Curtain Call BK 1

Game Master Trailjava

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Greetings Pathfinders,
I am recruiting for the Adventure Path Curtain Call. Now before you start posting. I need to be transparent. I do not have. Great track record of PBP games. I have some handicaps that get in my way as well spouse with special needs. So if willing to take a slow paced game approach. Then I am your guy.
The Application Process
Because this is 11 to 20 level AP. You can either use an existing character or draw up a new 11th level character. Characters need to be either Core or Legacy, only official books are used. Now I will offer free archetypes and duel classing.
use this chart for 11th level starting equipment etc .

Let me know what character’s story is.
I am looking for 5 players.

I do have a question.

Is this PF1e or PF2e?

1 person marked this as a favorite.


Awesome. I'll see what I can come up with

DM Ashman wrote:

Greetings Pathfinders,

I am recruiting for the Adventure Path Curtain Call. Now before you start posting. I need to be transparent. I do not have. Great track record of PBP games. I have some handicaps that get in my way as well spouse with special needs. So if willing to take a slow paced game approach. Then I am your guy.
The Application Process
Because this is 11 to 20 level AP. You can either use an existing character or draw up a new 11th level character. Characters need to be either Core or Legacy, only official books are used. Now I will offer free archetypes and duel classing.
use this chart for 11th level starting equipment etc .

Let me know what character’s story is.
I am looking for 5 players.

The link isnt working. just letting you know

Name : Jadis Keres

So far my idea is taking:

WANDERING LIBERTINE as her background


FLIRT as her persona

Class wise Sorceress and Bard as Archetype

Lead Singer and a bit of a know-it-all

EDIT : Would you consider Ancestry Paragon?

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm thinking a Monk/Gladiator

Likes performing in front of a crowd, but eschews weaponry.

Backstory: Was a slave in gladiatorial pits. Continued to win against bad odds. Finally able to buy their own freedom. Went to a monastery to contemplate. Decided that fighting was only a last resort. Prefer influencing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will get the info about the link.Also if your starting from scratch, I recommend that the Players guide be used or al least read. I will be offering some ideas for a common Nemesis for the group.

At the Higher Levels
You can have either the lump sum 3200 gp or
Permanent Level items
1. One at 10th
2. Two at 9th
3. 1 at 8th
4. Two at 7th
And 500 gp.

Ancestry paragon is on the table as well.

Huzzah! much appreciated

DM, are you allowing Legacy races or only what has been remastered?
Also, will you consider Rare Ancestry/Background, or do we have a quota of Rare & Uncommon selections?

I figured legacy is good as remastered. Also up to uncommon. If it’s rare run it by me that’s all.

Are you saying you'd allow Ancestral Paragon, Dual Class, and Free Archetype? That would be a lot of extra character power.

Also, are you going to be using the little Q&A thing (which is very cool), or will the selected five players have to figure out what the prior adventure that would be turned into an Opera is?

Lia Wynn wrote:

Are you saying you'd allow Ancestral Paragon, Dual Class, and Free Archetype? That would be a lot of extra character power.

Also, are you going to be using the little Q&A thing (which is very cool), or will the selected five players have to figure out what the prior adventure that would be turned into an Opera is?

That section of the Player's Guide really is kinda cool: Who is Your Nemesis? I'm not sure that any other high-level AP has really dealt with "before" quite like this. It actually seems like it would be a really fun Session 0.

@Lia yes I know there little more power however, because of the idea the AP. I think it’s appropriate.

I will be using the Q&A portion from the Player Guide, for those who are selected.

How about a human thief with a gloomblade and the quickdraw feat?

He'd be the Scoundrel persona

Dual class is like Gestalt yes?

I've never done gestalt in PF2e though. So this could be hectic :P

Seth86 wrote:

Dual class is like Gestalt yes?

I've never done gestalt in PF2e though. So this could be hectic :P

If you use PathBuilder, it really isn't that tough at all, not nearly as irritating as gestalt in 1E

Jason "Rion" Prince wrote:
Seth86 wrote:

Dual class is like Gestalt yes?

I've never done gestalt in PF2e though. So this could be hectic :P

If you use PathBuilder, it really isn't that tough at all, not nearly as irritating as gestalt in 1E

i didnt see the option for dual class. ill go have a look again

and for PF1e i have HeroLab :P

But thank you for pointing out that there is an option

LOL - if you can believe it, I am STILL putting money into HeroLab for PF1. Every so often I find I am missing access to a book that I 'need'

Not sure if you are using the mobile or the web version. In mobile, once you are in Character Options, you do have to scroll down, but Dual Class is directly above Free Archetype. Pretty much the same with the web version; after you get into Character Options, scroll down and it's right above Free Archetype.

Thanks. I managed. But I may need to rebuild the entire character now with all the added options :P

I loved the ideas I'm reading in the Player's guide. Is there a deadline for this? I'm thinking of a Rogue.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Here is a link to a basic Monk/Barbarian/Wrestler...

There is no real hard deadline as stated up from, this very laid back pbp game. I also want to stress that I have some challenges from RL, that may stop from posting everyday. I am also extending this type of grace to everyone. I am looking for 5 players, however i will work with who shows up.

Slow and steady

I'm finishing the rouge. He's presents like a physical comic, a Jackie Chan type. He's got a performance of 20.

Virtuosic Performer: I'd like to add Physical Comedy to it.

He would go to bars and Inns to collect customers for the circus

Max Trix

Theme song?

So I can make a character with Dual class, free archetype, and ancestral Paragon?


Let me put this back out there.
1. Duel Class
2. Free Arcatypes
3. Ancestry Paragon.

I'm still working on my items. But that will have to wait till I know if I'm chosen :P but even if I'm not. Hope you guys have a blast!

How about this or maybe this

For Jadis

For Maxx

Hey reading the player's guide this sounds really interesting, and I'd be fine with a slower paced campaign as I'm just getting back into PBP after a few years. It might take me a few days to have a completed lvl 11 character but I'll try to post a concept up here tomorrow for your consideration.

Been thinking

"Ain't No rest for the wicked" by Caged Elephant

Could work for character or Troup

So far I have
1. Monk/Barbarian
2. Max Tris


Going to note my interest in this. PF2E Level 11 start was enough to catch my interest alone. But Dual Class and Ancestral Paragon and Free Archetypes? Sign me the heck up!

Shame that Player Core 2 doesn't seem to be up on aonprd yet, would love to give that stuff a poke about

Only 2 People signed up for this. How much time do we have?

11th lvl theme song?

Uncommon stuff is freely given, but Rare stuff needs a question?

Alright, I'm currently toying with the idea of playing an Awakened Animal, potentially Awakened Animal Inventor, is that acceptable?

Troupe mascot?

Seth86 wrote:
Troupe mascot?

Well, the director who has contacted us might try that, but my character won't accept it. I'll probably be backstage helping with the special effects.

Well. Here's to hoping. Looking forward to see who gets picked.

I wanted to be in the queue at least.
I will finish my character in Pathbuilder

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Seth86 wrote:
Troupe mascot?
Well, the director who has contacted us might try that, but my character won't accept it. I'll probably be backstage helping with the special effects.

and truth be told, I am going to ask GM if he would at least entertain the submission of a Sprite ... who, as a shapechanger, could be any mascot we wanted ;)

Basically he's a little guy who wants to be BIG

Zephyr amir wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Seth86 wrote:
Troupe mascot?
Well, the director who has contacted us might try that, but my character won't accept it. I'll probably be backstage helping with the special effects.

and truth be told, I am going to ask GM if he would at least entertain the submission of a Sprite ... who, as a shapechanger, could be any mascot we wanted ;)

Basically he's a little guy who wants to be BIG

Like a big bathing sponge?

CucumberTree wrote:
Zephyr amir wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Seth86 wrote:
Troupe mascot?
Well, the director who has contacted us might try that, but my character won't accept it. I'll probably be backstage helping with the special effects.

and truth be told, I am going to ask GM if he would at least entertain the submission of a Sprite ... who, as a shapechanger, could be any mascot we wanted ;)

Basically he's a little guy who wants to be BIG

Like a big bathing sponge?

I was going to type something innappropriate, but we haven't had the session zero boundaries discussion yet ...

YES, just like a big bathing sponge!

Friday is the cutoff.

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