bookrat |
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Hello! I've seen a handful of resources for OotA, but I'm looking for more. If you know of any, please post some links!
Here's what I've found:
Page locations for NPC allies and their actions
Excel file for tracking NPCs, madness, etc

bookrat |

Advice on pacing, resting, and scale
Empty wiki page dedicated to Out of the Abyss. Looks like the originator wanted people to help fill it in. I haven't seen anything that's been done yet.
OotA inspired soundtrack by a professional composer
Gracklstugh Encounter Map. With associated forum discussion, which has some great advice and summaries of the city: Link

bookrat |

bookrat |

Started the campaign last night. I used the NPC cards as well as the full NPC character sheets. My players loved it.
This post assumes you've read the NPC Cards Houserules linked above.
I worked it like this:
Each NPC has three status levels in relation to the PCs. 1) Unaffilited, 2) Friendly, 3) Loyal. If the NPC is unaffiliated, I take the card and treat it as a normal NPC. If friendly, the PCs take the card and gain the benefits of the NPC as written on the card. Loyal status is as the normal NPC Card rules.
The can gain friendly status by interacting with the NPC and roleplaying it out to gain their trust. When they achieve the friendly status is up to me, once I've decided they've made a good enough attempt in the roleplay. Yhey lose friendly status of the roleplay becomes unfriendly or if the NPC nearly dies (enough injuries to knock them unconscious). They can regain friendly status again by roleplaying.
Since each NPC card grants specific powers to a single PC, I allowed them to control one NPC per positive modifier of charisma (minimum 1). So our cleric with 16 charisma gains the abilities from three different NPCs, while the fighter who dumped charisma may only gain one.
This set up strongly encouraged roleplaying with each of the NPCs and allowed the players to controls the NPCs during combat (so I don't have to). However, I still control their thoughts and roleplaying, so I can still have fun with their personalities.
It worked really well. I thought using the NPC cards was going to feel too "gamey" and take away from the immersion, but once we started playing it didn't feel like it at all. And my players just loved it.

Mordo |

For those interested, On the GitP forum, someone came up with a companion system that give the characters some minor bonus and make it easier to track than full NPC.
Here's the link to the forum thread:
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?459858-NPC-Companion-System-I dea
I kinda like the idea, maybe not as far as replacing Ranger's companion, but I would use it for followers and hireling.

Threeshades |

For those interested, On the GitP forum, someone came up with a companion system that give the characters some minor bonus and make it easier to track than full NPC.
Here's the link to the forum thread:
http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?459858-NPC-Companion-System-I dea
I kinda like the idea, maybe not as far as replacing Ranger's companion, but I would use it for followers and hireling.
bookrat already posted that.

bookrat |
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No they did not. There is a GM screen released by a third party. I preordered it; my copy is supposed to arrive this Saturday. Go figure that this is the one week I'm holding game on Friday instead of Saturday.
There is some player information. It is comprised of a single page in Appendix A, and it is up to the GM of s/he wants their players to have access to it.

Dustin Ashe |

Do you want pregenerated characters for your Out of Abyss campaign? Or did you experience player death and need to a replacement to get back into the game?
If so, take a look at this product I put together for the DMs Guild. A Motley Crew features each of the prisoners of Velkynvelve as playable PCs, presented at levels 1 through 7. That's 64 stat blocks and weighing in at a whopping 117 pages.
You will also find three new playable Underdark races as well as guidelines for playing and leveling up Stool, the strange myconid creature.

Threeshades |
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The Critter Compendium contains stablocks and lore for 31 Demons and 11 Obyrith perfect for Abyss-themed adventures among hundreds of other monsters.

Eliana Solange |
These are resources I created. In the years since they were created, Google changed their sharing link format, and the above links now require me to manually approve everyone who uses them. The following links should not require this"