The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
GM Hmm wrote:

The only one of those free products that I would NOT recommend is "Risen from the Sands." It's not only really hard, but also poorly written. With the right party, it can be okay, but it is TOUGH going for any party that does not have heavy hitters.


Even with heavy hitters it can be... quite the adventure...

Grand Lodge

I have actually never played any of the We Be Goblin modules. Are there any GM's that would be willing to run through all 4 of them?

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I suspect that come the next PFS PbP Gameday, there will be a few GMs that will do the whole group in "sequence": 4, 1, 2 and 3. They're great fun!


Silver Crusade

Prisim dashes into the bar, a look of excitement on her face.

"Oppara! VC Eliza is sending a couple of teams there. To go to the Opera! How exciting"

Two tables, one classic and one core. I'll set off when I get to four as this is a season 0 scenario 00-07 "Among the Living". The Core table I have reserved slots for an existing Core Confirmation group. But feel free to put yourself on the wait-list, as I'm not 100% sure they all want to press on. To be fair, the Core table are all pretty fast posters as well, so be warned before you sign up for that one!


Grand Lodge

If lvl 1s work, I have this character if someone would be kind enough to put me on the google sheet for standard.

A small strange person hops on a table, "Opera! Like with nice gowns and tidy suits and couples going on a romantic date to watch fancy actors in gilded hall? I'll definitely go. I'm not likely to find a date to take me anyway elseways anyway."

Grand Lodge

I added you to the #2 standard slot on the list.

Grand Lodge


"So, who here likes Goblins?"

Start date approx 2 July (time zone differences n stuff!)

I have space for nine Goblins HERE

First come first served, more details to follow :)

Grand Lodge

timed that just right..snagged a spot....

Sovereign Court

Grabbed a spot.

Dark Archive

Prisim wrote:

Prisim dashes into the bar, a look of excitement on her face.

"Oppara! VC Eliza is sending a couple of teams there. To go to the Opera! How exciting"

Two tables, one classic and one core. I'll set off when I get to four as this is a season 0 scenario 00-07 "Among the Living". The Core table I have reserved slots for an existing Core Confirmation group. But feel free to put yourself on the wait-list, as I'm not 100% sure they all want to press on. To be fair, the Core table are all pretty fast posters as well, so be warned before you sign up for that one!


currently at work, but added myself to the list with a lvl 1 cleric (will add the paizo stuff when I get home today) I can also, depending if needed be, bring a lvl 1 inquistor or a lvl 2 rogue

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Just a reminder that you don't need to announce in this thread that you have signed up on someone's spreadsheet. It tends to clutter the thread and make it harder for others to find the original announcement.

Shifty wrote:

"So, who here likes Goblins?"

Start date approx 2 July (time zone differences n stuff!)

I have space for nine Goblins HERE

First come first served, more details to follow :)

I've got mogmurch here from the first goblins game ready to go. Can't edit google on my phone though.

What level does the chronicle for WBG4 go to? I never did play #3 either, hopefully that doesn't matter.

Dark Archive


However, you cannot start a game until July 18, unless playing at a store that was part of the FreeRPG day.

Silbeg wrote:


However, you cannot start a game until July 18, unless playing at a store that was part of the FreeRPG day.

Per Jesse Davis's post in another thread, that isn't correct.

Here is Jesse's post:

IronHelixx wrote:

Unless I am told otherwise by the powers that be, it is my understanding that individuals can run We B4 Goblins as long as they picked up the physical, published by Paizo module from an FLGS during Free RPG Day.

Venture-Officers and other PFS Coordinators CANNOT run it outside of the FLGSs that participated in Free RPG Day until the 30 day grace-period has passed, due to Paizo's contract with the Free RPG Day guys. (After July 18th, 2016 it is free game for everyone.)

But, individuals who picked up a physical, published copy from an FLGS during Free RPG Day can run it whenever they like. [The PDF sent out by Paizo does not count for this - it must be the actual physical, published by Paizo paper product.]

You do not get the special boon that you get for running it on actual Free RPG Day inside a participating FLGS - but otherwise you should be good to go.

If I hear otherwise, I will let you know ASAP.

You guys have fun,

- Jesse

Jesse R. Davis [IronHelixx]
PFS Venture-Captain, Online Play

Our Mission: To Champion, Serve, Support, and Build the PFS Online Community.

Gerald wrote:
Silbeg wrote:


However, you cannot start a game until July 18, unless playing at a store that was part of the FreeRPG day.

Per Jesse Davis's post in another thread, that isn't correct.

If I understood correctly, it is correct if you want official credit, but you can play it personally before that.

I admit to being exhausted and not remembering how to find it again.

Edit; yep exhausted.

Dark Archive

WBG4 is 1-2? Huh, I would've thought it would be applicable to the next tier after WBG3. I was going to apply it to the same character I applied the other 3 to.

Silver Crusade

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GM Evil wrote:
WBG4 is 1-2? Huh, I would've thought it would be applicable to the next tier after WBG3. I was going to apply it to the same character I applied the other 3 to.

Apparently, it's a prequel. Thus, the name "We B4 Goblins".

Dark Archive

Ah, that makes sense. I thought the name was odd. I haven't checked it out yet due to being busy. Oh well. I have a level one sylph arcanist I just made that can use the credit. Still kind of butt hurt that I used a sylph boon to make him and they are becoming legal with the next race update.

Silver Crusade

Prisim pats the pathfinders on their back. "Off you go!"

CORE: Volar Loken, Kildrek Autumnwind, Durgan, Deluge,Lyana Zaneer and Yable head off to here After posting in discussion, head over to gameplay.

Classic: Tatiana Ungaro, Naomi Hiddenleaf, Xuan Fung, Brother Grimaldus, Theadus Moravic, Tirrem Kart head off to here details into the discussion thread, and then pop over to Gameplay and get posting!

According to IronHelix, VC for online play, we can run WB4G before the general availability date as long as we picked up a physical copy from a game store on the day (or after if they had them left over). Venture officers were sent PDF copies in advance to let them prepare for running it on the day, and they are not allowed to use these.

I'm running a game of it myself, but I'm full up. If anyone has to drop out, I'll come here and ask for replacements.

I'm not able to do so because I was given a physical copy prior to gameday so that I could GM it. I'm under the 31 day wait requirement.

Silver Crusade

Looks like my previous player of Reta Bigbad hasn't checked in for my PbP run of We B4 Goblins. Send me a PM if you're interested. I don't have a sign up sheet, so I'll just wait until I have a few people who are interested and then roll a die.

Alright since I have just finished both of my evergreen trilogies I am free to run something else. So I've chosen Crypt of the Everflame! It is a dungeon crawl for PCs of levels 1-2. I only ask for a few things. 1: You can post multiple times a day. 2: You read my posts and look at the map. I will be taking only 4 PCs for this.

Grand Lodge

DM Amazing Red... please put me down as applying for a position in Crypt of the Everflame... Can't find a sign up sheet for you, so I'm posting here...

Sign up Here.

I'm interested, too. One question as I'm new to PFS pbp. Could I have a character that is currently playing in another pbp? How then do I apply the chronicle sheets? Also, for a character that is currently in a pbp, can it also be used for live games? Similarly, how would the chronicle sheets be applied?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yu Kee Lim... I am not the absolute authority on this, but my understanding is if the character is in a game (pbp OR live), s/he cannot be in another game at the same time, whether it's online or face to face.

JAFO is correct. If a PC is in a PBP, he is locked from playing in anything else IRL or otherwise.

Fortunately it's a level 1 game, so you could make a brand new character to join in!

I would think of joining, but I've GMed Crypt 3 times now. Need a break, haha!

GM Andrew wrote:

Fortunately it's a level 1 game, so you could make a brand new character to join in!

I would think of joining, but I've GMed Crypt 3 times now. Need a break, haha!

That means you're an expert!

Alright. I've always wanted to try out an occultist, so here's my chance then!

I tossed my name in the ring with a level 1 hunter with a raptor companion.

Just threw in a dwarven fighter into the mix.

Liberty's Edge

"I'm looking for a few brave soul to meet up with a scholar by the name Yargos Gill. Gill can be a talker so clear your schedules."

bluedove, PJP, HisProf217, caps, and Cari Mac check in here.

Yu Kee Lim, JaFO, PJP, and Qwerti check in here.

Luke Parry is an alternate if someone doesn't check in, in the next 24 hours. If I decide to run this again, I'll contact the others that have signed up for it so don't feel too bad.

Well PJP has not checked in, so Luke Parry feel free to click the above link and check in!

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I am recruiting for a session of 3-06 Song of the Sea Witch for anyone interested. It's a 3-7 Tier adventure, being run in Classic mode.

If you'd like to be considered, please sign up here. I am hoping to start by next weekend, and depending on the number of interested players I'll have a lottery roll next week.

See you soon!

Hey there. Looking for a low-level PBP campaign to cut my teeth on.

Full disclosure, I've got pretty minimal experience in PFS. But I have DM'd for about two years in 5E. Only stopped because I had to move for work, haha.

First Steps part 1 is still sanctioned for PFS play and was intended to start new characters off and introduce them to several faction heads within the Society. It's also a free download. The Confirmation is also meant to be an introductory scenario, but it's not free. ^_^

I don't want to DM, at least not yet. I was hoping to join a game.

Apathete, there are lots of GMs running introductory material. You can see their sign-up sheets listed above. What I would look for is someone running an evergreen like the Confirmation, Wounded Wisp, or Consortium Compact and join the sign-up list. New games are being announced here all the time.



Grand Lodge

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Welcome apathete!

Have you read the campaign rules for PFS yet? I'd suggest starting there, then rolling your first character while making sure that everything you're using to create this character belongs to the Additional Resources. You can then create a PFS profile for your character by going to "My Account" at the top of the page, then follow the steps indicated in the PFS part.

Once you're ready to play, you're more than welcome to joing my evergreen scenario trilogy by signing up here. I'll reserve the two last slots for new players like you, so feel free to join!

GM Lithrac (Just Lithrac?),

Hey, thanks. That's a great help. I went ahead and put my character in. Just finishing up the backstory now. Let me know if we need a different role to balance out the party.

I think batpony, who's new, put himself down in slot 3. Can I take slot 6? Started PFS a few months ago and pop a few weeks ago so not entirely new so don't want to take up a slot for new players. Please remove me though if I got it wrong. :)

Dark Archive

This was really fast!

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Wow, a good amount of interest for Song of the Sea Witch.

Enough in fact, that I am willing to run two tables, one high-tier and one low!

If you are still interested, the following people can jump in on the linked discussion threads:

High Tier
Florian Wegler

Low Tier
Eric Swanson
Alex Mack

I tried to split a those of you who posted mid-tier characters fairly evenly. If you have an issue with the tier or need to drop out let me know. Otherwise, dot in and introduce yourselves! I plan on starting off the games Saturday, possibly earlier if we're all set sooner.

apathete wrote:
I don't want to DM, at least not yet. I was hoping to join a game.

Whoops! I guess I misunderstood since you mentioned DMing in your post. Glad you found a game and hope you enjoy PFS!

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