Threeshades |

In 5e you can pretty handily measure the power of a level 1 character, by simply comparing them to some of the monster Manual NPCs.
A level 1 fighter for example is more powerful overall than a Guard (that is described as a city watch or personal body guard). The fighter has similar, but probably slightly more HP, better Ability scores and extra abilities. So a level 1 fighter is certainly not a novice, they are better than a trained, basic level man at arms.
Level 5 through 7 would represent a seasoned or really highly trained elite warrior, aince its comparable to the Veteran and Knight in the MM.

Grey Lensman |
The big difference between the starting levels in 5E and D20 Modern is (for me, at least) pretty vast. In 5E I might not be able to play a multiclass type right away (or one of the hybrid archetypes), and have to wait until level 2 or 3, but in D20 modern it can be level 5 or 6 before your spellcaster can even learn the first spell. Horrid, horrid idea.

bookrat |

In which case, I suggest you try the Starship Troopers RPG (built off the D20 chassis and compatible with D20 Future if you wish).
So I bought this book. Just came in. I'm a big fan of the starship troopers book and movie (yes, I know they're different in all ways except the name).
It looks quite fun. The feat walls are very minimal, and I'd probably even make a house rule to eliminate them altogether (instead making feat walls automatically progress up the chain as you level).
Like the 3.X system, I'm not a fan of the cc skills - I'd house rule it to make it more like Pathfinder's model.
Other than that, it looks like a lot of fun. Thanks for the recommendation.