The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Siege of the Diamond City was run as a PbP event, back in Feb, 2014, as a matter of fact.

*I'm am fairly certain that only Race for the Runecarved Key had a 12+ tier. Siege of the Diamond City, and this year's Specials top out at tier 10-11.

I thought someone told me Blood Under Absalom did not include Tier +11, either.

Edit: Now I'm second guessing myself and thinking maybe Siege of the Diamond City did offer 12+ play. I'll have to check later when I'm home.

My bad then!

Silver Crusade

Siege goes up to 15.

Yea I have a 19 2/3 Wizard and i was looking for a way to get that last xp.. I thought Seige was open to any level, but I may be wrong. Im pretty sure she could solo it I just want that last xp lol..

Wish they would put out some level 19-20 1 off's or even higher..

Grand Lodge

WerePox47 wrote:

Yea I have a 19 2/3 Wizard and i was looking for a way to get that last xp.. I thought Seige was open to any level, but I may be wrong. Im pretty sure she could solo it I just want that last xp lol..

Wish they would put out some level 19-20 1 off's or even higher..

There are 2 specials that offer content higher than 11. Siege tops out at 15. Race for the Runecarved Key can take you to 20 (the high tier is 15+ with some scaling depending on APL)

So I could run a Consortium Compact game within a few days of it hitting shelves, but there would be a few caveats. One, it'll probably be put on hold during the week or so around Christmas-- most of my time gets spoken for around then. Two, the plan is that I'll be taking a week-long business trip to New York during December as well (though it might get pushed off to January), so I can't guarantee updates during that time.

The first six people who are ok with that can play. Given my other time commitments, I'd like to stick to one table for now.

Silver Crusade

I'd like to join, and have no problem with those conditions. :)

Thanks for the info guys! Maybe this Seige of Serpents will go well and another special will get going someday..

GM Na2Te wrote:
So I could run a Consortium Compact game within a few days of it hitting shelves, but there would be a few caveats. One, it'll probably be put on hold during the week or so around Christmas-- most of my time gets spoken for around then. Two, the plan is that I'll be taking a week-long business trip to New York during December as well (though it might get pushed off to January), so I can't guarantee updates during that time.

I would be interested; caveats not a problem.

GM Na2Te, I'd be interested in making a new kinecticist, if I could grab a spot.

I'd love to play. Either as a pregen or a new character (assuming you have no problems with the former).

Grand Lodge

I am happy to work with that schedule.

GM Na2Te wrote:

The first six people who are ok with that can play. Given my other time commitments, I'd like to stick to one table for now.

6th! ( I think)

The break around Christmas, isn't a problem--- it is ideal.

Either a L1 with 1 XP, or a totally new character (depending on availability).

I need two more goblins to open a table of We Be Goblins Too


Table filled! Here are the six:

Jidai Oyuki
Mari Clock

Be thinking about who you want to bring; pregens are fine as well. I'll make a thread when the time comes.

GM Na2Te wrote:

Table filled! Here are the six:

Jidai Oyuki
Mari Clock

Be thinking about who you want to bring; pregens are fine as well. I'll make a thread when the time comes.

I'm putting together an aether kineticist right now! Should be ready by the weekend.

Scarab Sages

I'm considering running a game again soon.

I'm taking suggestions for what to run.

I would like something for a lvl 1 if you do.

Sovereign Court

GM Eddv, something 1st level other than Consortium Compact would be fantastic!

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

I'm putting together a character that could use a Confirmation.

Liberty's Edge

I've a level 2 to run through something, can do confirmation

Scarab Sages

I would like to play anything at level 1 aside from First Steps.

Silver Crusade

I would like to play anything CORE at level 1 with her (that would be my first PFS game!)

Sovereign Court

I could also do Confirmation.

Liberty's Edge

Welcome to the Society, Dimira!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Silver Crusade

Adeah Silversong wrote:

Welcome to the Society, Dimira!

-Posted with Wayfinder

Thank you very much Adeah, I'm hoping to get a chance to play since in my country PFS games do not exist at all and I've always been intrigued by the Society!

EndlessForms wrote:

Reposting this for all the new people who have been stopping by:

EndlessForms wrote:

Hello everyone!

This is not a recruitment for any particular game and recruitment is generally not done in this recruitment thread but rather the Gameplay thread of the Flaxseed Lodge and on the spreadsheets linked above.

Please check into the Gameplay thread for this campaign (above) and hang out at the Lodge if you are interested in watching out for new PFS PbP games. (Please try to keep the Gameplay thread in character as much as possible).

How does it work?

There are signup spreadsheets for several GMs linked at the top where you can sign up for PFS games. Generally when the games are ready to start the GM will either send out PMs to the players or make an announcement in the Lodge. If you are a GM and would like me to add your signup sheet to the top, send me the link. Alternatively, feel free to use the Lodge to recruit for your own games.

Why should I post in the Gameplay thread?

We've got quite a crowd of dedicated PbPers at the Lodge and it has become a convenient hub to watch out for new PFS games; it is far easier to watch the Gameplay thread than to check back and sift through the Recruitment page every day hoping for new PFS games. Once you have posted in the Gameplay thread of the Flaxseed Lodge, the Lodge will show up on the Campaign tab of your profile. This is a much easier way to watch out for new games, as the notifications for posts in the Flaxseed Lodge will show up right next to your other ongoing campaigns.

Liberty's Edge

Dimira Kressen wrote:
Thank you very much Adeah, I'm hoping to get a chance to play since in my country PFS games do not exist at all and I've always been intrigued by the Society!

Ah, that's too bad. Maybe you can fly in for GenCon someday... PFS games from wall to wall, in a room the size of an American football field.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Scarab Sages

Ok so I would much rather run my evergreen of choice (The Wounded Wisp) than The Confirmation so if there are no particular objections.....

First 6 get the spots!

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)


I am good with either. it is re-playable correct? I did both but a long time ago so I doubt I remember much. I will take a spot. many thanks.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

That's what evergreen means, always replayable. :) Dibs on a spot, please!

Bringing Zora Draznoi, Cleric 1. (Non-Core, here)

Silver Crusade

This is Dimira Kressen, available if you're planning on a CORE "The Wounded Wisp".

Silver Crusade

GM Eddv wrote:

Ok so I would much rather run my evergreen of choice (The Wounded Wisp) than The Confirmation so if there are no particular objections.....

First 6 get the spots!

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)


Xavilon could use a Wounded Wisp! Signing up with Xavilon Starnon.

Dimira Kressen wrote:
Thank you very much Adeah, I'm hoping to get a chance to play since in my country PFS games do not exist at all and I've always been intrigued by the Society!

Are you italian? I lived several months in Rome and couldn't find anything besides some games in Pescara...

Dark Archive

I've got a level 1 I can play through Wisp, CORE or Classic, have one available either way.

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Dimira Kressen wrote:
This is Dimira Kressen, available if you're planning on a CORE "The Wounded Wisp".

If theres enough interest I will run a table of CORE and non

Silver Crusade

Zinou wrote:
Are you italian? I lived several months in Rome and couldn't find anything besides some games in Pescara...

Yes I'm, and furthermore I live in Southern Italy, where no one even knows what PFS is.

Sorry for the OT.

Grand Lodge

"Will there be beautiful women there? If so, I'd love to join. Uncle Barley says never turn down a chance to speak with a good looking woman."

@Eddv: The good doctor is still being created, but would like to join Wisp. He can be ready Monday.

Dark Archive

Zora alias created; ready to ride whenever game is announced. She's a GM credit baby up til now, so it'll be her first play.

Silver Crusade

I forgot to mention, Xavilon is a standard character :)

Liberty's Edge

GM Eddv wrote:

Ok so I would much rather run my evergreen of choice (The Wounded Wisp) than The Confirmation so if there are no particular objections.....

First 6 get the spots!

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)


I'm up for wounded wisp, will have to create something new, probably a wizard for standard. Won't be able to start till Monday though if that's an issue

Grand Lodge

GM Eddv wrote:

Ok so I would much rather run my evergreen of choice (The Wounded Wisp) than The Confirmation so if there are no particular objections.....

First 6 get the spots!

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)


You've probably already got ehough, but I have a melee Occultist I'd like to get started with.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to join for wounded wisp! Thanks!


Scarab Sages

Ok our Standard Table is full and has two replacements.

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)

1. qwerty
2. Zora Draznoi
3. Xavilon
4. Doctor Scalawag
5. Sethran
6. Xynen (unless we get more for a CORE game, he still has dibs)
B1: Adras Bannitear
B2: Prof. Faust

Our Core Table still has plenty of spots so if someone is even just making a new character they intend to use a standard but are using a CORE class and feat you can still hop over to the CORE table and exit the CORE campaign later.

Possible CORE Table

1. Dimira
2. Xynen

Silver Crusade

Sign me up for CORE - Wounded Wisp.

Scarab Sages

Ok our Standard Table is full and has two replacements.

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)

1. qwerty
2. Zora Draznoi
3. Xavilon
4. Doctor Scalawag
5. Sethran
6. Adras Bannitear
B1: Prof. Faust

Possible CORE Table

1. Dimira
2. Xynen
3. Mari Clock (Bard) (via PM)
4. Syrak Divinion

Ok That's a legal CORE table now.

I'll put together the pair of tables later on today. And post the links here.


GM Eddv wrote:

Ok our Standard Table is full and has two replacements.

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)

1. qwerty
2. Zora Draznoi
3. Xavilon
4. Doctor Scalawag
5. Sethran
6. Adras Bannitear
B1: Prof. Faust

Possible CORE Table

1. Dimira
2. Xynen
3. Mari Clock (Bard) (via PM)
4. Syrak Divinion

Ok That's a legal CORE table now.

I'll put together the pair of tables later on today. And post the links here.

I'll play CORE. I was thinking Rogue Thug type character.

does anyone know of a list of PFS scenarios, with the removed ones and the evergreen ones listed? I haven't been able to find such a thing.

Dark Archive

I have made this Shreadsheet. You are more than welcome to copy it. There is a second tab for Core at the bottom

Grand Lodge

Cyrus9553 wrote:
GM Eddv wrote:

Ok our Standard Table is full and has two replacements.

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)

1. qwerty
2. Zora Draznoi
3. Xavilon
4. Doctor Scalawag
5. Sethran
6. Adras Bannitear
B1: Prof. Faust

Possible CORE Table

1. Dimira
2. Xynen
3. Mari Clock (Bard) (via PM)
4. Syrak Divinion

Ok That's a legal CORE table now.

I'll put together the pair of tables later on today. And post the links here.

I'll play CORE. I was thinking Rogue Thug type character.

If there is a final core spot, I would be happy to fill it.

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