Full Name |
Kramac |
Race |
Half-Orc |
Classes/Levels |
M Half-Orc Normal AC: 36 Current AC: 36 T 14 FF 33 | HP 121/121| F +22 R +16 W +16 / +2 Heroism | CMD 28 | Init +5 | Perc +18(+4 On Beak)| Spells: Level 1 4/6 Level 2 5/5 Level 3 3/4 Level 4 0/1 | Bane 10/10 | Animal Focus 8/10 | Hunter Trick 4/7 |
Gender |
Male |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
34 |
Alignment |
NG |
Deity |
Kurgess |
Location |
Mwangi Expanse |
Languages |
Common |
Strength |
20 |
Dexterity |
14 |
Constitution |
14 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
14 |
Charisma |
7 |
About Kramac
Half-Orc Brawler 2, Inquisitor 10, Fighter 1
Classes/Levels | HP:121/121 | AC:36 T:14 FF:33 | CMB:16 CMD:30| Saves F:+22 R:+16 W:+16 | Init:+6 | Per:+24 (+4 Next to Beak) |
About Kramac
Half-Orc Brawler (Snakebite) 2, Inquisitor 10 (Sacred Huntsmaster), Fighter 1 (Drill Sergeant)
NG Medium humanoid (Half-Orc)
Init +6, Darkvision 60ft, Perception +24 (+21 Adjacent to Beak)
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AC 36, touch 14, flat-footed 33 (+13 Armor,+6 Shield, +3 Dex, +2 Deflection, +2 Natural)
hp 121
Fort +22, Ref +16, Will +16
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Speed 30 ft (20ft while encumbered)
Melee Double Chicken Saber (+3 Fortuitous) +19/+14 (1d6+9/17-20)
Melee Unarmed Strike +16/+11 (1d6+6)
Ranged Sling +12 (1d4+6)
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Str 20 (22) Dex 14 (16) Con 14 (16) Int 12 Wis 14 (16) Cha 7
Base Atk +10 CMB +16 CMD 28
Traits: Magical Knack (Inquisitor), Fate's Favored
Feats:Combat Reflexes, Combat Expertise, Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, Boon Companion, Outflank, Pack Flanking, Paired Opportunist, Improved Critical, Broken Wing Gambit, Mounted Combat, Planar Focus, Escape Route (Most Recent Teamwork), Trick Riding
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Bluff +15 Climb +10, Diplomacy +19, Handle Animal +5, Intimidate +18, Kn. Arcana +5, Kn. Dungeon +5, Kn. Engineering +5, Kn. Local +5, Kn. Nature +5, Kn. Planes +9, Kn. Religion +5, Perception +24 (+28 when mounted), Ride +21 (+23 on Mounted Combat), Sense Motive +23, Profession Scribe +6, Survival +6, Swim +9
Languages Common, Polyglot
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Sneak Attack +1d6
Brawlers Cunning
Martial Training
Brawler's Flurry
Conversion Domain
Stern Gaze
Monster Lore
Cunning Initiative
Animal Companion
Hunter Tactics
Discern Lies
Animal Focus
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Weapons and Armor
+3 Fortuitous Chicken Saber
MW Lance
Adamantine Cestus
Cold Iron Double Chicken Saber
Alchemical Silver Double Chicken Saber
+4 Jousting Mithril Fullplate
+4 Darkwood Heavy Shield
MW Sling
20x Alchemical Silver Bullets
20x Cold Iron Bullets
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Wondrous Items
Cloak of Resistance +4
+2 Amulet of Natural Armor
+2 Ring of Protection
Belt of Physical Perfection (+2)
Buffering Cap
Metamagic Rod (Extend)
Headband of Unshakable Resolve (+2 Wis)
Dusty Rose Prism Ioun Stone (+1 Insight to AC)
Eyes of the Eagle
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Mundane Gear
Pen and Parchment
Silk Rope (100 ft)
Torch x3
MW Manacles
Basic Lock
Small Mirror
Folding Pole
Military Saddle
MW Reins (MW Item for +2 on Mounted Combat checks)
Chain Shirt
Noble's Outfit
Alchemist's Fire (4)
Acid Flask (4)
Powdered Granite (1,000 GP)
Wands / Scrolls
Wand: CLW (38)
Wand: Remove Fear (46)
Scroll: Remove Paralysis (5)
Scroll: See Invisibility (4)
Scroll: Lesser Resto (5)
Scroll: Align Weapon (6)
Scroll: Carry Companion (4)
Scroll: Cure Critical Wounds (1)
Scroll: Slipstream (5)
Scroll: Fly (2)
Potion (Sponge): Air Bubble (1)
Scroll: Bless (4)
Oil: Daylight
Scroll: Restoration (100 gp component)
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Level0: Spells Known: 6
Mending, Detect Magic, Create Water, Read Magic, Stabilize, Light
Level 1: Spells Known: 5
Divine Favor, Shield of Faith, Heightened Awareness, Expeditious Retreat, Cure Light Wounds
Level 2: Spells Known: 5
Honeyed Tongue, Resist Energy, Litany of Defense, See Invisibility, Tongues
Level 3: Spells Known: 4
Heroism, Magic Circle vs. Evil, Resist Energy Communal, Invisibility Purge
Level 4: Spells Known: 2
Freedom of Movement
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Level 1: 4 + 1
Level 2: 4 + 1
Level 3: 2 + 1
Level 4: 1