5e Rope Trick spell not a ritual

5th Edition (And Beyond)

Shadow Lodge

Wonder why Rope Trick spell doesnt have the ritual tag? Seems to me to be a good spell for ritual...

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I imagine the idea is to make there be a cost associated with it. As a ritual, it would be no-brainer to use any time you wanted to short rest.

I think Kalshane has it right. If you want hazard-free rest, that's going to cost you a spell slot.

Shadow Lodge

Then why is Tiny Hut spell a ritual spell? Sure its not an extra dimensional space but its pretty well hidden.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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I can tell you for a fact that Tiny Hut is not impervious. We stopped for a long rest, so we didn't "waste time" healing and we got ambushed by a high level wizard and my Dwarf Cleric with 8 Dex had to make a DC 20 Dex save against a Disintegrate spell....which caused EXACTLY my current hit points in damage. :-P

Needless to say, I did not roll a Natural 21...

Tiny Hut is obvious, and thus vulnerable. A rope trick is incredibly secure.

Shadow Lodge

Ok I didnt remember the 5e version very well, it used to be a very well camouflaged hut.

From page 255 of the PHB: "Spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it." Seems like you get hit by a spell that should never have been allowed to hit you...

5e version is great

DocWaffle wrote:
From page 255 of the PHB: "Spells and other magical effects can't extend through the dome or be cast through it." Seems like you get hit by a spell that should never have been allowed to hit you...

True, but a Dispel Magic [u]could[/u] get through, I'm just guessing... Tiny Hut is a fantastic spell, but a party shouldn't get too complacent on one.

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