Xenh |

Hail and well met fellow travellers and welcome to the dark lands of Norrath.
Norrath has entered The Age of Legend. A host of nations and races seek to assert their will over the lands of Norrath. From the high elves of Felwithe seeking to reclaim the grandeur of their lost Tunaria, to the iksar of Kunark rebuilding their shattered empire, to the brutal assaults of the ever warlike ogres on the lands of humankind, to the ongoing civil war between Erudits on Odus, to a myriad of other conflicts across the known world a new age will emerge.
Whether as a valiant paladin, an ambitious rogue, a power-hungry mage, or any number of heroic callings, the fate of Norrath hangs in a precarious balance. It will be the deeds of extraordinary men and women that determine its fate.
EverQuest is a D20 world based on Sony's MMORPG which was trade skilled into a roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing. To play the game one will need only the (Player's Handbook.
Many would argue that a level 1 character starting with a +6 to STR would be insanely overpowering, but I think that gives a strong flavour of ogre, rather than just a whiff. Most of these games are caster-centric, so it is nice to see the melee come out ahead. Rather than just being vanilla it has a flavour, and with flavours there are those that dig them and those that don't.
Lore Restrictions
There are those who would chafe against monk only being permitted to two races (human and iksar), but it follows the lore perfectly and I think that makes them a bit more special. Tribal societies are shamanistic, and again that makes sense.
Training Points
Rather than having a static feat and attribute increase delivered at a certain level, it is your choice to spend your points on whatever you want. Don't care about feats, don't buy them, it's that simple. You can put your points towards stats, skills, feats or even resistances.
- Ranks in language skills. Absolutely love this.
- Alcohol tolerance!
This is where this system really shines. The bard is hands down more interesting than any other game has put out, with songs that make them the masters of doing a bit of everything, but nothing amazing. True hybrid classes and pure casters that each have their own spell list with very little in the way of overlap with other classes.
Magic System
So simple, so pure and the best casting system of any game out there in my eyes. No need to change spell levels for metamagic, just spend more mana. Need to change spells, no worries you can do that on the fly. You have access to all of your spells, but only a handful at any one time.

Evil JB |

Alright so I could use another person as a player, currently there are three people and two NPC's. Yes this group is evil, not Chaotic Evil; Party cohesion evil. Now being evil does tend to make one a bit on the sanity challenged side; trying to kill other PC's and claiming it was because you are an evil character will get your character Smote.
Once a day posting is the limit, a few sentences a day, or up to a page a day.

Xenh |

Xenh |

I cannot find starting gold for 5th level anywhere in the EQRPG player book or gm guide. Also, how do you guys do HP, roll, max or pfs standard?
- Table 4-3 of the Game Master's Guide (page 96) gives the average treasure per encounter for a level 4 character as 1200gp. Considering that it takes approximately 10 encounters to "ding" a new level, you would be walking around with ~12,000gp worth of treasure. Considering that neither of the two games (mine or JB's) is even approaching that amount at this point I will leave it to him to field that question for what fraction of that he wishes to dole out.
- Hit points are maximums for all levels.- We don't use experience at all.
- Group initiative is used to speed up combat.

nilesr |

Well I went ahead and just gave my guy Masterwork gear....I'll let the DM decide if he can have anything magic.
Here is a link. http://www.myth-weavers.com/save.php
Being as I'm not sure of the campaign type and location, I haven't made up much of a backstory for Nalun.
My idea is that he is a minor member of the noble house Thex but an embarrassment since he became a cleric instead of a necromancer. He is sent away from Neriak because of this.

nilesr |

Nalun Phlithmira was an oddity in his house. His mother was allied to Queen Christanos Thex and a powerful necromancer. However, Nalun always felt the tug of hate on his soul. In his dreams the dark god Innoruuk whispered to him, promising power in reward for service. When in his 60th year Nalun snuck off to the cleric guild to train his mother thought it was a phase or a ploy to spy on the other faction. When Nalun showed promise and genuine skill in his art she still did not worry. However, when he began taking lessons directly from Perrir Zexus the guildmaster she was enraged. She accused him of spying on the house and betrayal. She sent two of his sisters to kill him, in a pitched battle he slew one of his sisters Xekara and injured another Rajira. He fled Neriak but did not know where he was running to. Deep in the Nektulos forest he met with an emissary of the Spurned, a group of arcanists opposed to the necromancers of Neriak. They offered him a way out of Neriak, teleportation to a far off place in exhange for a small favor. Retrive an idol from a temple on Luclin. Not knowing what other choices he had, Nalun accepted their offer. He has been on Luclin for several years searching for the idol but has had little luck tracking it down.