The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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I'll pass on a core game, but y'all have fun! :)

Last call for PFS 1E Rasping Rebirth, Tier 12-15.

We have a table of four already, but I will take up to six players. If you wish to take one of these two spots please provide your PFS information at the following thread by Sunday night, January 12th, 2020.

GM PDK wrote:

Last call for PFS 1E Rasping Rebirth, Tier 12-15.

We have a table of four already, but I will take up to six players. If you wish to take one of these two spots please provide your PFS information at the following thread by Sunday night, January 12th, 2020.

Recruitment closed. May the following characters please report to the Gameplay thread please? thank you!

1. EvilMinion / oracle
2. Lilliandra / oracle
3. Thrag / fighter
4. Vrog / monk
5. Favian / magus
6. Fandral / swashgun

So was the consensus that we want a core Library of the Lion?

The Concordance

If someone will gm it!

Dark Archive

Beautiful elven woman with little common sense but an unhealthy love of intrigue and danger seeks GM for RP, combat, slow-track leveling. Contact if interested. ;)

Are there any level 8ish games starting up soon? Non-core, obviously.

Liberty's Edge

A big hello to all the peeps in the cheap seats!


So, looks like this semester might have enough free time to actually get back to one of two year hiatus basically became a three year hiatus, ah well.

To aid in the "1530 new posts (jeez)" backlog, any super-important PbP info that someone who hasn't played since the Starfinder playtest was beginning? Consider me so far 'out of the loop' that the quest marker has me pointed into the Hao Jin Tapestry. Is the tapestry still a thing?

EDIT: First post back and I put the 'discussion' in 'recruitment'...go me.

Anyways, probably looking for a game of some sort once I get my feet back under me.

Welcome back! Last I checked there were some open tables for PlayDis Con, but only for PF2. Link is at top of this thread if you are interested. There is another pbp con coming soon as well.

Core Library of the Lion Recruitment is HERE Spots reserved for Eranahu, Sconzbar, Akter Phruse and Bocke Reed. 2 spots open. First Come, First Served.

Grand Lodge

Bocke is an inquisitor and isn't Core. I uploaded him as a Core character by mistake. Sorry for the confusion!

GM PDK wrote:
GM PDK wrote:

Last call for PFS 1E Rasping Rebirth, Tier 12-15.

We have a table of four already, but I will take up to six players. If you wish to take one of these two spots please provide your PFS information at the following thread by Sunday night, January 12th, 2020.

Recruitment closed. May the following characters please report to the Gameplay thread please? thank you!

1. EvilMinion / oracle
2. Lilliandra / oracle
3. Thrag / fighter
4. Vrog / monk
5. Favian / magus
6. Fandral / swashgun

One of the players had to drop the game; the 6th spot thus just opened again if anyone is interested.

Looking for some Pathfinders just starting their careers who are ready to show what they're capable of! Venture-Captain Muesello is looking for some folks to help the Society gain access to relics of Taldan's greatest general. Lady Gloriana Morilla believes this would be a most excellent opportunity for new members of the Sovereign Court faction to demonstrate their abilities.

I've reserved seats for Gummy Bear and Watery Soup since they couldn't make it to GM leshunta's Core game (signup still ongoing AFAIK - see 3 posts above), which leaves 4 spots open. Sign-up will be closed either Jan. 20th or at 12 signups (whichever happens first). Final party roster will be decided by lottery and participants notified in this thread. I'd love to start on Monday Jan. 20th if everyone is ready.

If you're interested, put your name and character information on the spreadsheet here!

The museum has always refused us access to their collection... until now...

Silver Crusade

Will this be a Core or Standard game?

Warah wrote:
Will this be a Core or Standard game?

Standard (Non-Core). Thanks for asking!

Lil' romp through the Abyss... One spot left; Tier 12-15- who's strong enough to venture with the Seekers?

GM Hawthwile wrote:

Looking for some Pathfinders just starting their careers who are ready to show what they're capable of! Venture-Captain Muesello is looking for some folks to help the Society gain access to relics of Taldan's greatest general. Lady Gloriana Morilla believes this would be a most excellent opportunity for new members of the Sovereign Court faction to demonstrate their abilities.

I've reserved seats for Gummy Bear and Watery Soup since they couldn't make it to GM leshunta's Core game (signup still ongoing AFAIK - see 3 posts above), which leaves 4 spots open. Sign-up will be closed either Jan. 20th or at 12 signups (whichever happens first). Final party roster will be decided by lottery and participants notified in this thread. I'd love to start on Monday Jan. 20th if everyone is ready.

If you're interested, put your name and character information on the spreadsheet here!

The museum has always refused us access to their collection... until now...

Recruitment is closed! Will the following players please check in here:

- Gummy Bear as Vosk Lavaz (Kiango)
- Watery Soup as Brocke Reed
- Great Green God as Squire Droo Nettlezum
- Warah as Professor Masaendri
- TriShadow as Theld Miasma
- SodiumTelluride as Gorrig

Liberty's Edge

GM PDK wrote:
Lil' romp through the Abyss... One spot left; Tier 12-15- who's strong enough to venture with the Seekers?

I’ve got a 12 Eldritch Knight if you’re still looking.

Tothek wrote:
GM PDK wrote:
Lil' romp through the Abyss... One spot left; Tier 12-15- who's strong enough to venture with the Seekers?
I’ve got a 12 Eldritch Knight if you’re still looking.

Just in time! I was just about to start! please put your PFS info in the recruitment thread over there and we'll get started.


Grand Lodge

I've got a number of low level characters that could use some experience. If anyone is planning on running standard low tier tables, I am definitely game.


Horizon Hunters

Any PFS2E games coming out shortly? I'm interested in getting in another game to play with a friend

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Teneb, Acolyte of Nethys wrote:
Any PFS2E games coming out shortly? I'm interested in getting in another game to play with a friend

You will want to visit Cottenseed Lodge for PF2 games.

Horizon Hunters

Ah, is Flaxseed for 1E, Cottonseed for 2E?

I am also interested in PFS1E games if there are any at the moment

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Yes, each of the three have their own lodge. The third lodge would be Castamir’s for SFS.

I have a new character concept.

She is, and I mean this with the utmost sincerity, going to be the worst.

By this I mean she's going to speak exclusively like this:

"Hewwo!! Awe u thewe?? uwu"

"I see enemies!!! I must defeat them fow the honow of my cwan!!!! ðwð"

I do not want to inflict this unspeakable horror upon a GM-- much less other players-- who intend to play a Serious Game with Serious Characters.

That isn't to say I'm looking to enter a game that's nothing but uwu gwemwins, but I do want to make sure that when she bounces off the sorcerer with the tragic past, the sorcerer's player doesn't hate me for it, even if that particular mage is gritting his teeth.

Do you guys think this would be a problem, or are we happy to entertain this disaster nugget?

I have played characters that have...unique speech patterns in the past. After the in character introductions and briefing, I usually post on the DISCUSSION tab about my approach to the character and if anyone would prefer that I tone it down. I think that as you are aware enough to have a conversation about it here means that you would be willing to 'underplay' the extent of how the worst is portrayed.

My hope is that you find players who also respect and embrace it, even if their characters respond less than kindly. Sometimes it is the extreme character who allows for others to roleplay as well, even if it's a knowing look to someone else with a 'Get a load of this gal. Is she really like that?' I have found the community to be fairly open and accepting (and usually able to draw a distinction between player and character).

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I play a halfling that is supposed to order people about half the time (though I regularly forget to) and I have met a wizard who is straight up annoying in many ways (and I love it, his player is amazing!)

But yeah make an announcement in the ooc thread looonnnggg before you start playing her, be willing to tone it down if the group doesn't enjoy it, divest yourself (the player) from the character, and have a back up option to play just in case. It should be fine, though, people enjoy characters like that quite a bit, especially if you give others hooks or chances to play off of your actions.

I think there are two things you should do before you inflict your unique character upon the party.

The first is to ask yourself why you're doing it, and if there's a better way to accomplish what you want.

The second is to do some research to see how unique it really is.

To be frank, I'm biased against these sorts of characters because 90% of the time they're not unique (I can immediately think of one other characters like yours, a ysoki from Starfinder), and 90% of the time creating characters with stunted language development is used by people to avoid complex roleplay (such as the "me smash" barbarians everyone eventually hates).

The fact you are asking about it is a sign of good intentions and I'd accept that as a sign that you're in the minority. I'd allow it as a GM but basically require you to scale back as soon as anyone complained.

I appreciate the responses!

I looked at the character sheet for that wizard you linked and I love him immediately and would gladly die for him, FYI.

I’ll be keeping what’s been said in consideration, but thankfully it largely likes up with my plans. The idea of having a backup to switch to is a good one—I even have a rogue that’s at low-level that can fulfill a similar role if need be, so that’s handy.

As a side note, I don’t consider “uniqueness” when I make PCs. If I haven’t played the “Me Smash” barbarian, after all, that’s still a new experience to me!

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

To add to the things Watery Soup said, you should examine the character's quirks to make sure you're not playing up any stereotypes that might be hurtful toward other players.

I think it would be great! I've played a few strange characters, role-playing and speech wise, and they all work fine. The main problem I've run into with weird characters is when I don't fully commit to the weirdness, because then I end up trying to get through the scenario/session as a normal person while still role-playing, which is much harder. But I do agree that if it causes a problem, you should dial it back a bit.

Grand Lodge

My primary PFS character had a similar quirk that I came up with. In my mind, he sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait, but I'm not really sure it's translating as well in PbP. I try to be true to the character, but it's all subjective. For me, it's not about being unique. It's just how the character exists in my mind.

VixieMoondew wrote:
If I haven’t played the “Me Smash” barbarian, after all, that’s still a new experience to me!

Yes, but other people may have a lower tolerance for it.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

"Y'kn' how har' i' 's t' ge' th' r'ral die-lect goin' an' sti' ha' fol's wha' unnersta' ya?"

Translation from the backcountryese:
"It is exceedingly difficult to convey complex concepts to individuals while hampered by a linguistic and educational background that does not support such things. Remaining true to one's roots while doing this is quite the challenge."

Liberty's Edge

"Hewwo, evewyone! I am Uwu, and I am hewe to fight fow the honow of my cwan, uwu!!"

Figured y'all should see it before I inflict her on anyone else. Thank you for the advice!

Scarab Sages

"Y'all b' spea'n so' for'n lang'age.... an' ah be know'n m' lang'ages! Y' sur' y' wanna be doi' tha'?"

"It would seem that your dialect is thick enough that your consonants have appeared to turn your speech into an actual language of it's own. As a Scarab Sage who prides themselves on the discovery of new languages this intrigues me, but also raises concerns that ones fellow Pathfinders may find it necessary to use resources to understand one."

Anyone starting a Confirmation soon, by any chance? Maybe someone can chop Uwu in half? :D

I'm also going to make a note on every sign up that characters (PCs and NPCs) are welcome and encouraged to openly despise this character if they so choose.

Ambrus Valsin wrote:
Excellent, just the Pathfinders I requested for this mission. You were chosen because you have a unique skillset that I think would be perfect for this mission. Uwu was not chosen, but she's here and I don't think there's any getting rid of her, so let's just get on with it.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Uwu wrote:

"Hewwo, evewyone! I am Uwu, and I am hewe to fight fow the honow of my cwan, uwu!!"

Figured y'all should see it before I inflict her on anyone else. Thank you for the advice!

This conversation has likely wound down, but I wanted to point out that it is a good candidate to move to the Discussion forum if it were to continue.

Dark Archive

I would also be interested in a run of the Confirmation.

Sovereign Court

As would I.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

I also have low level characters that will never see the light of day.. Halp

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Ask and ye shall receive

To be clear: it doesn't usually work like that. I was planning to start a run of The Confirmation when one of my games ended and it happened to end yesterday, and then coincidentally a bunch of requests came in. :) Don't expect it to happen every time a game is requested! Lol

Liberty's Edge

Hooway!!! OwO

Now recruiting for Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, a PFS1 "Free RPG Day" adventure (Tier 4-6). You can find the recruitment thread here.

Grand Lodge

Anyone planning on running any 7-11s sometime soon? I've been kind of restricted on my local play due to work hours and would love to get to do something.

Grand Lodge

I have a level 11 I've had parked for a while that I'd like to get back in the game.

Scarab Sages

I'd be very happy to get adventuring with my old pal Kramac once more. His usual accomplice Kiboko is stuck in a long-running trilogy, but Quenly here is looking for an invite to either Tapestry's Trial or Elven Entanglement (preferably Tapestry's Trial first, then Elven Entanglement).

GMs for Tapestry's Trial:
I became aware via auditing a PC's sheet when I was GM'ing a pbp that Tapestry's Trial features the conclusion of the 322 story arc. Quenly has a bit of a thing for 322, what with them both being elven Dark Tapestry oracles, and I'd love to see the story to a (hopefully satisfying) conclusion.

Grand Lodge

Kramac wrote:
I have a level 11 I've had parked for a while that I'd like to get back in the game.

Same here...I would like to journey with Kramac again...and Quenly as well if Kiboko is still tied up...

Scarab Sages

I have two level 8 characters that could join too.

One of them would be Zaarah here. :-)

Grand Lodge

I would be interested in Tapestry's Trial as well.

*Grumble* *Grumble*

Oh, yeah, Tiny, my Eidolon, would be interested as well.

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