The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Dark Archive

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GM PDK wrote:
Tyranius wrote:
Another Announcement for PlayDis Con 2020

Hi Tyranius,

I've only volunteered to run *one* game for PlayDis Con based on the guidelines you posted as I've run PbP before but *not* played/run in Discord yet (my experience with Discord can be summed up as clicking around and annoying people with endless questions :P)

If you guys are going to do a bit of handholding/tutorial/info chat about how to run a game in Discord I'd like to attend/read/observe.... bonus pts. if you can point me to a sample ongoing table so that I can figure out the dice bots and stuff...


Wicked Brew wrote:
I have not had the chance to play or GM PFS on discord but will be diving in as both for DisCon. If someone does fire up a tutorial, count me as interested.

I am working with Roll for Combat to create a GM / Player playground channel where you guys will be able to go and play around with all of the dice rolls and formatting.

Tyranus wrote:
I am working with Roll for Combat to create a GM / Player playground channel where you guys will be able to go and play around with all of the dice rolls and formatting.

Just registered as a GM for a couple of games; a practice channel would be excellent.

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Outpost III: Ticket for elemental plane

Almost everything Season 8, plus others that have an elemental theme to the plot. Citadel of Flame, Shades of Ice series, Frostfur Captive — anything that links to Fire, Water (Cold), Earth (Acid), or Air (Electricity).

This one also lends itself to filking.

BretI wrote:

Outpost III: Ticket for elemental plane

Almost everything Season 8, plus others that have an elemental theme to the plot. Citadel of Flame, Shades of Ice series, Frostfur Captive — anything that links to Fire, Water (Cold), Earth (Acid), or Air (Electricity).

This one also lends itself to filking.


Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber posted to the correct thread!

Silver Crusade

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looking for core, low level adventures

Silver Crusade

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Desynthia Medzen wrote:
looking for core, low level adventures


The Concordance

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Yangrit Foehammer posted a little while ago:

This character's first mission was #6 Black Waters, and I'd like to take her through the sequel, #7–05: School of Spirits at some point. Would anyone be interested in a Core run of this scenario?

I would also like to play, as I mentioned to her in a PM, but as of yet we haven't found anyone else or a GM. I have not played #6 myself, but I have 2 Core characters that need one more mission to level.

Silver Crusade

philipjcormier wrote:

Yangrit Foehammer posted a little while ago:

This character's first mission was #6 Black Waters, and I'd like to take her through the sequel, #7–05: School of Spirits at some point. Would anyone be interested in a Core run of this scenario?

I would also like to play, as I mentioned to her in a PM, but as of yet we haven't found anyone else or a GM. I have not played #6 myself, but I have 2 Core characters that need one more mission to level.

Think we could find a GM to run both in CORE? I haven't played either in that format, and would love to; they're great scenarios. I have a couple of different CORE PCs I could bring.

Grand Lodge

My main CORE character is a L3 Wizard, Xusius. I would like to play both of these scenarios as well, but Xusius is currently playing in Perils of the Pirate Pact. I would be open to using either of my other two CORE characters, both at L1.

Dark Archive

I'd like to play Core too, with this character (L2 Ranger). He did already:

The Segang Expedition
Echoes of the Overwatched
The Wounded Wisp
In Service of Lore

The Exchange

I've played a lot of Core but there are still scenarios unplayed. Including #7–05: School of Spirits. Consider me interested. Shelby is a level 2 Barcher.

Silver Crusade

Looks like we have the makings of a hearty party.

Dark Archive

What adventures are available for a 16th level character? Already played Passing the Torch and Moonscar with this character. My local group has switch over to PF2 (I'm running Age of Ashes for them), but I'd still like to be able to play a few of my PF1 characters, particularly this one.

Edit - Did a bit of searching and the only option I see is The Witchwar Legacy unless there are AP volumes available and sanctioned. If someone is interested in running, I'd be happy to buy the module.

Grand Archive

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Giantslayer: #6 Shadow of the Storm Tyrant by Tito Leati Tier: 15-17
Hell's Rebels: #6 Breaking the Bones of Hell by Amber E. Scott Tier: 16-18
Iron Gods: #6 The Divinity Drive by Crystal Frasier Tier: 15-17 |
Jade Regent: #6 The Empty Throne by Neil Spicer Tier: 14-16 |
Kingmaker: #6 Sound of a Thousand Screams by Unknown Tier: 15-17
Mummy's Mask: #6 Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh by Mike Shel Tier: 15-17
Reign of Winter: #6 The Witch Queen's Revenge by Greg A. Vaughan Tier: 15-17
Rise of the Runelords: #5 Sins of the Saviors by Stephen S. Greer Tier: 14-16
Rise of the Runelords: #6 The Spires of Xin-Shalast by Greg A. Vaughan Tier: 16-18
Shattered Star: #6 The Dead Heart of Xin by Brandon Hodge Tier: 16-18
The Moonscar by Richard Pett Tier: 15-17
The Witchwar Legacy by Greg A. Vaughan Tier: 16-18
Ironfang Invasion: #5 Prisoners of the Blight by UnknownT ier: 14-16
10-22 Passing the Torch, Part I: Who Wears the Mask by UnknownTier: 12-18
#10-23 Passing the Torch, Part II: Who Speaks for the Ten by UnknownTier: 12-18
Ironfang Invasion #6: Vault of the Onyx Citadel by UnknownTier: 16-18
Ruins of Azlant: #6 Beyond the Veiled Past by UnknownTier: 15-17
Serpent's Skull: #6 Sanctum of the Serpent God by Neil SpicerTier: 16-18
Strange Aeons: #6 Black Stars Beckon by UnknownTier: 16-18

Grand Lodge

I would like to join a run of The Witchwar Legacy.

That sounds great to me as well but who will GM it?

Dark Archive

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Mmm, you know what, I just missed playing Witchwar at my local lodge with my Champion of Irori 17.2 and we are planning on getting a handful of players to 20 and I don't want to miss out on that, so, I guess I'll run it in PbP!

Recruitment for Witchwar Legacy

Please also check the discussion thread as well as I'll need information from you to make the game run smoothly in this high level range.

CigarPete, Tuwo, and Mage of the Wyrmkin have spots reserved so we have room for 3 more.

Dark Archive

Woo-hoo! Posted basic info for Aurelia, my 16th level arcanist.

Dark Archive

GM Zer0darkfire wrote:

Mmm, you know what, I just missed playing Witchwar at my local lodge with my Champion of Irori 17.2 and we are planning on getting a handful of players to 20 and I don't want to miss out on that, so, I guess I'll run it in PbP!

Recruitment for Witchwar Legacy

Please also check the discussion thread as well as I'll need information from you to make the game run smoothly in this high level range.

CigarPete, Tuwo, and Mage of the Wyrmkin have spots reserved so we have room for 3 more.

Aaaaandddd recruitment closed. CigarPete, Tuwo, Mage of the Wyrmkin, Luke_Parry, The Great Rinaldo, and Messa are off, off, and away to the cold lands of witches

Thanks for stepping up and offering to GM. It is appreciated. :)

Dark Archive

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PlayDis Con Player Signups are now open!

PlayDis Con 2020 Sign ups

Hi Tyranius,

I'd like to run my games on Roll for Combat but I cannot edit the location cells on the signup sheet (I am GM Doug H).

Also, will my games be created there on the server for me? I don't think new users have the ability to create channels.

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Desynthia Medzen wrote:
looking for core, low level adventures

For those of you looking for some Core games, I will be running some stuff in a bit. The 'in a bit' is variable though as it may be a couple weeks or up to two months. At that point I'll look back through the players here and send out invites then open it up for anyone else. If you all get into a game in the meantime, that's awesome too!


@GM Doug H - I asked that question on the discord forum (thanks for the prompt) and they said they would create the channels for the games at a later point.

Grand Lodge

"Well you just remember this face when that time comes laddy." Says a Dwarven sized suit of platemail standing in the corner with a pint. A large, bushy beard sticking out from under his visor-ed helmet.

Dark Archive

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GM Doug H wrote:

Hi Tyranius,

I'd like to run my games on Roll for Combat but I cannot edit the location cells on the signup sheet (I am GM Doug H).

Also, will my games be created there on the server for me? I don't think new users have the ability to create channels.

Updated the form to reflect Roll for Combat and yes, as we draw closer, we will send the form to those at Roll for Combat and Cosmic Crit and get your channels created. We will probably send the list over later next week so you have time to locate your tables and get everything in order.


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**** Official Announcement ****
Any games for PlayDis Con need to be submitted by Thursday, January 9. The scenario support deadline is already past, so GMs who submit games now will need to provide their own scenarios.

Liberty's Edge

Anyone willing to pick up Reign of Winter in Book 2? Our GM vanished.

Dark Archive

Hey guys, I am newish to Pathfinder 1e is anyone running a game for level 1 characters?

Now recruiting for Thornkeep: Sanctum of a Lost Age (Tier 6-8) here.

Sconzbar wrote:
Hey guys, I am newish to Pathfinder 1e is anyone running a game for level 1 characters?

I've a level 3 that I'd love to send along if it is a 1-5!

Last call for PFS info for the following players:

1. ZD / swashgun
2. Lilliandra / oracle
3. Thrag / fighter
4. Luisila / cleric
5. Vrog / monk

Please provide the requested information at the following thread by Sunday night, January 12th, 2020.

Please note that there is one space available for any qualified seeker interested (level 12-15). Wizards, arcanists and sorcerers preferred.

Liberty's Edge

Gummy Bear wrote:
Sconzbar wrote:
Hey guys, I am newish to Pathfinder 1e is anyone running a game for level 1 characters?
I've a level 3 that I'd love to send along if it is a 1-5!

I'll run something. Any requests Gummy and Sconzbar?

Something that involves at least a little talking/RP would be cool for the character, but just a chance to field him is good enough for me. Thanks Ietsuna!

Liberty's Edge

Gummy Bear wrote:
Something that involves at least a little talking/RP would be cool for the character, but just a chance to field him is good enough for me. Thanks Ietsuna!

How does Library of the Lion sound?

Grand Lodge

Bocke Reed is a level 1 inquisitor archer who has a scribe background and would be interested in libraries.

Dark Archive

Sconzbar is a medium, so anything can work for me.

Scarab Sages

We seem to have lost our GM for The Ruby Phoenix Tournament. This is a PFS game (started for Gameday VII), and we have just completed the Semifinal bout, so I imagine we are near the end.

The GM's last post was December 16. Would anybody be willing to take over as GM to help us finish this?

Daathiel wrote:

We seem to have lost our GM for The Ruby Phoenix Tournament. This is a PFS game (started for Gameday VII), and we have just completed the Semifinal bout, so I imagine we are near the end.

The GM's last post was December 16. Would anybody be willing to take over as GM to help us finish this?

I can jump in on that - give me a day to read through the scenario and catch up on the gameplay so far.

Scarab Sages

@GM Hawthwile - That would be great!
It is high-ish level, and most of us have a few tricks up our sleeves, but nothing too convoluted or game-breaking. We are pretty good about posting when our turns come up.

Ietsuna wrote:
Gummy Bear wrote:
Something that involves at least a little talking/RP would be cool for the character, but just a chance to field him is good enough for me. Thanks Ietsuna!
How does Library of the Lion sound?

I’ve done that one before on the character unfortunately. If Sconzbar wants to though, I can always find another game! I’ll PM you some of my available games if the next when you’d like to run doesn’t work out.

Silver Crusade

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Gummy Bear wrote:
Ietsuna wrote:
Gummy Bear wrote:
Something that involves at least a little talking/RP would be cool for the character, but just a chance to field him is good enough for me. Thanks Ietsuna!
How does Library of the Lion sound?
I’ve done that one before on the character unfortunately. If Sconzbar wants to though, I can always find another game! I’ll PM you some of my available games if the next when you’d like to run doesn’t work out.

How about in Core? We pretty much have a Core party built already!

Dark Archive

Iladora Unfallen wrote:
Gummy Bear wrote:
Ietsuna wrote:
Gummy Bear wrote:
Something that involves at least a little talking/RP would be cool for the character, but just a chance to field him is good enough for me. Thanks Ietsuna!
How does Library of the Lion sound?
I’ve done that one before on the character unfortunately. If Sconzbar wants to though, I can always find another game! I’ll PM you some of my available games if the next when you’d like to run doesn’t work out.
How about in Core? We pretty much have a Core party built already!

A Medium isn't really core, I can build one fast enough. I am just really excited playing my first pbp game. So whatever works for me

Grand Lodge

Bocke isn't Core (I clicked on the wrong button and didn't notice until it was too late). But if you can get a Core game together, I'll wait.

Dark Archive

Since this character has never played a game he can be either a ranger or a medium. So I can play the first game that pops up for a 1st level character.

Dark Archive

Yes, still crossing my fingers here to get our Core party going!

Dark Archive

What role do you need to fill the party?

The Concordance

Eranahu is a first level ranger waiting to be called into headquarters.

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