic blade that hits TOUCH AC and does NEGATIVE ENERGY DAMAGE for the FIRST attack.

So Aaftaab cannot use this void blade for AoOs etc and has a Adamantine Kukri +1 for AoO attacks in his left hand and he also has two-weapon fighting.

So as Aaftaab has the teamwork feats mentioned above, when he is with his animal companion he is flanking.


So due to his Rogue levels he has +2d6 sneak attack and with precise strike that is another +1d6 total.

[spoiler=Aaftaab's attack routine]

Two weapon fighting with kukri slashing attack and void blade negative energy TOUCH attack:

- Void Kinetic blade with outflanking & two-weapon fight +13, negative energy hitting touch AC (1d6+1+3d6; 20/x2) To hit: BAB +4, Finesse +6, Size +1, +4 Flank with ’Outflank’ -2 two-weapon fighting / Damage: d6+ ½ Con + 2d6 Sneak Attack + d6 Precise Strike Feat

- Adamantine Kukri +1 with outflanking & two-weapon fight +13, slashing (1d3+6+3d6; 18-20/x2), To hit: BAB +4, Finesse +6, Size +1, +4 Flank with ’Outflank’ -2 two-weapon fighting / Damage: 1d3+ 6 Dex Finesse + 2d6 Sneak Attack + d6 Precise Strike Feat



— GM Star Reward - Student of SWORDS --

The Master of Swords is a muscular man with years of military experience, which he translates into simple yet essential lessons regarding how to stay alive as a field agent. He sometimes takes a few particularly promising students under his wing for more focused instruction. You are among his favorites, and he continues to provide you encouragement and pointers even now that you’re a field agent.

• Diverse Training (1st-Level, 1 Star): Marcos Farabellus teaches that a Pathfinder must be prepared for anything while in the field; if the guide vanishes or the cleric falls to her death, someone needs to be able to step up and get the job done. Once per scenario, you may attempt a skill check as if you were trained in that skill. Your bonus on the check is equal to three plus your number of GM stars and is modified by no other modifiers (including armor check penalty, ability modifiers, etc.).

• Work as a Team (3rd-Level, 2 Stars): Marcos Farabellus has taught you special techniques for acting with tactical precision even when working with an eclectic team. You may spend your free reroll (Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play 26) to allow another player to reroll one d20 roll using your GM star bonus, even if she has already used her own free reroll. In addition, once per scenario as a swift action you may coordinate your tactics with an ally within 30 feet. You treat your ally as though she possessed the same teamwork feats as you for the purpose of determining whether you receive a bonus from your teamwork feats; your ally gains the same benefit with respect to you. If neither you nor your ally has any teamwork feats, you each gain a +2 bonus to CMD while adjacent to one another. This ability lasts five rounds.

• Essential Field Agent (5th-Level, 3 Stars): At Marcos Farabellus’s recommendation, the Pathfinder Society recognizes you as a particularly promising agent worth special effort to preserve for future missions. Your wayfinder is decorated with magical silver filigree that as an aegis of recovery (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 254) that heals you for a number of points of damage equal to 2d8 plus twice your number of GM stars the next time you fall below 0 hit points. When this ability triggers, the filigree tarnishes and loses this extra ability; cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

• Vaults of the Ten (7th-Level, 4 Stars): Marcos Farabellus allows you to peruse one of the Vaults—the numerous caches of relics and magic items that exist beneath the Grand Lodge of Absalom—and pick an item to use in your adventures. You may treat your effective Fame as though it were 5 higher when purchasing a single item. Alternatively, you can purchase a single wand that has only 10 charges; you may also increase the wand’s caster level up to CL 7th. The wand’s price is equal to the level of the spell × the caster level × 150 gp. If the spell has a material component cost, add 10 times the material component’s cost to the final price of the wand. You may use this boon once; record the item or wand purchased below.
Item Selected: GM Initials: