The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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GM Na2Te wrote:

Table filled! Here are the six:

Jidai Oyuki
Mari Clock

Be thinking about who you want to bring; pregens are fine as well. I'll make a thread when the time comes.

Marvelous! I'm thinking of playing Lem, Valeros, or the iconic Investigator. I'll make my final choice based on the party makeup. Excited to get started!

Scarab Sages

GM Eddv wrote:

Ok our Standard Table is full and has two replacements.

The Wounded Wisp (levels 1-2)

1. qwerty
2. Zora Draznoi
3. Xavilon
4. Doctor Scalawag
5. Sethran
6. Adras Bannitear
B1: Prof. Faust

Possible CORE Table

1. Dimira
2. Xynen
3. Mari Clock (Bard) (via PM)
4. Syrak Divinion
5. Cyrus
6. PJP

Ok That's a legal CORE table now.

I'll put together the pair of tables later on today. And post the links

We are good to go, find your table, check in and we'll get going!

Standard Table

Core Table

Grand Lodge

@GM Eddv - I am afraid Adras is going to have to bow out. He got pulled into a different game last night.

Silver Crusade

If another standard wounded wisp spot should open up, I would be happy to take it :)

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I have a recently-rebuilt dhampir Occultist that I'd love to try out in a game soon. He's currently level 5. Since he has the Serpent's Rise chronicle, would anyone be looking to run #7-09: The Blakros Connection sometime in the very near future? If so, I'd love to have a spot in that game!

I'd be interested too, but all my characters are locked into PbP games.

Also, do you know if you need to play the character who has the chronicle sheet or do you just need proof that you have the chronicle sheet assigned to one of your characters?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Pretty sure you're supposed to use the character the chronicle is assigned to. At least that's how I read the boon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You don't have to use the same character.

Good to know, just need to get my chronicle sheet in a digital format.

GM Crucible wrote:

I've updated my sign-up sheet with this one. Added cartmanbeck, qwerty1971 and PatheticWretch.

I'm willing to run multiple tables, both Standard and Core, depending on demand.

Sign-ups are via the my Google sheet, The "official" recruit thread, if you wish to follow it, is here.

For those of you following this thread instead of Gameplay (shame on you!), I have announced mustering for my Consortium Compact tables.

If you signed up on my sheet you very like have a table, and we're waiting for you!

Liberty's Edge


Hope this message finds folks in good health and appropriate holiday moods!

Looking For:

A GM that would be PbP Gold Star Awesome to run #2-17 Shades of Ice Pt. 2: Exiles of Winter followed by #2-19 Shades of Ice Pt. 3: Keep of the Huscarl King both in Standard Mode

I am a L5 Bard that would be playing it on 'slow' to get the two scenarios in before he's not able to play it any longer.

The GM that ran #2-15 Shades of Ice Pt. 1: Written in Blood over R20 unfortunately had to move and is still getting situated at their new location, and suggested I seek someone else to run the remaining two.

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

Silver Crusade

Got this character, Lvl 1, would like to get into a game.

Scarab Sages

Rae Alain Paight wrote:


Hope this message finds folks in good health and appropriate holiday moods!

Looking For:

A GM that would be PbP Gold Star Awesome to run #2-17 Shades of Ice Pt. 2: Exiles of Winter followed by #2-19 Shades of Ice Pt. 3: Keep of the Huscarl King both in Standard Mode

I am a L5 Bard that would be playing it on 'slow' to get the two scenarios in before he's not able to play it any longer.

The GM that ran #2-15 Shades of Ice Pt. 1: Written in Blood over R20 unfortunately had to move and is still getting situated at their new location, and suggested I seek someone else to run the remaining two.

Thank you very much for your time in advance!

How long are you willing to wait? I would be willing to run it but would, perhaps, like to run part 1 first for the sake of other players.

Liberty's Edge

It'd be nice to have them done by the end of April, so this character would be ready for PaizoCon, with a little cushion of time built in there just in case?

Figuring a month or so for the first one (typical PbP timeframe) plus holiday season to get past in that calculation?

Second Seekers (Roheas)

Rae Alain Paight wrote:

It'd be nice to have them done by the end of April, so this character would be ready for PaizoCon, with a little cushion of time built in there just in case?

Figuring a month or so for the first one (typical PbP timeframe) plus holiday season to get past in that calculation?


Ok, I was going to wait until I finished running my evergreens to do this but I will go ahead and put up a sign up sheet for this game in the gameplay thread. I'll PM you when its completed (or if you have a GM Star to burn replaying it you can play of course).

Liberty's Edge

Sure thing. Thank you very much for the prompt response.

Sovereign Court

Would anybody be interested in playing Black waters?

Just putting it out here to gaudge interest before I put it in Gameplay thread

Grand Lodge

nightdeath wrote:

Would anybody be interested in playing Black waters?

Just putting it out here to gaudge interest before I put it in Gameplay thread

Very interested. This handsome lady is looking for a place to do her thing!

Dark Archive

nightdeath wrote:

Would anybody be interested in playing Black waters?

Just putting it out here to gaudge interest before I put it in Gameplay thread

Sure thing! I'll probably run this guy

Sovereign Court

nightdeath wrote:

Would anybody be interested in playing Black waters?

Just putting it out here to gaudge interest before I put it in Gameplay thread

I might be interested. I have a couple different PC's that could fit either tier so I'll wait to see what the potential party needs before deciding.

The Exchange

nightdeath wrote:

Would anybody be interested in playing Black waters?

Just putting it out here to gaudge interest before I put it in Gameplay thread

As a core game very interested although sadly already burnt one gm star to play it at my FLGS in standard



I'm interested. I have lots of characters available.

Sovereign Court

Not Core but can run one if enough are interested.
I should be fine with two tables.

One Core and One Classic.

Looking to start after the holidays.

I have a few characters open for core Black Waters.

Sovereign Court

Sign me up for classic, sir. Either tier is fine by me.

nightdeath wrote:

Not Core but can run one if enough are interested.

I should be fine with two tables.

One Core and One Classic.

Looking to start after the holidays.

I have a brand-new standard archer paladin looking to get started

Liberty's Edge

i Have this wizard level 2 i am down to run on core

Recruiting for #00-23, King Xeros of Old Azlant, standard. Tiers 7-11. Sign-up sheet is here.

GM Dien wrote:
Recruiting for #00-23, King Xeros of Old Azlant, standard. Tiers 7-11. Sign-up sheet is here.

Accepted players are: Hrothdane, Magabeus, Sethran, I'm Hiding In Your Closet, qwerty1971, and GM Aarvid. Gameplay thread is over here.

I checked my records and had already played this years ago. So had to drop.

Okay, thanks. Upaynao, you're off the waitlist and into the game.

Dark Archive

I am going to run scenario 7-5 School of spirits. I am trying to start Monday or Tuesday. It is a tier 1-5. I have started the recruitment thread Here

Dark Archive

DM Snider wrote:
I am going to run scenario 7-5 School of spirits. I am trying to start Monday or Tuesday. It is a tier 1-5. I have started the recruitment thread Here

Edit now signed up. Nothing to see here move along

Liberty's Edge

I'm interested in Core Black waters with a ranger/ftr 2

Grand Lodge

Hi all,
If anyone is going to be running a high tier game I have this lvl 10 magus who needs 1 more game to get to 11.

nightdeath wrote:

Not Core but can run one if enough are interested.

I should be fine with two tables.

One Core and One Classic.

Looking to start after the holidays.

Hi. Got an oracle1/paladin2, but I can make a fresh character. If you have slots free and would have me, just let me know what you have in the game and I'll get on it.

Classic game, that is.

Lantern Lodge

"You lot.." mutters a VC as he wanders into the lodge.

"Ever been to Korvosa? Aw well, no matter. Here is a chance to get even on some of those Aspis scum. We have a chance to help an ally against them."

I'm looking for a CORE group for The Green Market.

There is a classic game going as well with The Fox. If that fills up, I'll think about running a Classic game as well.

This is a level 5-9 scenario.

Silver Crusade

A fairy dragon flies in after the VC. "I've heard that the second group is already mostly full. There's a good chance that there will be other interested parties."


GM Aerondor wrote:

"You lot.." mutters a VC as he wanders into the lodge.

"Ever been to Korvosa? Aw well, no matter. Here is a chance to get even on some of those Aspis scum. We have a chance to help an ally against them."

I'm looking for a CORE group for The Green Market.

There is a classic game going as well with The Fox. If that fills up, I'll think about running a Classic game as well.

This is a level 5-9 scenario.

Looks like it filled up.

Sovereign Court

Just learning about this sheet, and trying to figure out the system behind this recruitment.

Silver Crusade

Tanariel wrote:
Just learning about this sheet, and trying to figure out the system behind this recruitment.

GMs will post announcements in these threads. Announcements in the Gameplay thread are usually done in-character.

The sheets linked in the banner at the top are where people sign up for announced games. When a GM announces a game, look for his sheet up there to sign up.

Most are first-come first-served. Some are lottery. It is up the individual GM.

If you post something in the Gameplay thread (even if you subsequently delete it), then the Flaxseed Lodge will show up in your Campaigns tab, so you can see when people are posting new games.

First Time PFS GM looking to run First Steps Part I: In Service to Lore CORE. Please go HERE to get join up.

Scarab Sages

Running a Consortium Compact, partly for one of my Wounded Wisp groups, but we have THREE SPOTS thanks to members of the group who didnt want to continue on it.


I haven't played that one yet. I have a 2nd level cleric that could go.

I have a level 1 fighter that i can bring or a 2 bard. would rather do the bard which is this alias

The current party has a witch, a wizard and an alchemist so any melee type would be most welcomed.

Is it Core or standard? I can bring a fresh level 1 fighter.


Sweet, I'm in with my fighter then.

Hey qwerty! I would prefer the bard but i can bring my fighter too. He is a brand new character!

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