Threeshades |

Threeshades wrote:Hey everyone, I thought I'd let you all know I just started working on a fairly big project with which to debut on the DM's guild. I decided to stat out all the official monster illustrations available from the DMs guild creator resources.
That's over 160 monsters, and I will aim to make the document available in print on demand, so you will be able to get a physical book!
Not sure what to call it yet.
Hm. That's the exact same project I've been working on for the past two months.
I've finished 198 stat blocks to go with the 160 illustrations (though I haven't finished all of the lair actions for the legendary monsters yet) and I'm about half way through the page layout required by the DMs Guild print on demand service. I'm procrastinating a lot, though, because I'm finding the page layout work on this project unusually tedious. You'll probably publish your version of this book long before mine is ready.
I suppose it makes sense i wasnt the only one with that idea. I am a little over 60, maybe 70 statblocks since i started last week. I kind of work on the layout simultaneously, writing the statblocks directly in InDesign.
I'm experiencing some fatigue with the disproportionate amount of demons but I guess I'm going strong. And once I'm done with thestatblocks i also want to add at least a short fluff section on each monster so it's not just a picture and a bunch of numbers.But I would hate to invalidate your work too. I don't know which one of us did the better job converting the rules, and quite honestly I'd rather see the best possible project published than just mine.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
The two of you should collaborate on it so you're not repeating work already completed.
Sadly, we're both already repeating an unknown amount of work performed by WotC freelancers. At least two of the monsters we're working on (firbolg and vargouille) are scheduled to appear in WotC's new 5e monster book this November. In theory, any number of additional monsters we're working on could also be in that book.

Threeshades |

Can one of you flip the images and do mirror images of each monster?
Then we get MORE MONSTERS! :-D
A perfect plan. "You see, this sorrowsworn demon is holding its scythe in it's LEFT hand, that means it's got these abilities"
Just need to make sure that flipping images doesn't violate the DMguild guidelines.

Threeshades |

bookrat wrote:The two of you should collaborate on it so you're not repeating work already completed.Sadly, we're both already repeating an unknown amount of work performed by WotC freelancers. At least two of the monsters we're working on (firbolg and vargouille) are scheduled to appear in WotC's new 5e monster book this November. In theory, any number of additional monsters we're working on could also be in that book.
Looking at the firbolg artwork though I really want to use it, I might turn them into something entirely new.

Threeshades |
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Here is a little taste of what the book will look like on the inside.

Dale McCoy Jr President, Jon Brazer Enterprises |
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Jon Brazer Enterprises released Book of Beasts: Monsters of the Forbidden Woods. It features 18 new and converted monsters to fifth edition, ranging from CR's 1/4 to 7. Now only monsters, we give you enough details about them to build memorable encounters around these creatures, details like the names that local people that do not know what thesse creatures are call them, items in their lair, and in game quotes from NPCs about these monsters. These are fun monsters that your players will remember.

Epic Meepo RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16, 2012 Top 32 |
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Can one of you flip the images and do mirror images of each monster?
Then we get MORE MONSTERS! :-D
I've re-purposed my 198 stat blocks. They use the same illustrations that Threeshades is using, but I've given each of them a twist that should make it different from other adaptations of the same monster.
When I eventually finalize my page layout and rewrite my flavor text, you'll get MORE MONSTERS!

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Hey everyone - it's finally here!
The Tome of Beasts is now AVAILABLE!!! More than 400 fully developed and playtested creatures for 5E, each with a beautiful full color illustration!
You can get it Right Here on Paizo.com
Or thru the Kobold Press store
(where you can also see some page samples AND also buy the Tome of Beasts Pawns AND the Book of Lairs

Threeshades |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Good news everyone!
Statblocks are all written out. The rules on these only need a once over to check for errors and make sure all the CR's are right.
I also added three appendices filled with animals and minor monsters, skeletons and zombies based on a variety of basic creature shapes allowing you to quickly turn almost any creature into a skeleton or zombie. These are not template but rather a small catalogue of prepackaged undead meant to be able to represent almost any creature with a more or less common body structure.
There is also an appendix with templates for celestial, fiendish, elemental and phantasmal creatures.
Now comes the difficult part: Filling out the fluff.
I'm also working on a unique cover illustration.