My primary PFS character had a similar quirk that I came up with. In my mind, he sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait, but I'm not really sure it's translating as well in PbP. I try to be true to the character, but it's all subjective. For me, it's not about being unique. It's just how the character exists in my mind.
I'm calling Quonx, the mechanic. Love a name with x or q and I've got both here. For credit:
DoubleGold wrote:
As I have never done an adventure for credit, can you clarify if you are looking for these details for the character I will be playing (except for the SFS#) or all all of these details for the SFS character? Sorry to sound like a dunce here.
J.U.N.K. (classification: Jettisoned Unit, source: Not Known)
SRO roboticist operative 7 N Small construct (technological) Init +12; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 (+1 to vision-based); -------------------- Defense -------------------- SP 49 HP 44 RP 8 EAC 22; KAC 22 Fort +3; Ref +10; Will +6 Defensive Abilities evasion, uncanny agility; DR 5/-; Immunities bleed, disease, death effects, poison, nonlethal damage, sleep -------------------- Offense -------------------- Speed 30 ft. Ranged fighter handcoil +10 (1d10+3 E; 40 ft.; arc 1d10) Offensive Abilities debilitating trick [flat-footed, off-target, disarm (DC 18)], trick attack +4d8 -------------------- Statistics -------------------- Str 10 (+0); Dex 20 (+5); Con 12 (+1); Int 22 (+6); Wis 12 (+1); Cha 10 (+0) Skills Acrobatics +15, Athletics +12, Bluff +13, Computers +20 (7 ranks), Culture +19, Diplomacy +10, Engineering +22 (7 ranks), Life Science +16, Medicine +22, Mysticism +11, Perception +14 (+1 to vision-based), Physical Science +16, Piloting +18 (7 ranks), Sense Motive +14, Sleight of Hand +21, Stealth +21, Survival +14; (reduce the DCs of Engineering checks by 5 to identify creatures and technology) Feats Divine Blessing (Triune), Enhanced Resistance (kinetic), Fleet, Toughness, Weapon Specialization Languages Akitonian, Aklo, Brethedan, Castrovelian, Common, Eoxian, Kasatha, Shirren, Triaxian, Vercite, Ysoki, Vesk Other Abilities healing circuit, integrated equipment (retinal reflectors), operative exploits (jack of all trades, uncanny shooter, utility belt [3300 CR]), operative's edge +3, quick movement +10 ft, robotic, specialization (gadgeteer), specialization skill mastery (engineering, sleight of hand) Other Gear fighter handcoil, ysoki reflector suit Augmentation comm unit, datajack, mk 1 synaptic accelerator (dexterity), mk 2 synaptic accelerator (intelligence), retinal reflectors Will set up an alias soon.
I'm just curious what your thoughts are on calling out our specific actions and action count given the new action economy as a GM. Would you like us to account for these in a spoiler tag or would you be okay with everything being very narrative and keeping track of those on our own? Now, as for a concept for my character, assuming that the playtest backgrounds are still in play, I was thinking (as I said), a goblin street urchin rogue. He is going to be very sneaky and can't keep his hands out of others' purses. He's a bit of a klepto, actually. In combat, he is going to (hopefully) rather agile and do more of hit-and-run style attacks. With all that being said, this is all fluid and I reserve the right to make changes based on what will actually be published come 1 August. I would love hear more on what everyone else is thinking for their characters.
Keeping up the trend, I just want to shout out to the masses, "Hey". Also, to go with the masses, I am planning on playing a Goblin rogue. I've told my IRL gaming group, that I would never play a goblin, but I am going back on my word for this game. I'm really excited for 2E. I read all there was to read for the playtest, but never had a chance to participate. I salivated at the thought of playing while listening to the GCP do their (partial) run-through of the playtest and, more recently, their 2E game with Bulmahn and Mona at PaizoCon. As soon as I saw 2E spots open for GameDay, I had to jump at it. I look forward to learning this system with all of you and (hopefully) learning to love me some goblins on the way.
GM Nayr wrote: Sounds good eijel; that would be your 3rd hex - normal at 1st and 2nd level, then at 4th level you'd get the spontaneous healing. In game, this would be a 3/4 of the way through book 1, so you'll go through quite a few encounters without it. That wouldn't be a problem. I've got the gap covered.
Alternatively, I think it would be better if I were to alter my character, going with the Hedge Witch archetype. I can still have fun with debuffing, but add the healing aspect in. Hedge Witch gains the ability to spontaneously cast Cure spells. I just want to get GM weigh-in on when that happens. The ability does not specify a level at which it occurs, but it does replace the 4th level hex. Additionally, the other Hedge Witch ability, Empathic Healing, does not have a specified level at which it is gained, but replaces the 8th level hex. There is no official word from paizo (that I can find) on this. Either way, I think I will change my character to this. The previous incarnation of the character would be a fun idea, but not practical for the party. I will likely stick with the same race (human). I just think that the Summoner would be a more effective character than the Tatterdemalion. That being said, I would be happy going either way.
We've almost completed book 1 and on the whole we all like it so far. I'm really looking forward to putting my players through the next part of the story because I think it's really going to throw them for a loop. I'm not extremely familiar with many of the APs, but Ruins seems different from the others I do have familiarity with in that the questions seem to go unanswered. I kind of like that, if I'm being honest. Maybe that is the sadistic GM in me, though.
Hey all! I'm thinking of playing a Ulfen human witch with the Tatterdemalion and Mirror Witch archetypes. Still working on a background story/concept but thinking something like mother was a winter witch and expected her to be one too, but she couldn't handle that lifestyle and ran off on her own. I'm building her with debuffing in mind (like any good witch). In addition, I want her to be a local clothier/tailor. I would be open to other concepts and/or classes, if the group thinks it makes sense. I have not had many opportunities to be a player in an RPG for a while. While I have been "playing" for about 20 years, I currently only GM. My group and I are running the Ruins of Azlant AP and we are recording it as an actual play podcast. Unfortunately, due to life circumstances, we've been on hiatus for a bit and I have a real itch to play.
GM Socrates wrote:
Not sure if you would be interested in anyone else joining in on 1-05, but I would love to play through. I don't have a character fully built out yet, but that is a mere formality.
I really enjoy the story of Ruins, but our group is also seeing an issue with commitment. We are just finishing book 1 now and are likely to be loosing half of the players soon. Luckily, we have found new blood to take their place. We tried starting Hell's Rebels, but one of our players was a complete newbie and she didn't particularly like the rebellion mechanic, so we stopped after only a couple sessions. I would love to be a player on something. I have a catalog of characters that I create as I dream of playing them. I have read the entirety of Ruins, so I feel like that would be an unfair advantage to play, however.
GM Placeholder of Doom! wrote:
The recruitment thread for Strange Aeons doesn't seem to be up, but I would be very, very interested. I do not have any character ready, but can put one together very quickly, once I see the thread. Otherwise, I am very interested in playing any APs. Consider me in the mix. |