The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Outpost VIII Announcement
Data Tracking Form Link

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Lord Arthur Higgenstrom III wrote:
So this is actually of interest to me - who is looking specifically for specials for 5 stars? I'd like to get a list going if at all possible for online planning stuff.

I passed the 150 game requirement a couple years ago (I think I'm at 300+) but I haven't run enough specials (only five I think). I haven't been terribly concerned about getting that fifth star though, to be honest.

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At the request of a few posters and to keep this campaign a little more organized, I am suggesting a few new guidelines to posters:

Gameplay: The gameplay thread is primarily for in-character chatter and should be kept in-character as much as possible. GMs who recruit through the gameplay are encouraged to do so in-character, but it is also recommended that Gms post in the recruitment thread as well, as some players do not like to wade through the in-character chatter to find recruitments (this is just a suggestion though).

Discussion: The discussion thread is for out-of-character chatter of any sort, be it rules discussions, advice, or even chatter unrelated to Pathfinder.

Recruitment: The recruitment thread is for GMs to find players for their games. This can be done in-character as in the gameplay thread but the chatter should be kept to a minimum, as some people will watch this thread only for the game announcements and do not want to sift through in-character chatter to find the announcement; that is what the gameplay thread is for.

All threads: When a GM links a signup on a spreadsheet, it is not necessary to respond with a post saying "I signed up!" This only clutters the threads and makes it hard for others to find the announcement. Furthermore, all discussion (in any of the threads, in-character or out-of-character) should be kept civil, respectful, and appropriate.

As usual, I will not strictly moderate any of the threads and no one will be punished for posting outside the guidelines (that's why they are guidelines and not rules). Just keep posting and have fun!

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I am recruiting for 07-22 Bid for Alabastrine (levels 1-5). You can sign up here. I'm looking for five players and I will roll for winners by the end of the weekend.

I am also recruiting for 07-23 Abducted in Aether (levels 7-11). You can sign up here. I'm looking for six players and I will roll for winners by the end of the weekend.

Thanks everyone and good luck!

I would love to be considered/rolled for for either or both campaigns.

triggersadness wrote:
I would love to be considered/rolled for for either or both campaigns.

Just follow the links and sign up.

Grand Lodge

I want to play in Bid for Alabastrine... But not until after I have played in Serpents Rise. :-(

-Posted with Wayfinder

Phantom Phenomena recruitment Here.

Scions of the Sky Key III recruitment - Tier 4-5: here

07-22 lottery:

1 RyckyRych
2 Gilthanis
3 Upaynao
4 Gerald
5 Miteke
6 countchocula
7 Chadius
8 Capricornus
9 ckelley83
10 GM Aerondor
11 Valjoen_KC
12 Rogar Valertis
13 SirPeter
14 Yasumoto
15 I'm Hiding In Your Closet
16 qwerty1971
17 PJP
18 grimdog73
19 Revvy Bitterleaf
20 SkipperD
21 Sassifrass
22 qstor
23 Orionbasher
24 nightdeath
25 Lithrac

6d25 ⇒ (25, 12, 7, 11, 12, 1) = 68

The following have won the lottery for 07-22 Bid for Alabastrine. Please check in to the Discussion and Gameplay threads here

  • Lithrac
  • Rogar Valertis
  • Chadius
  • Valjoen_KC
  • RyckyRych

07-23 lottery:

1 RyckyRych
2 Michael Hallet
3 Gilthanis
4 Upaynao
5 Gerald
6 Miteke
7 JamesMartin
8 Yiroep
9 John Woodford
10 Gayel Nord
11 edwardsobel
12 Yasumoto
13 GM Aarvid
14 I'm Hiding In Your Closet
15 qwerty1971
16 Revvy Bitterleaf
17 qstor
18 Orionbasher
19 DM Panic

8d19 ⇒ (3, 1, 2, 18, 2, 18, 7, 17) = 68

The following have won the lottery for 07-23 Abducted in Aether. Please check in to the Discussion and Gameplay threads here.

  • Gilthanis
  • RyckyRych
  • Michael Hallet
  • Orionbasher
  • JamesMartin
  • qstor

EF - looks like Rogar Valertis won the lottery twice! Lucky fellow. I bet you could fit in a sixth!

And for those about to play Abducted in Aether - best of luck! There is a tough new monster in there. (Hope that's not too spoilery)

I intentionally kept it to five as one of the seats is already taken. Actually a couple people won twice, but I just reroll until I get some different numbers.

Well, shows what I know, eh? ;)

Liberty's Edge

Reposting from Gameplay
A striking young lady with a riot of flowing blue locks glides into the common room with the practiced grace of a dancer. Her Varisian skirts flutter showily in a dazzling rainbow of pastel colors and a cheerful chorus of tiny bells accompany her every step. She stops in the middle of the room, her arm raised in an artful pose and she clears her voice briefly before launching into a melodic speech.

"Your attention, I must beg, good Pathfinders. An experienced team has gone missing in the unknown reaches of the Zho Mountains. Volunteers for a search party are requested to meet with Venture-Captain Esmayl ibn Qaradi in Qadira. Please, do not delay!" She bows and moves swiftly to tack the information up on the board.

GM bluedove here, I am running #6–07: Valley of Veiled Flame PbP for a friend this time and we need to keep an eye toward a good strong pace on this one as it needs to be wrapped before Gen Con(the first weekend in August). This will be my first high level scenario, so I'm looking forward to it!
Interested parties please sign up here!

Liberty's Edge

I would like to join but can't write into the document via cellphone. Swashbuckler 8

Sovereign Court

Dailung wrote:
I would like to join but can't write into the document via cellphone. Swashbuckler 8

Someone put your name in it already.

Liberty's Edge

I did :D

Hey all, quick intro. Recently got a bug to play a Monk, and the PF equivalent looks fun. Never played PF. If anyone has a beginner-esque game they are planning in the future, I'd be interested in trying it out. I have experience with other d20 games (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, 13th age, star wars rpg), so while I am new to PF I am familiar with the genre.

Silver Crusade

am0n wrote:
Hey all, quick intro. Recently got a bug to play a Monk, and the PF equivalent looks fun. Never played PF. If anyone has a beginner-esque game they are planning in the future, I'd be interested in trying it out. I have experience with other d20 games (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, 13th age, star wars rpg), so while I am new to PF I am familiar with the genre.

Be sure to download the free Guide to Organized Play and register to get an official Pathfinder Society number.

The games from the Flaxseed Lodge are all Pathtinfder Society games (PFS), though there are sometimes PbP games on the forums that aren't.

Fromper wrote:

Be sure to download the free Guide to Organized Play and register to get an official Pathfinder Society number.

The games from the Flaxseed Lodge are all Pathtinfder Society games (PFS), though there are sometimes PbP games on the forums that aren't.

Thanks. Got registered and I'll work on reading through the guide this week.

am0n wrote:
Hey all, quick intro. Recently got a bug to play a Monk, and the PF equivalent looks fun. Never played PF. If anyone has a beginner-esque game they are planning in the future, I'd be interested in trying it out. I have experience with other d20 games (2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e, 13th age, star wars rpg), so while I am new to PF I am familiar with the genre.

d20pfsrd is a pretty good place for online resources if you need to look up rules while on the go.

Keep a lookout for an evergreen scenarios like the Confirmation- those are very newbie friendly.

At any rate, welcome to PF!

We have a full boat for Valley of Veiled Flame! The following players are requested to join the Discussion thread and dot in on Gameplay.
Wei Ji the Learner
Gayel Nord

Looking for 2 or 3 more for To judge a soul part 2. Recruitment Thread

Grand Lodge

Answered, GM V

Liberty's Edge

"I need a handful of agents that know there way around the Puddles", Venture-Captain Stormeye shouts as she makes his way down his clipboard.

Tarondor, Sethran, JAF0, Suede, and EndlesForms can check in here. caps you're the alternate if someone flakes out.

Grand Lodge

Is there a general sign up sheet? I have this level 1 and a basic concept for another level 1.

Naomi has only completed the Confirmation and I really am not picky about what game to join in on, so I guess I'm just available for any games for lvl 1.

Edit: Just tested, I still can't edit google stuff on my phone. So If anyone would be kind enough to put on any lvl 1 lists, though I don't see any open at the moment (except for the one with only pregens), but I could easily be missing something.

Edit 2; Well, the pregens one is full, so no dice there.

It can be a bit tricky to get in a game, usually some good timing is required. Make a post on the gameplay tab for this campaign and then it will show up on your own campaign tab and you will be able to see when a new post has been added. Catching a recruitment post before they fill up is usually your best bet, although some do a lottery to pick from several to fill a table.

I may run something low level once I am done with my current table in a few weeks. I can look for you then and as I'm on the boards quite a bit, I'll watch for a low level table to open up and sign you up for it in the meantime. Do check back in once a day or so and it won't take too long to get in a game. Good luck! ^_^

Edit: Hm, I had signed myself up for Feral's Serpent's Rise as I missed that when it came around last Gameday. But when I just checked, it was gone. Did I get bumped for some reason? Added myself back in hopes it was just a mistake...

There will also be a lot of recruitment opening up when the next Game Day kicks off...

Lantern Lodge

I'm guessing now that is likely to be after August when the new "elemental year" theme kicks off. Given it normally has four-six weeks notification and timing it for when the special is available and the new season scenarios too..

It would also give time for any lessons from the current PbP special to be digested.

Pretty likely.

Don't forget though the 'end of season' specials that will be out, such as 'Serpents Ire' and 'Through Maelstrom Rift' - I have no idea what stars will be needed to run those. I can also see '#8-00: The Cosmic Captive' which is another multi is coming out, but don't have a date.

I suppose that does lean to August and a lot of good content to run, I just hope its earlier rather than later, as I have 17 days away in Sept where I wont have comms - and last gameday I was out in the middle of the South Pacific trying to get internet reception by rubbing two palm trees together and hoping for fair tradewinds - bad timing.

Current PbP Special appears to be doing generally what it should be doing, and I suspect Magabeus and I will keep running them. If there is a Gameday we will probably have to defer until that runs its course as we are (at present) independent of the Gameday process and don't want confuse issues - and there were enough people that thought we were the Gameday as it was (with curious results).

Lantern Lodge

Oopse, I said PaizoCon, but the year starts/ends at GenCon doesn't it. Not being in the US I muddle up the big con timings.

And it looks like GenCon is 4-7th August.

So my guess is the PbP gameday would be after that. Folk generally try and free up characters for the big conventions so having lots of them tied up in a PbP gameday wouldn't be ideal. Give folk a week or two to get over their gencon hangover, so mid/late August would be my guess.

Hmmm we will finish this multi in we could pull off ANOTHER one between July and early Aug... :p

Swapping to discussion - we aren't recruiting...yet

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I'm at my bandwidth limit at the moment, but I (and oher GMs) push our limits around Gamedays. Once I get back from Gen Con I suspect I will be recruiting for games at nearly every tier. Just keep your eyes peeled!

What are these "Gamedays"?.

Chess Pwn wrote:
What are these "Gamedays"?.

Online PFS; see HERE for the announcement of the second one two years ago. We're up to the fifth one, IIRC.

GD 5 - coming soon :)

Dark Archive

I need an RSS feed to keep track of when new games are posted so I can join in...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shifty please, you torture me with these teases.

Dark Archive


-Posted with Wayfinder

So how does one gm at a gameday?

I figure on challenging myself and running a premade something (thus far every game I've ever run was built on the fly, not even prep, Just bring the books and build in response to the player choices).

Of course it has been awhile since I played straight rules as well, but I figure I could contribute to the gameday.

Silver Crusade

TheAlicornSage wrote:

So how does one gm at a gameday?

I figure on challenging myself and running a premade something (thus far every game I've ever run was built on the fly, not even prep, Just bring the books and build in response to the player choices).

Of course it has been awhile since I played straight rules as well, but I figure I could contribute to the gameday.

I'd recommend playing one or two Pathfinder Society games first, just to get used to the quirks of PFS.

Their published adventures are usually pretty good, but you are required to run them as written, so GM's who prefer to make it up on the fly sometimes have trouble adapting.

Fromper wrote:
TheAlicornSage wrote:

So how does one gm at a gameday?

I figure on challenging myself and running a premade something (thus far every game I've ever run was built on the fly, not even prep, Just bring the books and build in response to the player choices).

Of course it has been awhile since I played straight rules as well, but I figure I could contribute to the gameday.

I'd recommend playing one or two Pathfinder Society games first, just to get used to the quirks of PFS.

Their published adventures are usually pretty good, but you are required to run them as written, so GM's who prefer to make it up on the fly sometimes have trouble adapting.

Yes, as Fromper said, the gameday will be for Pathfinder Society games, just like at any other convention. Here is the guide to Pathfinder Society play, outlining the special rules for the massive organized play system.

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EndlessForms is right, as always, but if you enjoy flying by the seat of your pants, the Society scenario #7-10 "Consortium Compact" grants the GM a great deal of latitude and can be a good deal of fun. It's low level and "evergreen", so players can do it many times and (unlike some other evergreens) have it be different each time.

I'll second the vote for Consortium Compact. It's a great adventure for GMs that like to "wing it."

Speaking of "winging things"... For those already used to the quirks of PFS, here's something quirkier than most: Murder's Mark of Crows: a PFS Experiment.

It will be an all-Tengu run through Murder's Mark. It's an odd enough concept that I'm running a separate recruitment for it.


Thank you for the feedback, I'll probably practice with hell's rebels simply because I actually have that from the humble bundle. I'll check the other adventures though cause I honestly don't remember which ones I got with the bundle, amd I'll keep an eye out for that one.

So, how does one sign up to be a gm? Do we have to be pfs gms already?

TheAlicornSage wrote:

Thank you for the feedback, I'll probably practice with hell's rebels simply because I actually have that from the humble bundle. I'll check the other adventures though cause I honestly don't remember which ones I got with the bundle, amd I'll keep an eye out for that one.

So, how does one sign up to be a gm? Do we have to be pfs gms already?

Looking at Additional Resources, I don't think Hell's Rebels is sanctioned yet for Society Play. Also APs are long. I recommend that for your first society outing as PbP GM, I would do something short.

If you have the humble bundle, you have all of Season 6 scenarios to choose from. I'd go with Wounded Wisp or Overflow Archives to match your stated play style!


Thanks, I'll look those over.

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Anyone can GM a PFS game at any time, you just need a PFS #. When the Gamedays are announced, you generally sign up to GM for that specific event and get scenario support. Meaning they will email you a free PDF of the scenario you want to GM.

It seems like a pretty good rule of thumb that however many hours a scenario/mod/AP would take to run in person will be about how many weeks it takes to run it via PbP. Most APs take months or even years to complete even one book unless the players and GM are really prolific posters!

But you can run sanctioned APs a bit less "by the book" using home-game rulings and still give out chronicles for the players PFS characters of their choice.

Helle Rebels is also heavy going for a first outing. There are a few free products kicking about which you might find a bit more straightforwards as you get into your groove.
These are posted in recommended order of 'pick up and playability'

Master of the Fallen Fortress
First Steps Part 1: In service to Lore
We Be Goblins Pts 1-3 (4 due July 1st)
Risen from the Sands
Dawn of the Scarlet Sun

Silver Crusade

Master of the Fallen Fortress is really rough on 0xp characters as they typically do not yet have CLW wands

-Posted with Wayfinder

The only one of those free products that I would NOT recommend is "Risen from the Sands." It's not only really hard, but also poorly written. With the right party, it can be okay, but it is TOUGH going for any party that does not have heavy hitters.


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