About Bocke ReedBackground Summary Bocke Reed is a retired Osiriani tomb raider. He used to break into tombs to scribe the magic spells inscribed on the walls, but quit when he saw undead for the first time. He still wants to explore the world but wants company. Personality:
Bocke loves to joke around, preferring to defuse tense situations with a joke. He tries to avoid combat. Casting: Cas Anwar (Alex Kamal from The Expanse) Theme Song: Edvard Grieg, "In the Hall of the Mountain King Background Narrative:
Deep in the chaotic street markets of Solthis, a man known only as Bocke looked around nervously. When he was convinced that nobody was watching him, he ducked into a small, unmarked tent. A large warrior stood imposingly before him, wielding an oversized falchion.
"Bocke," he announced. "Issa llemi molana." The warrior shimmered and then disappeared. In his place, an elderly gnome sat at a desk, studiously poring over a tome with ancient runes. "What do you have for me?" the gnome asked, without looking up.
"These are good," the gnome purred. "Fifty for the lot." "One fifty," Bocke replied. That got the gnome to look up. "It's my last job," Bock explained. "I'm retiring." The gnome laughed. "Retiring? Retiring? People in our profession don't retire. You'll soon realize that nobody cares about you. I'm the closest thing you have to a friend in the world." He waved his hand and a chest appeared. Pulling out 150 gold pieces, he repeated, "I'm the closest thing you have to a friend in the world. This will count as an advance on your next two jobs." He tossed the gold to Bocke, waved his hand to vanish the chest, and then sat back down to his studies. Then, out of senility or for emphasis, he repeated, "I'm the closest thing you have to a friend in the world. Come back when you understand that." Bocke exited the tent, noting with chagrin the two pharonic guards who watched him exit. He walked briskly down the street, sighing with relief when they went into the gnome's tent rather than follow him. BOCKE REED NG Male Human (medium humanoid) Inquisitor (Nethys) 7
DEFENSE AC 22 (T 16, FF 17) (+5 DEX, +5 armor, +1 natural, +1 deflection)
OFFENSE Ranged: +2 shock composite (+2) longbow (+13, 1d8+4+1d6, x3) (100')
STATISTICS STR 14 DEX 18(+2) CON 12 INT 10 WIS 14 CHA 10
Traits: Magic is Life (+2 save vs death, auto-stabilize if under spell effect), Self-Taught Scholar (+1 to decipher unfamiliar languages, +1 Spellcraft on scrolls) Judgements (3/day): Destruction (+3 damage), Healing (fast healing 3), Justice (+2 attack), Protection (+2 AC), Purity (+2 saves), Resiliency (DR 2/magic), Resistance (ER 6), Smiting (good magic weapon) Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Light Armor Proficiency, Medium Armor Proficiency, Shield Proficiency, Rapid Shot, Coordinated Shot (+1 vs threatened enemy, +2 if flanking), Extra Bane, Lookout (surprise round), Weapon Focus (Longbow) Skills: Acrobatics +5, Appraise 0, Bluff +4, Climb +6, Diplomacy +4, Disguise 0, Escape Artist +5, Fly +5, Heal +6, Intimidate +13, Knowledge (arcana) +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Knowledge (planes) +4, Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +10 (+12 vs codes), Perception +12, Profession (Scribe) +6 (+8 Day Job), Ride +5, Sense Motive +15, Spellcraft +4 (+1 to decipher scrolls), Stealth +15, Survival +6, Swim +2 Spells:
Spell-like abilities: detect chaos / evil / good / law Languages: Common, Ancient Osiriani, Aklo, Necril, Grippli, Ignan Gear: +1 mithril shirt, +2 shock composite longbow (+2), quarterstaff, arrows (62), cold weather outfit (2), cleats, flint and steel, acid flask (2), alchemist's fire (2), potion of cure light wounds, cold iron weapon blanch (purchased 2, used 1), silver blanch (purchased 2, used 1), ghost blanch (purchased 2, used 1), ring of protection +1, cloak of resistance +1, wand of bless (41 charges), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), amulet of natural armor +1, belt of incredible dexterity +2, blunt arrows (20), arrows with cold iron blanch applied (10), arrows with silver blanch applied (10), arrows with ghost blanch applied (10), Chronicles:
1.0. Quest: Ambush in Absalom
1.1. 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm 1.2. 6-18 From Under Ice 1.3. 9-08 Birthright Betrayed 2.1. 5-08 The Confirmation (GM) 2.2. 9-22 Grotto of the Deluged God 2.3. 7-10 Consortium Compact 3.1. 6-12 On Sharrowsmith's Trail, Part 1 3.2. 6-14 On Sharrowsmith's Trail, Part 2 3.3. 6-16 On Sharrowsmith's Trail, Part 3 4.1. 4-19 Night March of Kalkamedes (GM) 4.2. 10-12 Breath of the Dragonskull (GM) 4.3. 5-11 Library of the Lion 5.1. 6-07 Valley of Veiled Flame (GM) 5.2. 10-10 The Shattered Shield 5.3. 6-06 Hall of the Flesh Eaters 6.1. 4-06 The Green Market (GM) 6.2. 6-21 Tapestry's Toil (GM) 6.3. 7-03 The Bronze House Reprisal (GM) 7.1. 7-09 The Blakros Connection (GM) 7.2. 10-20 Countdown to Round Mountain Boons:
322’s Foe: You have pursued the elusive elf known as 322 and uncovered an amulet imbued with her occult energy. You gain access to the following unique magic item at the listed discount.
• Heartstone of the Wronged (Aura moderate evocation and transmutation; CL 8th; Slot neck; Discounted Price 8,000 gp): One larger glassy talisman that resembles a night hag’s heartstone hangs from this amulet of obsidian beads. Its wearer gains immunity to disease. Once per day as an immediate action when she fails a saving throw against an effect that would cause confusion, she can activate the amulet to attempt a second saving throw with a +2 insight bonus and use the second result. Finally, if the wearer is an oracle with the dark tapestry mystery, she treats her effective oracle level as 2 higher when determining the effects of the many forms revelation. Acquainted with Aslynn: The entity known as Aslynn knows who you are and what you did in the Forae Logos. Whether this is to your advantage or detriment is as yet unknown. [ ] Aggressive Researcher: You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before attempting a Knowledge (arcana, history, or planes) check in order to treat your final check result as if it were 25, even if you are not trained in the skill. Alternatively, you may instead gain a +5 bonus on the check. [ ] [ ] [ ] Arnisant Museum Patron: In addition to gaining a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks regarding Taldor, you can borrow a weapon or suit of armor from the museum. After hearing the adventure briefing for a scenario, you can check one, two, or all three boxes that precede this boon to secure a weapon, shield, or set of armor with a +1, +2, or +3 bonus, respectively, for the duration of the scenario. You can reduce the enhancement bonus of a borrowed weapon with a +2 or +3 bonus by 1 in order to give that weapon the undead bane special ability. Any borrowed equipment bears inscriptions or imagery from the Shining Crusade, such as Aroden’s holy symbol or the heraldry or Taldor. This equipment is always made of common materials such as steel, leather, or wood. [ ] [ ] Aspis Revealed: Your explorations inside the Hao Jin Tapestry uncovered the Aspis Consortium’s plots against the Society. Armed with this knowledge, you are more prepared to face Aspis agents in the future. You may cross of one checkbox to apply a +1 insight bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against a known agent of the Aspis Consortium for the rest of the scenario. You may instead cross off both checkboxes to apply a +3 insight bonus on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws against a known agent of the Aspis Consortium for the rest of the scenario. Champion of the Farheavens: Once again the Pathfinders have proven themselves to be the Farheavens’ greatest allies. You can check a box next to this boon as a standard action to conjure a small, feathered bear to aid you (use the statistics for a dire badger as though casting summon monster II with a caster level equal to your character level). [ ] [ ] [ ] Codebreaker: You gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics checks made to decipher a writing or understand a code, and you may use Linguistics this way even if untrained. Crushing Victory: You gain a constant +1 competence bonus on Climb and Knowledge (engineering) checks. When attempting such a check, after you roll but before the GM reveals the result of your check, you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to retroactively apply a +5 competence bonus on that check. Diguo-Danshu Archaeologist: Before rolling any Knowledge check, you may check a box next to this boon to gain a +2 competence bonus on that check. If the Knowledge check is related to constructs, ratfolk, or the Darklands, you instead gain a +5 competence bonus on that check. Efreeti’s Wish: You secured a wish from an efreeti and managed to prevent her from twisting the wish against you. Choose one of the following benefits and cross the others off your Chronicle sheet.
[ ] Explore, Report, Cooperate: As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. The GM then informs you whether the action's impact would be positive, negative, or negligible. Firebreaker: You not only stopped the flames raging around Mishkar, but you also put a stop to simmering regional conflicts that had long targeted the local Dragonskull goblin tribe. One of the Dragonskull goblins has decided to follow you back to the Pathfinder Society and help you in your journeys. When you would fail a skill or ability check related to putting out a fire, or a saving throw against an effect that deals fire damage, you can check a box that precedes this boon to reroll the check. This reroll represents the goblin rushing to your aid. [ ] [ ] Friend of Kasadei: You receive a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (local), Knowledge (history), and Knowledge (nobility) checks pertaining to Magnimar. You also receive a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with good-aligned NPCs in Magnimar. Friend of Janira Gavix: She helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge. [ ] Gift of the Ghaele: Sulianna the Luminescent, an azata whom you rescued, owes you a debt and has
[ ] Gloomspire Explorer: Despite having studied only a small portion of Sevenfingers’s tomb, you are now one of the Society’s foremost authorities on the enigmatic Gloomspires. While adventuring in the Gloomspires, you receive a +2 bonus on all Perception checks made to find hidden objects such as traps, treasure, and secret doors. If you check the box included with this boon, you gain the benefits of this boon for the duration of one scenario set anywhere other than the Gloomspires. Greenheart's Blessing: You receive a +2 bonus on all Day Job checks. Grippli's Favor: You have earned the recognition of the Krihirik tribe in the Kaava Lands, granting you a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks made to influence gripplis. In addition, this boon can be used in conjunction with other boons to grant one or more of your characters access to grippli-related options. Hero of the Day: Magnimar’s Golemworks offers you training in fighting constructs. You gain a +2 bonus to Knowledge (arcana) checks to identify constructs. Once per scenario, you may ignore a construct’s hardness and DR for one attack. You must declare that you are using this ability before you roll the attack roll. [ ] Impossible Feat: You may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet before attempting a skill check, saving throw, or attack roll to add 1d6 to the result of your check. If you roll a 6, roll the six-sided die again and combine the results. You may repeat this process up to twice for a maximum additional bonus of +18. Inside Knowledge: You gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) checks about the Aspis Consortium and can roll such checks untrained. You can cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet to take 20 on a single Knowledge (local) check about the Aspis Consortium. Master Smith’s Service: The slag giant Valsog is a master craftsman, and he offers to repair a broken item free of charge. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet at the end of an adventure to repair one item as though you had cast make whole (CL 10th). Alternatively, if you also own the sword Gamin the Misforged, you may cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet and spend 5 Prestige Points to permanently remove the broken condition from that weapon. If you instead spend 25 Prestige Points, you can also increase Gamin the Misforged’s weapon enhancement bonus to +2. Neither of these improvements modify the sword’s market price or resale value. Oread’s Favor: You have earned the recognition of a large group oread geniekin. This boon may be used in conjunction with other boons to grant one or more of your characters access to oread-related options. [ ] [ ] Radiant Ruby Feathers: You can check a box that precedes this boon as a standard action to use one of the following spell-like abilities, gaining benefits based upon your level when you activate this boon. For any spell-like ability, use your character level as your caster level.
Recovered Treasures: When you departed the Bronze House, you carried with you one of its most valuable treasures. You may purchase the item below that your party decided to keep. You may also pay 2 Prestige Points per item to unlock access to the other two items in this boon. You must make the decision to unlock these items when you receive this Chronicle Sheet.
[ ] Sewer Sense: You gain a single-use +5 bonus on any Knowledge (local) or Survival check to learn about or navigate the sewers under the City at the Center of the World, applied before the roll is made. [ ] [ ] Savior of the Tapestry: You have averted the imminent collapse of the Hao Jin Tapestry, saving the lives of everyone who calls the demiplane home. One of these people has decided to join you on your adventures. These NPCs help you in three different ways. First, you may spend 2 Prestige Points to learn the listed language from that NPC. Second, you may check a box that precedes a reward as a standard action to consult that NPC for assistance with one of the listed skill checks. You may use that NPC’s bonus in place of your own when rolling the skill check. Finally, you may check a bonus that precedes a reward to receive the NPC’s special benefit. Unless otherwise stated, this is a standard action. The NPCs become stronger throughout their adventures with you. Their bonus on skill checks depends upon your character level (Level 1–2: +6, Level 3–4: +8, Level 5–6: +11, Level 7–8: +14, Level 9–10: +18, Level 11+: +22). Serene Kappa (Eternal Lake): Language: Aquan; Skills: Heal, Sense Motive; Special: The kappa casts water breathing (CL equal to your character level). [ ] Scholar of Ashkurhall: When you are examining architecture, objects, or writing of dwarven origin, you either gain a +1 bonus on any Appraise, Knowledge, or Linguistic check involved, or you can substitute your Perception or Sense Motive for the check. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet as a free action in order to apply its benefits when examining architecture, objects, or writing of any origin for the duration of the scenario. Sky Key Component (Hao Jin Tapestry): You have recovered one of the five lost components of the strange relic known as the Sky Key. This piece once belonged to Naldak, who founded the settlement of Naldak’s Point in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, in a region that is now part of Irrisen. Sky Key Component (Sargava): You have recovered one of the five lost components of the strange relic known as the Sky Key. This key once belonged to Sigrin, who founded the now abandoned settlement of Ashkurhall in the Bandu Hills. [ ] [ ] [ ] Storm Rider: You can check one of the boxes next to this boon as a standard cation to cast endure elements on yourself, with a caster level equal to your character level. Tanbaru’s Respect: You have helped the spirit oni Tanbaru get revenge on the duergar. A Lawful spellcaster of at least 7th level may take Tanbaru as a familiar with the Improved Familiar feat. Tanbaru functions as a standard spirit oni in all ways, except that the influence of a lawful good spellcaster changes his alignment to lawful neutral. If you make this bond with Tanbaru, you must provide a copy of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 as if the improved familiar were available as an Additional Resource. If you do not take Tanbaru as a familiar, he gives you with a tiny portion of the power he retains from his days as a dosojin kami. You may use one of the following as a spell-like ability once, using your
[ ] Tapestry Traveler: You may activate this boon any time in the Hao Jin Tapestry, and its benefits apply for the rest of the scenario. You gain favored terrain +2 (Hao Jin Tapestry) as per the ranger ability of the same name. [ ] Vanei's Friend: You have befriended Vanei Thaskin, who now works as an informant for the Pathfinder Society. Once per scenario, you can recall information Vanei provided in order to reroll a failed Bluff, Diplomacy, or Knowledge check pertaining to the Aspis Consortium. If the second check fails, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet. [ ] Vaultkeeper: You can check the box that precedes this boon when retraining to gain the gravewalker witch archetype for free. If any other archetypes you have modify the same class feature as the gravewalker archetype replaces, you lose those archetypes at no cost. You can instead check this box and spend 2 Prestige Points to bequeath Vaultkeeper to one of your other characters, granting that character the effects of this boon instead. This allows you to use the archetype with that character as though it were allowed by Additional Resources, and you must have a copy of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic and a copy of this Chronicle sheet with you when playing a character using this archetype. [ ] Warm Friend in a Cold Land: Whenever you are in Irrisen, you can apply a +2 circumstance bonus to all Diplomacy checks. You may additionally bring Uliyara with you on one mission to any location, allowing her to grant you the effects of this boon outside of Irrisen. Wayang's Favor: You have earned the recognition of the wayangs of the Hao Jin Tapestry, granting you a +2 bonus on Charisma-based checks made to influence wayangs. In addition, this boon may be used in conjunction with other boons to grant one or more of your characters access to wayang-related options. [ ] [ ] [ ] Whispers of Evil: You can check a box next to this boon at the beginning of an adventure to gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks during that adventure. |