Ishani Dhatri

Guy du Loc's page

762 posts. Organized Play character for miteke.

Full Name

Guy du Loc (141936-4)


| Init:+1 | Diplo+21, Heal+11, Kn Arc/His/Nat/Nob/Pln+6, KnRel+16, Ling+6, Perc+12, SMot+21, SCft+7


| Active Conditions: mage armor, hunters blessing (?;?), ant haul


Male N/G Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge)/11 | HP: 117/117, ER 10 fire | AC/FF/Tch: 13/13/9 | CMD: 15 | F/R/W: +14/5/16 +14/5/16 | Init: +1 +1 | Speed 30 ft





Special Abilities

Domains: Heroism-glory (primary)/Fire (secondary)






Common, Osiriani, Polyglot, Inguan, Celestial, Read Lips


Glass Crafter

Homepage URL

Google Docs for Guy

Strength 8
Dexterity 8
Constitution 18
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 24
Charisma 14

About Guy du Loc

Guy is the offspring of a pair of nobles from Galt that 'relocated' far away from their homeland. He is a swarthy mousy man the color of sand from head to toe. Guy was never much of a warrior (in fact he is a coward) and determined early in life to excel at academics to pursuit his dreams of fame and renown. Life in the desert of Thuvia and his thirst for glory naturally steered him towards Sarenrae in particular. He has always felt very uncomfortable in armor and used any excuse to rid himself of it. Eventually he gleefully discarded the itchy thing and became an Ecclesitheurge. He will always attempt to stay in the back lines, though two things will often draw him out: healing a downed ally or fighting evil outsiders/undead.

Resource Tracking:

Loot this Chronicle:
Beacon of Faith uses (1/day, +2 caster levels to a domain spell):
Channel uses (5/day, 5d6, DC 19):
Aura of Heroism (Su) uses (10 rounds/day):
Firebolt uses (1d6+5, 10/day):
Touch of Glory (Sp) uses (10/day, 1 hour, +10 to one cha check):
Blessing of the Faithful (infinite/day): Close range, +2 sacred bonus to roll, 4 rounds for one use of channeling)
Bonded Holy Symbol uses (1/day):
Pearl of Power, level 1 uses (1/day):
Divine Interference uses (1/day/ally):
Wand of CLW uses this chronicle:
Wand of Comprehend Languages uses this chronicle:
Wand of Mage Armor uses this chronicle:
Wand of Aid uses this chronicle:
Aegis of Recovery, Greater uses (heal 5d8+7 and crumbles if below 0 HP):
Level 1 spells used (7/day):
Level 2 spells used (7/day):
Level 3 spells used (7/day):
Level 4 spells used (5/day):
Level 5 spells used (4/day):
Level 6 spells used (3/day):
Lesser Empower Rod uses (3/day, swift action to equip):

Active spells and expiration times:
mage armor: 1 hour after ?
hunters blessing: 11 hours after ?
ant haul: 22 hours after
endure elements: ?


Main Stats:

Guy du Loc (141936-4) N/G Male Human Cleric (Ecclesitheurge)/11
Faction Scarab Sages

Str 8, -1 {10[race] -2[-2 points spent]}
Dex 8, -1 {10[race] -2[-2 points spent]}
Con 18, +4 {10[race] +5[7 points spent] +1[8th level] +2[belt]}
Int 14, +2 {10[race] +4[5 points spent]}
Wis 24, +7 {12[race] +5[7 points spent] +1[4th level] +6[headband]}
Cha 14, +2 {10[race] +4[5 points spent]}

Init +1 {-1[dex] +2[reactionary] (+2)[hunter's blessing]}

Senses Normal
Speed 30 ft.
Base Attack +8
Languages Common, Osirani, Polyglot, Inguan, Celestial, Read Lips


HP 117 {+58[11d8] +44(11[Cleric Lvl]*4[con]) +4[4xfavored class] +11[toughness]}
AC 13, flat-footed 13, touch 9 {10 -1[dex] +4[mage armor]}
- Current Additional AC Bonuses +2[Blessing of Fervor]
CMD 15 {10 +8[BAB] -1[str] -1[dex]}
- Current Additional CMD Bonuses
Fort +14 {+4[con] +7[cleric] +3[cloak]}
- Current Additional Fort Bonuses +2[heroism]
Ref +5 {-1[dex] +3[cleric] +3[cloak]}
- Current Additional Ref Bonuses +2[heroism] +2[Blessing of Fervor]
Will +16 {+7[wis] +7[cleric] +3[cloak]}
- Current Additional Will Bonuses +2[heroism]
Resistances: Fire Resistance 10 [fire domain]
Special Saving Throw Bonuses:
  • Aegis of Recovery, Greater: An aegis of recovery grants its wearer a +5 (+2 since it does not stack with cloak) resistance bonus on all saving throws made to recover from a continuing effect, such as ongoing poison damage, daily saving throws against a disease, a hold person spell, or lingering damage from an attack. This bonus does not help against initial saving throws against such effects. Should the wearer ever drop below 0 hit points, the aegis heals the wearer for 5d8+7 points of damage and then crumbles to dust.

  • Offense:

    CMB +6 {+8[BAB] -1[str]}

    +7/1d6+5 Firebolt [rng tch: 30 ft;crit x2; fire] {+8[BAB] -1[dex]/1d6 +5[1/2 * 11[Cleric Lvl]]}

    +15/1d8+3 Spiritual Weapon [rng: med;crit x2; force] {+8[BAB] +7[wis]/1d8+3[1/3 lvl]}
    [dice=to hit spiritual weapon]1d20+15[/dice]
    [dice=damage spiritual weapon]1d8+3[/dice]
    [dice=to hit spiritual weapon, iterative]1d20+15-5[/dice]
    [dice=damage spiritual weapon]1d8+3[/dice]

    +15/1d10+3 Spiritual Ally [rng: medium;crit x2; force] {+8[BAB] +7[wis]/1d8+3[1/3 lvl]}
    [dice=to hit spiritual ally]1d20+15[/dice]
    [dice=damage spiritual ally]1d10+3[/dice]
    [dice=to hit spiritual ally, iterative]1d20+15-5[/dice]
    [dice=damage spiritual ally]1d10+3[/dice]


    Concentration +18 {+11[Cleric Lvl] +7[wis]}
    Beacon of Faith, +2 CL domain spell, 1/day
    Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus (Evocation), +2 DC Evocation
    Cast one spell with bonded holy symbol
    Using Restoration as secondary domain for spells
    Spell Specialization with Holy Smite, +2 levels
    Spell Penetration, +2 levels overcoming spell resistance
    Greater Spell Penetration, +2 levels overcoming spell resistance
    Outsider Spell Penetration, 7x Favored class bonus: Add a +7 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.

    Spells Available per day:
    Orizons: 4
    Level 1: 7 {4 +2[stat] +1[domain]}
    Level 2: 7 {4 +2[stat] +1[domain]}
    Level 3: 7 {4 +2[stat] +1[domain]}
    Level 4: 5 {3 +1[stat] +1[domain]}
    Level 5: 4 {2 +1[stat] +1[domain]}
    Level 6: 3 {1 +1[stat] +1[domain]}

    Orisons DC 16 {+0[level] +7[wis]}
    Detect Magic: Detects all spells and magic items within 60 ft. 1 min/lvl
    Guidance: +1 bonus to attack, saving throw, or skill roll. 1 min
    Read Magic: 1 page per minute. 10 min/lvl
    Resistance: You imbue the subject with magical energy that protects it from harm, granting it a +1 resistance bonus on saves. 1 min

    Level 1 DC 18 {+1[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Shield of Faith; Restoration: CLW
    Ant Haul
    Murderous Command, Will ST
    Murderous Command, Will ST
    Sanctuary, touch, 1 round/lvl, WILL ST
    Sanctuary, touch, 1 round/lvl, WILL ST
    D - Shield of Faith, +3 {[2 +1[1/6 lvl]} AC, 1 min/lvl
    Shield of Faith, +3 {[2 +1[1/6 lvl]} AC, 1 min/lvl

    Level 2 DC 19 {+2[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Bless Weapon; Restoration: Remove Disease
    Burst of Radiance, Reflex ST or blinded, 5d4 vs. evil, +2 DC
    Instrument of Agony, 1 min/lvl, weapon touched, discharge for will ST or nauseated 1d4+1 rounds, 1 round sickened even if saved.
    D - Remove Disease
    Resist Energy
    Spiritual Weapon, +15/1d8+3 {+8[BAB] +7[wis]/1d8+3[1/3 lvl]}
    Spiritual Weapon, +15/1d8+3 {+8[BAB] +7[wis]/1d8+3[1/3 lvl]}

    Level 3 DC 20 {+3[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Heroism; Restoration: CSW
    Badger's Ferocity Make 3 weapons keen.
    Dispel Magic, medium range
    Chain of Perdition close range, +2 DC
    D - Heroism, touch, 10 min/lvl, +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.
    Magic Circle against Evil
    Sacred Bond,may cast touch spells on target as long as they stay within close range.
    Open slot

    Level 4 DC 21 {+4[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Holy Smite; Restoration: Neutralize Poison
    Anti-Incorporeal Shell
    Blessing of Fervor
    Healing flames, 1 standard, V,S,DF, 10 ft. burst on self, heal/harm 1d8 per two levels (max 5d8) good/evil or half neutral.
    D - Holy Smite, V,S, medium range, 20' radius, 1d8/2 lvls, or 1d6/lvl to evil outsiders, blinds for 1 round. Will ST for half, +2 DC, +2 levels (spell specialization)
    Holy Smite, V,S, medium range, 20' radius, 1d8/2 lvls, or 1d6/lvl to evil outsiders, blinds for 1 round. Will ST for half, +2 DC, +2 levels (spell specialization)
    Open Slot

    Level 5 DC 22 {+5[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Righteous Might; Restoration: Break Enchantment
    D - Break Enchantment, +2 DC
    True Seeing
    Breath of Life
    Life Bubble
    Flame strike
    Hunter's Blessing; +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival vs. creature type; +2 sacred bonus on initiative checks, Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks if terrain applies.

    Level 6 DC 23 {+6[level] +7[wis]}
    Domain Spells: Heroism: Greater Heroism; Restoration: Heal
    D - Greater Heroism 1 min/lvl, +4 morale bonus, immune to fear, +1 temp HP/lvl
    Flame Strike, selective metamagic
    Blade Barrier


    Skill Ranks: 55 {(2+2[int]+1[human]) * 11[Cleric Lvl]}

    Acrobatics -1 {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Appraise +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    Bluff +5 {+0 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP]}
    Climb -1 {+0 ranks, -1[str], -0[ACP]}
    Craft(Glass) +11 {+4 ranks, +2[int], +3[class] +2[traveller's tools}}
    Diplomacy +21 {+11 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP], +3[class] +2[ioun]}
    Disable Device N/A {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Disguise +5 {+0 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP]}
    Escape Artist -1 {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Fly -1 {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Handle Animal +6 {+1 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP]}
    Heal +11 {+1 ranks, +7[wis], +3[class]}
    Intimidate +5 {+0 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP]}
    - arcana +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    - dungeoneering N/A {+0 ranks, +2[int]}
    - engineering N/A {+0 ranks, +2[int]}
    - geography N/A {+0 ranks, +2[int]}
    - history +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    - local N/A {+0 ranks, +2[int]}
    - nature +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int] +3[class][honored acolyte boon]}
    - nobility +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    - planes +6 {+1 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    - religion +16 {+11 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    Linguistics +7 {+2 ranks, +2[int], +3[class] - Celestial, Read Lips}}
    Perception +12 {+5 ranks, +7[wis]}
    Profession N/A {+0 ranks, +7[wis], +3[class]}
    Ride -1 {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Sense Motive +21 {+11 ranks, +7[wis], +3[class]}
    Sleight of Hand N/A {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Spellcraft +7 {+2 ranks, +2[int], +3[class]}
    Stealth -1 {+0 ranks, -1[dex], -0[ACP]}
    Survival +7 {+0 ranks, +7[wis]}
    Swim -1 {+0 ranks, -1[str], -0[ACP]}
    Use Magic Device +6 {+1 ranks, +2[cha] +3[CoP]}


  • [CoP] Circlet of Persuasion

  • Gear:

    Sleeves of Many Garments
    Pathfinder Pouch (10 lbs, 2 cu ft) with backup spell components
    Spell Component Pouch
    Ioun Torch
    Pearl of Power, level 1
    Silver Holy Symbol (bonded)
    Traveler's Any-Tool
    Aegis of Recovery, Greater
    Tailsman of Life's Breath, Lesser
    Ankh Talisman, Lesser
    Headband of Inspired Wisdom, +6
    Circlet of Persuasion
    Belt of Mighty Constitution, +2
    Cloak of Resistance, +3
    Masterwork Backpack
    Cracked Magenta Prism Ioun Stone, +2 diplomacy
    4 Scrolls of Bless
    4 Scrolls of Prot Evil
    2 Scrolls of Expeditious Retreat
    1 Scrolls of Endure Elements
    2 Scrolls of Lesser Restoration
    1 Scrolls of Resist Energy
    1 Scrolls of Remove Blindness/Deafness
    2 scrolls of Command Undead
    1 Scrolls of Breath of Life
    4 Acid Flasks
    1 Antiplague
    1 Antitoxin
    1 Air Crystals
    1 Vermin Repellent
    1 Smelling Salts
    3 Sunrod
    3 Bodybalm
    1 Potion Sponge of Touch of the Sea
    1 Potion of Spider Climb
    1 Potion of Lesser Restoration
    1 Potion of Invisibility
    4 Holy Water
    1 Soul Stimulant
    Surgeon's Tools
    Healer's Kit
    Spring-loaded Wrist Sheath
    - Lesser Metamagic Rod of Empower
    Wand of Cure Light Wounds (38 ch)
    Wand of Mage Armor (31 ch)
    Wand of Comprehend Languages (40 ch)
    Wand of Aid (48 ch)
    5 Cold Iron Alch Pow Comp, +1 CL Abjuraton
    5 Darkwood Alch Pow Comp, +1 CL creation
    5 Moondew Alch Pow Comp, +1 CL divination
    5 Salt Alch Pow Comp, +1 CL necromancy
    5 Spirit of Wine Alch Pow Comp, +1 CL duration summoning
    5 Urea Pow Comp, +1 CL cold
    3500 gp or equivalent back at base
    70 gp with him


    Race Specials
    +1 Skill rank/level
    +1 Feat

    Starting Traits
    Beacon of Faith - +2 levels on one cast domain spell: 1/day
    Reactionary - +2 init

    Class Abilities:

    Class Abilities
    Favored class bonus: Add a +1 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of outsiders.
    Deity - Sarenrae (spell preparations done at dawn)
    Spontaneous Casting of Cure Spells
    Channel (5d6): 5/day {3 +2[cha]/day}, DC 19 {10 +2[cha] +2[glory domain] (+1/2 * 11[Cleric Lvl]} will for half
    Glory Domain (primary), Heroism Subdomain
  • Touch of Glory (+11 {11[Cleric Lvl]} to cha based skill): 10/day {3 +7[wis]/day}, 1 hour or use
  • Aura of Heroism: At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of heroism for a number of rounds per day equal to your cleric level. Using this ability is a swift action. Allies in the area are treated as if they were under the effects of heroism. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.
    Fire Domain (secondary)
  • Firebolt 1d6+5 {1d6 + 5[1/2 * 11[Cleric Lvl]]}: 10/day {3 +7[wis]/day}}
  • Fire Resistance 10

    Ecclesitheurge (Archetype)
    Ecclesitheurge's Vow: lose abilities if he uses armor or shield
    Domain Mastery: An ecclesitheurge can use his non-domain spell slots to prepare spells from his primary domain's spell list.
    Blessing of the Faithful close range, +2 sacred bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, or saving throws or to AC. +3 rounds {+1/channel die}} for one channel.
    Bonded Holy Symbol: as per wizard's

  • Feats:

    1H - Spell Focus (Evocation)
    1 - Toughness
    3 - Spell Specialization: +2 levels in one spell (Holy Smite).
    5 - Greater Spell Focus (Evocation)
    7 - Spell Penetration
    9 - Greater Spell Penetration
    11 - Divine Interference



    Chronicle Boons
    1) The Segang Expedition
    2) The Consortium Compact

  • Inside Knowledge: +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) checks about the Aspis Consortium and can roll such checks untrained. You can cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet to take 20 on a single Knowledge (local) check about the Aspis Consortium.
  • Lord Avid’s Recommendation: +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks against nobility while on the Isle of Kortos. You can cross this boon for +4 and you can apply it while interacting with anyone on the Isle of Kortos.
  • the Merchant's Wake
  • Kellshite Patron: The trade prince vanity has no fame prereq. Business vanities cost 1 less.
  • Tyrhanny of the Winds, Part I: The Sandstorm Prophesy
  • Air Affinity:
    3) Merchant's Wake
    4) ToW I, The Sandstorm Prophesy
    5) ToW II, Secrets of the Endless Sky
    6) The Temple of empyreal enlightenment
    7) ToW III, Caught in the Eclipse
    8) House of Harmonious Wisdom
  • Legacy of a Princess: crap
  • Sun shogun Talismans: May purchase certain talismans that you may use an immediate action to prevent it from activating.
    9) Tome of Righteous repose
  • Righteous redemption: check box to requisition crap
  • Worthy Foe: check box swift action to get +2 on CL checks to overcome spell resistance and increase DC by 1, and +2 ST. Only for undead, reptilians, humans, or orcs
    10) Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen
  • Runewarden's Teachings: Access to Runegard prestige class
  • Thassilonian Archivist: check a box to ad d4 to knowledge check, or a d8 if related to Tassilon, sin magic, fleshwarping, etc.
    11) The Glass River rescue
    12) The Unseen Inclusion
  • Debt of the Scarred Sage: keyword
  • Secrets Beyond Sight: Cross off to cast object reading, scent, blindsense, or tremorsense
    13) Call of the Copper gate
  • Wary of Space: Check box for +2 ST vs aberrration of creature from Dark Tapestry
    14) The Jarlsblood Witch Saga
  • Linnormhide Armor: Useless
  • Rare Weapons: Useless
    15) Down the Verdant Path
  • Remnant of the First World: Staff cries if Guy leaves the room
    16) Oath of the Overwatched
  • Staff of the Overwatched
    17) Death on the Ice
  • Ice Walker: Check box for cold resistance equal to level for 3 hours or endure elements
  • Runic Tattooing: Check box to add cast spell of lvl 3- touch or personal as tattoo for 24 hours which can be recast
  • Varki Archeology: Check box for +4 to roll knowledge on Erataki, the Varki, undead, magical beast, or Crown of the World.
  • Ice Shape: Gain ability to case Ice Shape (like stone shape but for ice)
    18) The Solstice Scar C
  • Blight Bane: Challenge animal, plant or vermine as swift action to gain +1 bonus to attackes for +7[wis] rounds. May give to adjacent ally as move action
    19) The Bloodcove Blockade
  • Malika's Aid: check box to roll heal, Kn geo, Kn nat, or survival twice. Treat as trained and have minumum +5 to roll.
    20) We be Super goblins
    21) Debt to the Quah
  • Careful Archeologist: cross off to gain secondary success condition
  • Items: Various uninteresting items.
    22) The Immortal Conundrum
    NA) Siege of Gallowspire (backup character for Marta)
  • - Restorative Burst Medic Boon: Check box if reduced below 0 to heal all withing 30' as channel by cleric of same level
    23) You Only Die Twice
    24) ES: The Spire Axis
  • Western Star ioun stone: Casts diguiese self and makes ioun stones invisible.
    25) ES: The Magma Vault
  • Chapter of the Damned: check box and roll to turn L/E to...
  • - free action to increase CL when casting evil spell.
  • - free action to gain a +4 bonus on a Charisma-based skill or check when interacting with a lawful evil creature.
  • - standard action 3x per scenario may cast desecrate, lesser planar binding (lawful evil creatures only; DC 19), order’s wrath (DC 18), summon monster IV (lawful evil creatures only), or unholy blight (DC 18).
  • Sadistic Ally: Spend 2 prestige to gain a tiny kryton augure for a scenatio
    26) Beason Below
  • Charted Pillars: You can borrow a copy of Venture-Captain Norden Balentiir’s map of the Pillars of the Sun while traveling to that region. The map is imperfect, but it provides enough sufficient information about safe routes through the mountains that you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Survival checks made when navigating the area.
  • Honored Acolyte (Scarab Sages faction): The flawed sage jewel that you created did not have lasting power, but Tahonikepsu believes it still has the capacity to store memories, focus thoughts, and serve as a model by which the order might one day create a new sage jewel. Choose one Knowledge skill (Nature) and record it below. While this jewel is in your possession, you treat the chosen skill as it were a class skill. If it is already a class skill, you can use this boon once per scenario to roll two dice and take the better result when attempting a check with that Knowledge skill. This boon may have other uses in future scenarios.

  • Emerald Spire Level Progression:

    Adventure Legal Character Levels
    Level 1: The Tower Ruins 1–2
    Level 2: The Cellars 1–3
    Level 3: Splinterden 2–4
    Level 4: Godhome 3–5
    Level 5: The Drowned Level 3–5
    Level 6: The Clockwork Maze 4–6
    Level 7: Shrine of the Awakener 5–7
    Level 8: The Circle of Vissk-Thar 6–8
    Level 9: The Spire Axis 7–9
    Level 10: The Magma Vault 8–10
    Level 11: The Tomb of Yarrix 8–10
    Level 12: The Automaton Forge 9–11
    Level 13: The Pleasure Gardens 9–11
    Level 14: The Throne of Azlant 10–12
    Level 15: Order and Chaos 10–12
    Level 16: The Emerald Root 11–13