The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Grand Lodge

Yes, Master.

Grand Lodge

If we're making requests, I'd vote for The Sarkorian Prophecy or Ghol'Gon Heresy. But I'd be ok with whatever, provided I haven't played it yet (I have played Tapestry's Trial).

I could do a run of The Elven Entanglement (#5-05). I'd want to have a party solidly in one tier or the other, though - this isn't a good one to have people playing out of tier (particularly playing up).

I also have a list of "ready to run" scenarios that I've GMed before and would be able to start up fairly quickly.

Grand Lodge

I'd definitely be down for Elven Entanglement.

Scarab Sages

Wow! That would be great! Thanks a lot GM Rinaldo!

Interested parties please go here to sign up for #5-05 "The Elven Entanglement". Once I see that we have a workable party, I'll set up the campaign for it.

Scarab Sages

Thanks GM Rinaldo :)

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Bye-bye boys! Have fun storming the castle!

Grand Lodge

Castle? I would expect it to be more of a giant tree fort.

Grand Lodge

Thank you very much for the invitation, GM Rinaldo! :)

Looks like we have a party. I'll get the campaign set up and post the link once it's ready.

EDIT: That will probably be sometime tomorrow (Friday), mid to late morning Seattle time (PST).

Grand Lodge

Thanks, GM Rinaldo! It’s been a little while since I’ve played in one of your sessions, looking forward to it...

Dang missed it. I have 2 level 8s, and level 9 and a level 5 all ready to play.

Dark Archive

Those level 8's and 9 may have been hard pressed in Elven Entanglement. Ran through it with Starson at the helm, so there were no punches pulled. A couple of brutal fights.

Now recruiting level 3 and 4 Pathfinders for PFS # 0-14: "The Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch" here.

Master Aram Zey summons the following pathfinders to the Grand Lodge! Do not keep him waiting, he is not known for his patience.

yogadragon (Kramac)
supervillan (Quenly)
Zinou (Shamak)
Otha (Flynn)
Noral (Zaarah)
Kyle Worg (Kindle Crow)

Liberty's Edge

Elven Entanglement is legit. Best of luck!

Only asking because the last few have been successful- -anyone interested in running a later season 3-7 or 5-9?

Sovereign Court

Jillia Tennille wrote:

Elven Entanglement is legit. Best of luck!

Only asking because the last few have been successful- -anyone interested in running a later season 3-7 or 5-9?

I have a few options to join you with.

A local GM created a 3-D model for Elven Entanglement. It was awesome. :)

Have fun.

I am attracted to the symmetry of the PFS 1e scenario #4-14: My Enemy’s Enemy. So I am recruiting for one of the oft-overlooked missions of the excellent Season 4.

Standard mode, tier 3-7. I have no preference for sub-tier.

I anticipate getting a table started ASAP. I like a pretty fast-paced game, with tight, punchy banter and dialogue (humorous and/or serious).

Assuming everyone playing posts at least once per day, I aim to be finished by the end of March to free up PCs for the Outpost III PbP convention.

If you’re interested, please apply >> Here <<

I already have one spot reserved for TriShadow.

Recruitment Closed

And boy, did it fill up quickly!

Not an easy decision. The party selected is:

• noral
• VixieMoondew
• supervillan
• Crunch
• TriShadow
• Warah

Could those players please check in to Discussion so we can sort out which PC you’re bringing and calculate sub-tier.

I promised a core something a few pages back and it looks like most of the players got picked up in other games or won't fit in this exact game.

But that said, I'm opening up recruitment for a basic evergreen dungeon exploration run.

This is a Core run of the Fallen Fortress. Fallen Fortress is for lvl 1 players only. Preference will be given to new play-by-posters or experienced play-by-posters with characters that have at least 1 XP. Essentially I just don't really want a bunch of characters built just because this game is offered.

If interested, take a look here!

GM TOP wrote:

I promised a core something a few pages back and it looks like most of the players got picked up in other games or won't fit in this exact game.

But that said, I'm opening up recruitment for a basic evergreen dungeon exploration run.

This is a Core run of the Fallen Fortress. Fallen Fortress is for lvl 1 players only. Preference will be given to new play-by-posters or experienced play-by-posters with characters that have at least 1 XP. Essentially I just don't really want a bunch of characters built just because this game is offered.

If interested, take a look here!

We appear to have two excellent adventurers ready to rock out. Anymore takers? There have got to be a few lvl 1 Core PC's rattling around out there waiting to get another session in.

Silver Crusade

I have this Core lvl 1 Fighter, but she has already played Fallen Fortress once. Is it an Evergreen scenario?

Erica 'Bobbie' Zufan wrote:
I have this Core lvl 1 Fighter, but she has already played Fallen Fortress once. Is it an Evergreen scenario?

Why yes, it is!

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You can’t play the same scenario on a character twice, even if it is a replayable.

Replayable allows you to play it again on a different character.

Silver Crusade

Thanks for the clarification! Guess I can't join them :( Sorry, and good luck!

Silver Crusade

*hugs Bobbie*

You'll find another adventure! Maybe I'll be able to join you again! Let's go Paffies!

Silver Crusade

Jillia Tennille wrote:

Elven Entanglement is legit. Best of luck!

Only asking because the last few have been successful- -anyone interested in running a later season 3-7 or 5-9?

I have characters lvl 3 and 9 free to play.

GM TOP wrote:
GM TOP wrote:

I promised a core something a few pages back and it looks like most of the players got picked up in other games or won't fit in this exact game.

But that said, I'm opening up recruitment for a basic evergreen dungeon exploration run.

This is a Core run of the Fallen Fortress. Fallen Fortress is for lvl 1 players only. Preference will be given to new play-by-posters or experienced play-by-posters with characters that have at least 1 XP. Essentially I just don't really want a bunch of characters built just because this game is offered.

If interested, take a look here!

We appear to have two excellent adventurers ready to rock out. Anymore takers? There have got to be a few lvl 1 Core PC's rattling around out there waiting to get another session in.

Now Mustering!

Astingaire Morrington (aka GM Valen)
Raknir (aka DM Carbide)
Ispen Ironblood (aka Mr. Nevets)

Please report to discussion here.

There are obviously still spots open for this run. I'd love to get at least one more so I don't have to run a pregen with the group. There are no preferences as to who joins at this point, just check in over at the recruiting thread first please.

If playing with these three wonderful PC's isn't enough incentive, DM Carbide is offering a followup run of the Confirmation for the group once we finish.*

*We'll try to remember ya Bobbie for that one if we have space.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to, but my only 2 Core are 3L and 4L.

Silver Crusade

Thanks GM Top! :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now recruiting for The Unseen Inclusion!

This will be a standard 1E game for levels 1-5.

If any Scarab Sages are still about then this one's for you.

But also for anyone who enjoys exploring ruins where crazy/scary/weird/dangerous things have happened. So, y'know, Pathfinders...

I have said first come first served but obviously we will have to pick a tier once a few applications are in.

GM Elberion wrote:

Now recruiting for The Unseen Inclusion!

This will be a standard 1E game for levels 1-5.

If any Scarab Sages are still about then this one's for you.

But also for anyone who enjoys exploring ruins where crazy/scary/weird/dangerous things have happened. So, y'know, Pathfinders...

I have said first come first served but obviously we will have to pick a tier once a few applications are in.

Recruitment is now closed.

Scorched One

If you have not already, report to the discussion thread!

I am considering offering Tomb of the Iron Medusa or The Moonscar so just gauging interest initially. I will only run modules for 4 PCs and prefer not to take people at the top end of the level scale. Both are dungeon crawl heavy.

If you are potentially interested let me know here and if there is enough interest I will start a recruitment. Bear in mind Siege of Gallowspire runs in the next PbP con and is tier 5-16.

I am very interested in either or both Tomb of the Iron Medusa and The Moonscar. I have three seeker characters ranging in levels from 13-16 that are open for play.

Liberty's Edge

I have a few seekers who I could bring to the Moonscar or the Tomb of the Iron Medusa. I could bring a trap finder who is pretty tanky, an bring arcane caster with some healing, or a straight healer.

I also have seekers that’d love to do those modules. I have a 13 melee (trapfinder) who is fairly defensive and a 15 mystic theurge who is mostly a conjuration wizard.

Scarab Sages

GMAndrewW wrote:
I am considering offering Tomb of the Iron Medusa or The Moonscar so just gauging interest initially. I will only run modules for 4 PCs and prefer not to take people at the top end of the level scale. Both are dungeon crawl heavy.

I would be interested in either! What are the level ranges?

Silver Crusade

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
I would be interested in either! What are the level ranges?

Tomb of the Iron Medusa

The Moonscar

I certainly have a 14 who would enjoy some dungeon crawling after her ordeals near Lastwall.

Scarab Sages

Zin Z'arin wrote:

Tomb of the Iron Medusa

The Moonscar

My goodness! Well, while I won't be playing the latter anytime soon, my 'flagship' character should be 14th-level by the time he makes it through his current adventure; we'll see if it concludes in time.

It looks like we have enough characters for The Tomb of The Iron Medusa at least. I have a 13th level Druid and a 15th level Wizard that are available.

In a smaller group characters that can fight and are tough are always a good thing. Clearly we should have at least one person that is good with traps.

Scarab Sages

Are there any opportunities right now for lower-level characters (anyone lower than Seeker, I mean)?

I'd be interested in the Moonscar on my level 15 2/3 Projectionst Mesmerist. He can possess creatures to contribute in melee if needed (I tend to reserve the save-or-die stuff only for when needed or appropriate).

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

My level 13 Archivist bard could be a good fit for the Tomb. Great Knowledge skills and buffing, good casting, can disable magic traps and has multi-layered defenses. Just finished Ruby Phoenix Tournament with David_Bross.

OK, it looks like there is more interest in Tomb so i will start with that. I may well end up also offering Moonscar depending on ym available time but that might have to wait until after the next Outpost as I am running Siegge for that.

The Recruitment thread is HERE.

I have a second level ninja (Lai Tsuan) that I've been eager to run. She wasn't super effective as a combatant at 1st level, so I picked up Vanishing Trick at 2nd.

I was hoping to get into a game in late January or early February so that she would be free to participate in Outpost. I just thought I'd try starting a slow clap to see if anyone else was on board. If there's no fit, I'll just wait.

I am wrapping up a scenario now. Do you have any in mind you would like ran?

Not really. Something short would be nice in case people want to sign up for Outpost. And of course something with melee combat, of course, but that probably applies to every scenario.

I've never played the Wounded Wisp, which is a repeatable scenario. I don't know if you consider repeatable to be a plus or minus.

I haven't played much in general. Nonrepeatable 1-5s I have played:

0-05 Mists of Mwangi
0-13 Prince of Augustana
2-24 Shadow's Last Stand Part 2
5-19 Horn of Aroden
6-02 Silver Mount Collection
9-04 Unseen Inclusion
10-01 Oathbreakers Die
10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull

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