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"The best, Dwearf whisky, 150 years old, darn good stuff and Dwearf high jokes I have been told can only be told by a Dwearf, or you know then put an axe in your skill."
She winks.

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Dwearf height! jokes, gerr fist waves at auto spell

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"My go again, A Goblin walks into a bar and is like, ‘You got any grapes?’ The bartender is like, ‘No, get out of here.’ Then the next day, the Goblin walks into the same bar and goes, ‘You got any grapes?’ The bartender says, ‘Like I told you, we don’t have any! Get out. And if you come in here one more time, I’m gonna nail your feet to the floor.’ Then the Goblin comes in the third day and goes, ‘You got any nails?’ Bartender’s like, ‘No.’ And the Goblin goes, ‘You got any grapes?’”
And she falls into fits of laughter at her own joke.

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Points at Rani, waving her finger.
"You, you lose, bottomes up!"
And she herself downs her beer but sips her whisky. She seems a little drunk now and having a good time.
"Right Corenthiir, your turn"

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Gets up, "Seems I have a job, please enjoy the drinks"
Waves at someone at the door and heads that and is gone.

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A very agile looking female elf wearing a mithral chain shirt enters the lodge. Sheathed on her belt are two very fine elven leaf blades and on her back she carries a light crossbow. Her pale blue-ish skin is in strong contrast to her jet-black hair. She has also black eyes, but the most memorable thing about her face is easily the vicious scar that runs diagonally from her forehead to her left cheek, only barely missing her left eye.
Without even introducing herself she states: "I'm looking for a new assignment. Anyone needs a scout who can handle traps?"
Are there some more GMs out there who offer low level (1-5) scenarios between conventions? Would love to play - and level - Rosla, my first rogue-ish character! :-)

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You too huh? says a rather inebriated blonde halfling girl wearing form fitting silk catsuit, in the corner. I'm a halfling who likes tetting outta graps. Anyway ... have a very Sherry Molstice
Another halfling who looks like a twin to the first one but with mousy brown hair, wearing a flower garland and a dress with butterflies all over it enters at this point.
I better take this one home she says. After settling the bar tab it's a case of Upsy daisy ... yeah .. that's it ... one foot after the other. I gotta nice fresh water bath waiting for you
Bater wreathing?
Yes ... of course ....
Thanks Prill ... you're a peach ...

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The door of The Lodge opens and a lovely young woman breezes through it, accompanied by the cheery sound of tiny bells, jingling softly with her every step. She was of average height and slender build and she moved with the poise of an accomplished dancer. Her dress was a rainbow of pastels made in the Varisian style of a light filmy fabric that fluttered showily on the air as she moved. Most odd about her appearance was her hair, which was a bright blue that appeared completely natural except for the way it flowed around her as if stirred by a draft of wind you do not feel.
She listens to the music and begins to dance, her hair and skirts swirling around her.
Perform Dance(take ten): 10 + 10 = 20
Afterwards, she tips the musicians and takes her leave.

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Doodle gives an enthusiastic wave at her long time friend and adventuring buddy! ”Great to see you, Grog! Rumor is there might be some upcoming work for us!”