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4th Edition

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Keep The Messageboards Civil!

Rise of the Runelords 4e

What are some of the best 4e adventures you d recommend someone new to try?

Virtual Table Top announced

Points of Light World. Lets discuss!

5th Edition Magus conversion

Gamma World Campaign

Sorcerer and Action Economy, isn't just another Fighter better?

5e Rope Trick spell not a ritual

[Tool] TOS FIVE for D&D 5th edition!

Rise of the Runelords in 5th ed


Out of the Abyss Resources (5e)

The Trinket Game (5e)

Bookrat's Advice on Designing Background Features (5e)

4e Eyes of the Lich Queen?

Best Guess: How many quarters will D&D Next beat Pathfinder on the ICv2 list (if any)?

Low Level Legendary Encounter

The Great Modron March 5e Conversion

Volo’s Guide to Monsters (5E)

Out of the Abyss Campaign (Spoilers!!!)

Converting 5th Ed Princes of The Apocalypse to Golarion

Dead Gods - 5th Edition Conversion

Fun Multi-class Combos for 5th Edition?

Iconic Samurai Martial Archetype [5e]

How "dragony" should dragonborn look?

Class Feature Replacement

5e monster sources?

Kickstarter for Ponyfinder: Dawn of the Fifth Age

[JBE] Unleash Monsters the Forbidden Woods Upon Your Game

[Dire Rugrat Publishing] New Playable Race for 5e

5th Edition Renaissance Firearm Proficiency House Rule Idea

Spheres of Power for 5e?

Unearthed Arcana - The Non-Divine Faithful

Ultimate Bestiary - Revenge of the Horde for 5E

[Kobold Press] Kobold Guide to Plots and Campaigns is Now Available

Affect of Streamed Games on New Players

[Kobold Press] Deep Magic is coming to 5th Edition!

[Dark Naga Adventures / Fat Goblin Games] The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil (D&D 5e / OSR)

Dark Woods; a homebrew setting for 5e

What pathfinder rules would you like to see in 5th Ed

[Tribality Publishing] EZG reviews teh Gunfighter Class (5e)

D&D 5E / Classes / Zendikar / MTG

Polymorph and subtle spell. 5e

Smite dice

[Tribality Publishing] EZG reviews the Alchemist (5e) (Revised Edition)

[Dire Rugrat Publishing] EZG reviews Tuffy's Good Time Palace (5e)

Another 5e MTG setting thread: color alignment and magic

Feat walls (a rant)

Rogue Archetype - Swashbuckler - Thoughts?

[Kobold Press] Tome of Beasts 5E Kickstarter - It's Alive!!!

Unearthed Arcana - Feats

Simplifying my Cosmology.

Zendikar (MtG) as a 5e Setting

[Kobold Press] Unlikely Heroes for 5th Edition is Now Available !

[Interjection Games] Strange Magic 2 - Non-Vancian Magic Systems for 5e

5E: Party of 6 with no tanks. Concerns?

5th Edition Background Generator PDF

[Kobold Press] 5e Deep Magic Interview!

[Tribality Publishing] EZG reviews the Alchemist (5e)

5th edition Ranger for curse of sthrad

5th Edition encounter design

5th Edition Action Economy

[Dire Rugrat Publishing] Rest easy, GMs - We've got your 5e prep covered!

5th Edition Trap XP?

Comparitive length of the 5E AP

Homebrew Rogue, Sorcerer and Barbarian archetypes for a modern / futuristic setting

New Feat Idea: Shield Block

Dexterity and Strength in 5e - how each is viable for combat

Color codes in hardcover books?

DM Guild hits 1000 products milestone (also, Ravenloft)

Fixing the Beast Master Ranger by interpreting the rules differently (perhaps?)

Pathfinder vs 5e in the UK....

Fun 5th Edition Gestalt Ideas?

[Kobold Press] Free Desktop Wallpaper Featuring Cover From Tome of Beasts!

[JBE] Choose Your Beginning

If they made a Players Handbook 2, what would you want in it?

New Kickstarter 5th ed adventure

Another DMs Guild milestone: Platinum sellers

Moving pathfinder Downtime Activities to 5th edition

D&D MtG crossover - Spell lists as Colors

5th Edition Alchemist base class.

Your experience with Inspiration?

Survey Says...Fighter is the Most Popular Class?

What sections to read to get a grasp of the game to DM? 5e

OotA Dawnbringer Backstory help

[Dire Rugrat Publishing] Tangible Taverns: Trio of Taverns 5e now available!

5E: Your experiences on expanding Concentration spells

5E Rules You'll Be Adopting for Pathfinder

What's your experience with D&D 5th Edition?

Wanna Play 5e for freeeeeeeeeeee (or really low cost)

[Storm Bunny Studios] The Mists of Akuma: Eastern Noir Steampunk for D&D 5E Kickstarter has launched!!!

Planescape conversions?

Gem Dragons of Faerûn

Playable Animal Races 5e (PEACH)

Advice for converting PF to 5e?

DM Help: Why would the BBEG want a baby?

GM Guild Advice?

[Ascension Games] Path of Shadows - Bringing Shadow Magic to 5th Edition!

5th Edition Questions

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