The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Dark Archive

GM XaveTheNerd wrote:

As my work calms down again, I'd like to recruit for a Level 1-2 Module: Murder's Mark.

Signup is HERE!

I will pick and choose from those who sign up, and I only have room for one table of 6. If you'd like to head off to a wandering Varisian carnival and see the sights, now's your time. I anticipate a quick start early next week, with players chosen sometime this weekend. Module is more oriented to those who can gather information, but a strongman or two never hurts!

If you have room left, I've been dying to let this skill monkey run loose on an RP/Intrigue heavy module. It would be his first adventure.

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I'm initiating an interest check for #10-16 (What the Helms Hide) or #5-08 (The Confirmation). Both of these are evergreen scenarios for Level 1-5 or 1-2, respectively, characters.

In addition to the usual criteria for declaring interest, I'm adding a few special ones.

1. I'm a first time online PFS GM, and I've only GMed offline PFS once. I'd like to set the expectation that I'll make at least one rules mistake and it's going to be immortalized on the Interwebs. Also, I'm going to assume I'm going to have a little trouble linking threads or whatever needs to be done logistics-wise. I'm probably going to draw on the players' expertise a little, so you can't be annoyed, and it'd be preferred if you're happy, to help.

2. Starting a game now will run through two major US holidays. I do not want to pause the game for significant amounts of time. Part of the reason why I'm starting now is that my schedule is pretty light and my travel is all domestic. If your schedule isn't light or you've got a two week trip to Bora Bora, enjoy your holidays and look for another one of my games in Jan/Feb (unless I have a terrible experience right off the bat, I intend to GM a game for Outpost).

If you're willing to put up with a little more than the usual, please post here. I'll set up a formal recruitment thread when I know which scenario more people are interested in.

Scarab Sages

I'd be game, particularly for "What The Helms Hide".

Sovereign Court

I'd like to as well. If you'd like someone in the game who's run it before, I'd be up for Confirmation. If you'd rather that not happen or don't care, I haven't done What the Helms Hide yet. Holidays shouldn't be an issue. Glad to see your interest in GMing!

I'd be interested in "What the Helms Hide." I probably won't post a lot over the Thanksgiving holiday but otherwise, I'm available.

And I swear to all the Gods of Golarion that I STILL struggle with setting up campaigns and I'm on my 6th or 7th.

I'd be interested in "What the Helms Hide." I have not played through that one yet. As for posting through the holidays, that is no problem for me.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Hooray and congrats on taking the GMing plunge! You'll do just fine :)

Welcome to the party Watery Soup.

If you need any guidance or assistance with the tech side of things, don't hesitate to ask. I am sure there are many experienced GMs around who would be happy to mentor you.

I am interested in #10-16: What the Helms Hide. I have a 4L, a 3L, 3-2L, and 2-1L that are all available, ready, and willing. I do not see any problem with posting throughout the holidays.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I would be interested in What the Helms Hide. Have played the Confirmation, but would do so again.

Would be interested in both, with a particular interest in The Confirmation.

Wow, that was quick!

I'll post a recruitment thread for What the Helms Hide for the first six (Headbutt can be first alternate) as soon as I figure it out. I prefer it too because I GMed it live so I still have all my prepped materials.

EbonFist, I played Bocke Reed in your Gameday campaign. I loved your style and hope to emulate it.

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Headbutt is a new player. Why don't you let him take my spot and I'll be alt. I have played once before.

Watery Soup wrote:

EbonFist, I played Bocke Reed in your Gameday campaign. I loved your style and hope to emulate it.

And in From Under Ice! I think Bocke's great and I'm sure you'll do a great job as a GM. PM me if you need any advice.

First piece: You have to be in the Online Campaigns section before creating your campaign or you won't get the "Create Gameplay?" "Create Discussion?" etc. prompts.

It'll just create threads.

Having just finished my Offical Foray into PFS GMing, I salute you, Brothy GM!

Speaking of which: having finished my first run of The Consortium Compact, I'm ready to run another one. Who has a Level 1 or 2 PC that wants to break up some shaky alliances?

I’d be up for that, GM N-T

philipjcormier wrote:
Headbutt is a new player. Why don't you let him take my spot and I'll be alt. I have played once before.

Thanks, philipjcormier.


1. I'm Hiding In Your Closet
2. GM Crunch
3. EbonFist
4. Banesama
5. azjauthor
6. Headbutt


Recruitment is now closed for Murder's Mark.

Will the following please report to this discussion thread!

Headbutt as Herod Petros
Hawthwhile as The Grandfrogger
Ebon Fist as Shenzen Ni Sokune
Ythiel as Erica 'bobbie' Zufan
OG3 as Barrabas
I'm Hiding In Your Closet as Ao Shoka

2 people marked this as a favorite.
philipjcormier wrote:

Headbutt is a new player. Why don't you let him take my spot and I'll be alt. I have played once before.

You’re a gentleman. I’m preparing to GM a tier 1-2 run of The Stolen Heir currently. Since you’re swapping out for me, I’ll save you a spot if you’re interested. Fair warning, it is my first time GM’ing online.

That said, I’m opening recruitment for #5-04 The Stolen Heir! The remaining spots are first come first serve, recruitment can be found here.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
GM Nine-Tuiles wrote:

Having just finished my Offical Foray into PFS GMing, I salute you, Brothy GM!

Speaking of which: having finished my first run of The Consortium Compact, I'm ready to run another one. Who has a Level 1 or 2 PC that wants to break up some shaky alliances?

Interest Indicated.

Silver Crusade

GM Nine-Tuiles wrote:

Having just finished my Offical Foray into PFS GMing, I salute you, Brothy GM!

Speaking of which: having finished my first run of The Consortium Compact, I'm ready to run another one. Who has a Level 1 or 2 PC that wants to break up some shaky alliances?


I have played #5-04 The Stolen Heir and #5-10 The Consortium Compact. Thank you both.

Wei Ji, just for you, any NPC whose species is not specified in the book will be a kobold :P

Those who have expressed interest, you have a slot reserved here!

GM N-T, checking my sheets, I have played the Compact already! Thanks for the offer, but they will be many people wanting that slot. Good luck to your crew...

I do believe it’s Evergreen!

Consortium compact is evergreen for 1st level characters, much like the Confirmation if I remember correctly. Commonly part of a series to get a character to 2nd level without having to use new scenarios.

I've had somebody have to drop Murder's Mark due to a misunderstanding about Core mode, so:

Will the following please report to this discussion thread!

Lysle as Wulthur the Bold

My Consortium Compact table is filled!

Pathfinders! Do you hanker for a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl? Do you prefer your goblins to be homicidal pyromaniacs with a peculiar love of singing? Then Sheila Heidmarch has got just the mission for you!

Recruiting for 8-22 Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen. Standard mode, tier 1-5.

Head on over to the recruitment thread and post your details. I'll aim to get a table going by the weekend. I run a pretty fast-paced game and will expect to complete by new year.

Dark Archive

A particularly hairy man tips up his tri-corner hat and smiles "That sounds interesting, very interesting even!" He scrambles towards the job board quickly before its overrun.

GM supervillan wrote:

Pathfinders! Do you hanker for a good old-fashioned dungeon crawl? Do you prefer your goblins to be homicidal pyromaniacs with a peculiar love of singing? Then Sheila Heidmarch has got just the mission for you!

Recruiting for 8-22 Wrath of the Fleshwarped Queen. Standard mode, tier 1-5.

Head on over to the recruitment thread and post your details. I'll aim to get a table going by the weekend. I run a pretty fast-paced game and will expect to complete by new year.

Recruitment closed.

Thanks for your interest everyone.

Party selected as follows:

Dale the Sage
Malaz Bourreau
Hskoro Tailfeather
Ayo of the Radiant Eyes
Arin Qualnoh

Please dot in to gameplay.

Liberty's Edge

Damn, I'm too late. Good luck Dale! I'll drink to your success!

Dark Archive

Dale runs up and gives Dru a big hug, enveloping himself in her chest. "Thanks Dru, not too many though!" He smiles and hustles off, remarking on the interesting fabric choice of Supervillian's overcoat.

"Is that fire resistant?"

One spot remains for my Tier 1-2 run of The Stolen Heir, first come first serve. Find it here!

can I join, GM Headbutt? I could make a 1 level character for the beginning of the game

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DM Lil" Eschie wrote:
can I join, GM Headbutt? I could make a 1 level character for the beginning of the game

Of course you may! We're expected to kick off tomorrow afternoon. Fair warning, it's my first time GMing.

GM XaveTheNerd wrote:

Recruitment is now closed for Murder's Mark.

Will the following please report to this discussion thread!

I'm Hiding In Your Closet as Ao Shoka

Ao Shoka, please report to Murder's Mark if you're still around. We'll be moving on tomorrow and running with a party of 5 if you do not. The first "encounter" is quite early in the module.

Silver Crusade

A gentle little frogman, wearing a holy symbol of sarenrae around his neck, sadly watches his friend Dale leave for adventure without him.

Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

That looks like a fun scenario, I could bring a lvl 4 wizard to that.

Sovereign Court

I could be tempted...

Sovereign Court

GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

Pau has been on vacation for a few months and is ready to get back at it. Level five monk.

GM Ultra Plus wrote:

Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

I have a paladin or a core 'ninja' (rogue/fighter/monk). Both level 4.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you're leaning high, this level 7 transmuter would be game. Wouldn't mind playing with Pau again but things seem to be trending low.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

And here I thought Pau had died of old age. I'd gladly go along to see the old man got along all right. ;p

Sovereign Court

GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

I have a free lvl 5 for that.

GM Ultra Plus wrote:
Interest check for a core run of Wardstone Patrol, a 3-7 from season 5?

I would be interested I have several characters in range.

Sovereign Court

Well, that is at least 8... So it would seem that there *is* interest in a table ;-)

Grand Lodge

I have a monk 7 if that core table goes high.

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