The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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I have a cleric 6, paladin 6 and druid 7 available.

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I don't think I have ever seen a game offered that has not filled up. You bring it and we will come.

Core 10 - 11 might take awhile to fill. Especially since a couple of the high level core PbP players no longer do pbp.

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Do you hanker for a sandbox adventure where both your roleplay and swordplay will shine? Fancy yourself a person about town? Able to win with either word or blade? Then do I have a mission for you!

Recruiting for one of my favorites -- the criminally underappreciated #6-22: Out of Anarchy.

Standard mode, tier 1-5.

Head on over to the recruitment thread and post your details. I anticipate getting a table going this week. I like a pretty fast-paced game and expect to be finished by mid-January, allowing for the festive season.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone willing to GM Reign of Winter starting in Book 2. We have a group at the end of Book 1 and our GM is bowing out.

miteke wrote:
I don't think I have ever seen a game offered that has not filled up. You bring it and we will come.

Challenge accepted!

Since What The Helms Hide filled up in literally hours, I'll run The Confirmation as well.


Recruitment will not be first come first serve - priority will be given to newer players. So, please post the PFS numbers and levels of the applicants.

Yours is mined wrote:
Recruiting for #6-22: Out of Anarchy. Standard mode, tier 1-5.

Recruitment closed.

Thanks for your interest everyone.

Party selected is:

Great Green God

Please check into Discussion and ninja dot in Gameplay.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Seekers!

A party of four Pathfinders is recruiting two senior Pathfinders to join them in Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-23—Passing the Torch, Part 2: Who Speaks for the Ten, (Tiers 12-18).

Our GM: GM Irish202.

Our players:

Larry Smith, playing Jack, an azata-blooded aasimar Bard-14

Gayel Nord, playing Géatan Émond , a half-elf Fighter-9 (mutation warrior) / Medium-3 (sentinel)

Thralleon, playing Marcus Samuel, an ifrit Fighter-1 (unbreakable)/Unchained Rogue-4/Pain Taster-10

James Martin aka Our Mysterious Benefactor, playing Gerdur Knee-Biter, a gnome Bloodrager (celestial)-14

If you're interested, please stop by and introduce yourself on our Discussion thread..

The party would welcome anyone, especially a capable healer.

Watery Soup wrote:
miteke wrote:
I don't think I have ever seen a game offered that has not filled up. You bring it and we will come.

Challenge accepted!

Since What The Helms Hide filled up in literally hours, I'll run The Confirmation as well.


Recruitment will not be first come first serve - priority will be given to newer players. So, please post the PFS numbers and levels of the applicants.

One or two spots left, first come first served at this point.

Silver Crusade

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Hello Flaxseed Pathfinders,

I bring greetings from the Roll for Combat Lodge. I go by BBlackwood there, and I have run and played at tables in several of the recent online conventions. I would like to invite people to join us over on Discord for some play-by-post gaming of a different sort.

Firstly, I am recruiting for newbies, whether in general or who haven't tried Discord much as a platform. For this, I will be running The Silverhex Chronicles quests. Bring a level 1 character.

Recruitment Sheet Silverhex

Secondly, for the more experienced, but definitely open to those that haven't tried Discord, I will be running PFS6-18 From Under Ice. Since I would like to run this for more experienced players, we will be trying to run high tier, so preferably bring a 3-5.

Recruitment Sheet From Under Ice

Feel free to message me here or track me down on Discord with Questions, there I am BB GumBlackwood#8523

Gum B the Chewy

Sovereign Court

Is either one going to be a voice session? I haven't played using Discord yet.

Last call for 5-08 The Confirmation. Two spots left, Tier 1.


Grand Lodge

Muzouka wrote:
Is either one going to be a voice session? I haven't played using Discord yet.

These are play-by-chat games similar pbp albeit a bit faster pace.

Silver Crusade

GM Weenerton wrote:
Muzouka wrote:
Is either one going to be a voice session? I haven't played using Discord yet.
These are play-by-chat games similar pbp albeit a bit faster pace.

Indeed, no voice in my games currently. Weenerton has played with me before. There’s only one spot left for 6-18 last I checked, but plenty for Quests.

Friends, with Gameday 8 over, I was wondering if some of you would like to join me to form an all kobold Confirmation? we'd need a GM willing to endure such a cacophony though... :P

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GM PDK wrote:
I was wondering if some of you would like to join me to form an all kobold Confirmation?

I would love to play. Planning on an INQ into DD build.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
GM PDK wrote:
Friends, with Gameday 8 over, I was wondering if some of you would like to join me to form an all kobold Confirmation? we'd need a GM willing to endure such a cacophony though... :P

I'm in.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Argh... so tempting.....

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Haven't made my kobold PC yet... just staring at the boon... and wondering how cool it would be to *just* decide on the class based on the all-kobold table party composition... :) :) :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Unfortunately I do already have a bard 'bold from last year (2018)'s GenCon GM boon, so I don't want to repeat that...

I wonder what smoldragons could also be good at....

I'm thinking about a medium now... unfortunately there's no favored class bonus for kobold mediums... so I'm not settled on the idea just yet! :P Table composition will ultimately dictate...

The shoulder to shoulder alternate racial trait should be taken by the whole table... :)

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I wonder what smoldragons could also be good at....

I wouldn't say they're good at anything really. They're decent at sneaking (just don't stay in melee too long) and at spellcasting, since they don't have any mental stat penalties. I played a kobold cleric through the entire Second Darkness campaign-- early levels were kinda tough but at later levels he was about as good as any other support cleric, and easily the table's favorite character (because, y'know, kobold).

Liberty's Edge

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I have a spare kobold boon but I haven't decided on what to do with it yet. I would love to play an all kobold Confirmation enough to settle on something though.

The Exchange

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Might be interested in the Kobold confirmation...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'd sworn off playing Confirmation again, but that sounds like a lot of fun...

@GM Redelia - This is the module for choice for newbie GMs. It is hilarious when the veteran players are coaching/correcting the new GM through this module.

Only if you have played this before:
The last time I played this the players have played this scenario 3+ times each. We decided to go after the Minotaur right from the start.

This scenario destroyed the concept of replayables for me.

When the whole table is laughing and joking and can recite the box text on behalf of the gm you know it has been reduced to just going through the motions for some gold and xp.

Now firmly on the avoid list, along with Wisp.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Shifty wrote:

This scenario destroyed the concept of replayables for me.

When the whole table is laughing and joking and can recite the box text on behalf of the gm you know it has been reduced to just going through the motions for some gold and xp.

Now firmly on the avoid list, along with Wisp.

Unlike a lot of play and GM experiences, I've been blessed with a unique playthrough over about ten runs.

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Well, as I have never run the game, and I like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Shifty wrote:

This scenario destroyed the concept of replayables for me.

When the whole table is laughing and joking ...

They are having fun.

Provided there isn't someone at the table who hasn't played it, I see no problem. Around here, we ask before starting replayables who has already played. Make sure people know not to spoil it if someone hasn't played yet.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
EbonFist wrote:

Well, as I have never run the game, and I like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

Reported for Duty!

PS: It strikes me as extremely interesting that Confirmation has a KOBOLD ENCOUNTER! a rival gang of kobold!! turf war!!! can you begin to imagine the implications?!? the roleplay associated!! :)

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Actually, it might be interesting to have one player go along and play it straight, with a stuffy human cleric or wizard. Sort of the 'this is how you are supposed to do it' character. They can be the one, obviously civilized person who takes it upon themselves to herd the cats* kobolds through their confirmation the 'right way'. The straight man.

* Sorry, that's a totally different Confirmation game.

Shifty wrote:

This scenario destroyed the concept of replayables for me.

When the whole table is laughing and joking and can recite the box text on behalf of the gm you know it has been reduced to just going through the motions for some gold and xp.

Now firmly on the avoid list, along with Wisp.

Honestly, that just means they've heard the box text too many times and nothing new. There is a fair amount of space in the Confirmation for some actual role-play. The meeting at dawn in an old rundown tavern, the first night camping. How do small characters react to human-sized tables? How many of the first-level characters have even been out of the city, been to a seedy joint, or gone camping? How do they react? How many of them have seen monsters? How do characters react when they are faced with an important decision? Point out the tower from Master of the Fallen Fortress to them on the way back to town. "Maybe we could go there next." Be creative.

I find that many PbP GMs and players are just looking for the rewards at the end of the game rather than the reward of their characters making decisions and being a part of a good story. They have been conditioned to be placed in front of the next door they have to beat down to get to the next monster they have to fight rather than taking the initiative themselves to do dangerous, fun, interesting things. And even though Society GMs in the PbP environment have more time to make things interesting (and many of them do) many of them just copy and paste--and that's fine if you're just starting, but honestly gaming is supposed to be more than a race to see who can get XP and boons faster. You can do that on a computer.

The object of a good role-playing game experience should be to want to continue playing the game.

Hello all,

Real life flooded my plate real quick, and I have tried to push through and continue with my games as normal.

That said, one of my Gameday games is still going on, and I cannot post in a timely manner at this stage. I've already reported the game, but I cannot finish, and if any of you lovely GMs would be so kind as to finish this game for these fine folks, I would greatly appreciate it.

Here is a link to the discussion of the game in question. It is 5-8 The Confirmation.

Where the story is:
The group has made the gilman friendly and has taken the path in the cave that leads to the zombies and skeletons. In the cave with the sketches they identified all four that I gave them and so far have only done one ritual.

Help would be greatly appreciated, and I look forward to rejoining the lodge as soon as real life allows.


GM Roxxie

Sovereign Court

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I can pick it up! I've given it a quick look, seems all in order.

Thank you GM Crunch! I really appreciate it! What do you need from me at this point? I've never handed a game over in the past. ><;

Sovereign Court

Considering you're not real far from being done, I don't think I need much. I can tell you when the game's over so you can deactivate it. Besides that, did you pre-roll any encounter dice you'd like to keep? If so, send my that information via PM.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the quick pick up GM Crunch. Great community of GM's!

Liberty's Edge

GM PDK wrote:
Haven't made my kobold PC yet... just staring at the boon... and wondering how cool it would be to *just* decide on the class based on the all-kobold table party composition... :) :) :)

I thought it would be cool to do an all kobold table. I have a paladin.

Liberty's Edge

I'm running #17 Perils of the Pirate Pact CORE. Two spots saved for GM Aerondor and another player.

First four: here


So, with Qstor's paladin we now have 4 mighty Scions of Dragons (Kobolds to those with no respect for a powerful and dignified species.)

But there's still room for 2 more! If you have a 1st or even 2nd level Kobold looking for action, come get his or her Confirmation as a Pathfinder!

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The World's Most Interesting GM wrote:
There is a fair amount of space in the Confirmation for some actual role-play.

There's a fair amount of space in every scenario for actual roleplay, IMO.

The problem isn't limited to PbP: a lot of my live games have faced the same problems, exacerbated by people building high DPR, negative charisma characters and roleplaying them as "i have negative charisma so wake me up when there's something to smash."

Some of my favorite moments have been when things go well off-script. The story begins with my alchemist losing 14 points of intelligence, and the story ends with him standing on top of a pyramid me standing on my chair yelling "BOW BEFORE ME I AM YOUR MONKEY GOD!"

EbonFist wrote:

Well, as I have never run the game, and I like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

We got four FINE lookin' kobolds in their prime rearin' to go! need another two or so to make this experience HILARIOUS! :) :P

I went Rougarou, sorry.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.

On the subject of roleplay in PBP:

I think that some of it depends on GM expectations up front. In all my scenarios, I tell people that they are going to roleplay when I recruit them as a GM. Then I tell them again in discussion. Then I have NPCs directly start drawing out individual player characters, and before we know it, we're all going wild!

PBP has the most opportunity for roleplay. It just depends on the culture that the GM and the players establish.


I had the option getting a kobold boon at the most recent con I GM'd at but I figured I've got all the PF1 characters I'll play so might as well get the starfinder boon.

GM Ietsuna wrote:
I went Rougarou, sorry.

Have you... played a game with that... Rouknowhat... yet? **whistling innocently**

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

I was building a Inquisitor of Dahak going DD as well.

Now recruiting for Thornkeep: The Dark Menagerie here.

GM PDK wrote:
EbonFist wrote:

Well, as I have never run the game, and I like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

We got four FINE lookin' kobolds in their prime rearin' to go! need another two or so to make this experience HILARIOUS! :) :P

"No boon. So I'll just 'supervise'. heh, heh."

Dark Archive

Varanog, Sorcerer Supreme! wrote:
GM PDK wrote:
EbonFist wrote:

Well, as I have never run the game, and I like a good concept piece, any Kobolds interested can check in at the discussion thread HERE for the Kobold Confirmation...or Kobold Formation, as I'm calling it.

Seats are reserved for those who showed interest so far which, I think leaves us with one seat open for any kobold who wants to prove his or her merit to the Pathfinder Society.

We got four FINE lookin' kobolds in their prime rearin' to go! need another two or so to make this experience HILARIOUS! :) :P
"No boon. So I'll just 'supervise'. heh, heh."

"Get in line softscale. There's only room for one Vanarog in this tunnel!"

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