GM Fuzzfoot |

For those signing up for my first run Core-only scenario, I have 5 people signed up - all look to be GMs, and so all are in. If we get one more before Feb 16, that's good too, but lets assume for now that the party is:
Based on your notes, I think I will start with #6-01 Trial by Machine. I have participated in it already as a player, and starting at the beginning seems a good place to start. If all goes well, and all are still interested, I will plan to do Gloomspires next (also done as a player). And then we will see how it goes from there.
I have set up an alias, and don't know yet where to post chronicles, but that comes after, right? I will plan to share editable maps on google docs, as that seems to work best for the games I have played in. Now, the big question is, how do I setup the forum for it? I figured we could go ahead and get set up, start introducing characters, etc.
Thanks all for your help getting a newbie started!

GMTrex |

@ GM Fuzzfoot: the easiest way to set up a Gameplay thread (I think) is to go here, click "Add New Thread," give your campaign a title and first post, and hit submit. Then there'll be a box in the top left asking if you want to create a campaign thread for it, click yes and you're all set.
For Chronicles, I find it's easiest to use a .pdf editor or scan handwritten ones, then upload them to a shared Google Drive folder that you can just post in the campaign thread.
Hope this helps!

GM Fuzzfoot |

@ GMTrex : Thanks, that was exactly what I needed.
@ Zakon Hellborn : From the looks of it, rogue should be useful. Welcome aboard.
I have setup the link for campaign discussion here. It all appears to be in order.
Please sign in once you have a character started (or to just dot for now) so I know I have everyone.

EndlessForms |

Most of the games are announced via the Gameplay thread as well. I see you've already posted in the Gameplay thread, which means the campaign will now show up on your campaign tab on your profile.
If you don't use it already, this is the easiest way to track all of your PbP games: Click on your name at the top of the page to go to your profile and then click on the "Campaigns" tab. The Flaxseed Lodge should be there with all of your other games and you'll see the notifications when people post here just like any other game.

qwerty1971 |

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Qwerty's 1-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible Low Tier PFS game thread is now open...the following players are invited to dot in so we can begin.
Jolly Roger
Mike Andersen
axolotlAlso two spots are open for a 1-2 level character (Non CORE).
I have a Level 2 Ranger free for duty. (Or a level 1 archer or bard as well)

Oykiv |

New GM looks 2 recruits more for The Confirmation
We start on monday. The first two to dot in the discussion thread will play: Disccussion Link

G.M.E.W. |

New GM looks 2 recruits more for The Confirmation
We start on monday. The first two to dot in the discussion thread will play: Disccussion Link
Not sure if anyone else was having issues with the link but here is another one:
qwerty1971 |

The following players below are invited to dot in to the Crypt of the Everflame module (link above). If you no longer able to participate please let me know so I can find a replacement. Thank you.
Lyoto "The Dragon" Machida
Revvy Bitterleaf
Jolly Roger
Dot in and do introductions.
I will start the Master of the Fallen Fortress sometime in the next couple of days as other obligation online/real life lessen.

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I'm relatively new to pathfinder society and would like to play it in pbp. I went to archives of nethus and it says that goblin are pfs legal but can't find out if you need a boon or not. Any help is appreciated and advise welcomed.
You need a boon to play goblins. Currently, only core races, Kitsune, Nagaji, Tengu, and Wayangs are legal to play until next season, which starts in July, I believe. PBP is one of the better ways to have Role Playing during PFS games.
I've been slowly getting my physical Chronicle Sheets uploaded into PDF Format, so that everything is in the clear and whatnot.

EndlessForms |

I'm relatively new to pathfinder society and would like to play it in pbp. I went to archives of nethus and it says that goblin are pfs legal but can't find out if you need a boon or not. Any help is appreciated and advise welcomed.
If you are new to PFS, the first thing you will want to do is download and read The Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play. If you are confused about what is legal or not, check the Additional Resources Page, which breaks down what is legal book-by-book.
The Advanced Race Guide entry is a bit confusing because some of the races are legal but you need a boon to play them (boons can be won or earned at conventions). As was said above, only the races from the Core Rulebook along with Kitsune, Nagaji, Tengu, and Wayang are legal at the moment. This has been known to change every couple years but goblins will never be legal. Only a dozen (or so) goblin boons have ever been given out (during a special event at GenCon several years ago) and there are not likely to be any more.

Mark Williams |

This makes me sad, it is what it is. I have all of the PFS downloads but was looking for the goblin info (found it thanks).
Pathfinder Player Companion: Goblins of Golarion To create a goblin character, you must have a Chronicle sheet that opens the race as a legal option at character creation.
So how do I sign up for a game (Lvl1 human gunsliger?)

EndlessForms |

His earliest is in May, he actually suggested this thread instead.
It is best to watch the Gameplay thread for this campaign; that is where most of the games are posted. There are also spreadsheets linked at the top of the page where GMs will list games that they are recruiting for and you can add your character to the game(s) you want to play.

GM Fuzzfoot |

Still have an opening for one more for a Core run of the Wounded Wisp.
Or, if the 5 who have signed up want to go with just 5, that is ok too.
I set up the campaign here. Feel free to check in as you are ready and post in the discussion tab if you want to wait for a sixth or not.

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Still have an opening for one more for a Core run of the Wounded Wisp.
Or, if the 5 who have signed up want to go with just 5, that is ok too.
I set up the campaign here. Feel free to check in as you are ready and post in the discussion tab if you want to wait for a sixth or not.
Quick question, since I can't do google docs from my tablet, is it alright if I come in with this character? I can have his stat block set up tonight.

GM Fuzzfoot |

Quick question, since I can't do google docs from my tablet, is it alright if I come in with this character? I can have his stat block set up tonight.
As long as it is Core rules only, which it appears to me that it is. Welcome aboard.
That makes six, so we can go ahead and start.

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Mark Williams wrote:I'm relatively new to pathfinder society and would like to play it in pbp. I went to archives of nethus and it says that goblin are pfs legal but can't find out if you need a boon or not. Any help is appreciated and advise welcomed.You need a boon to play goblins. Currently, only core races, Kitsune, Nagaji, Tengu, and Wayangs are legal to play until next season, which starts in July, I believe. PBP is one of the better ways to have Role Playing during PFS games.
I've been slowly getting my physical Chronicle Sheets uploaded into PDF Format, so that everything is in the clear and whatnot.
WAIT, Tengus are free to play right now?!

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WAIT, Tengus are free to play right now?!
They weren't removed from open legality, like Aasimar and Tieflings.
-Posted with Wayfinder