Note: Talk about editions of D&D prior to Third or after 3.5 here. Politely. Personal attacks or insults directed at other members of the Paizo community, or other companies in the industry, will not be tolerated.

4th Edition

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4e, What For?

WotC Back Door

D&D 4th edition behind the scenes videos

Watch the 3rd video

4th ($) Edition is Coming!!!

4th ed. rules under OGL / D20 license?

I'm so very, very confused.

The Lunatic Fringe Benefits


Book of Nine Swords

4th edition moment of panic--then relief

Another 4E thread...

4E hopefuls unite


Ask me about 4th edition?

What's with the panic?

Pathfinder, 4th Edition, and the Future

Positve comments about 4th ed?

Excited About 4e and All the Associated Parts...No, Really! No Kidding, I Really Am Excited!

4th edition got you confused? In this time of trepidation and uncertainty...

The new Kinder, Gentler Beholder

Looks like it's official - 4TH ED ???

New Art looks very familiar

D&D 4E - What do we actually KNOW so far?

The Problem with 4.0

WotC at PAX

3.5- life after 4.0?

My problems with 4e

Will Paizo determine if 4e succeeds or fails?

Top 10 Features not included for the virtual tabletop

Lilith's Stat Block Bank

4e pre-order at Chapters

A 4e suggestion for the Paizo guys

Recent development

Tiefling will be core?

Need Shopping Suggestions for Stocking up 3.5 Books

A PC Eldarin... verrrry interestingk.

Forgotten Realms? Are you kidding me?

Virtual Online Randomized Minis

Everyone who hasn't needs to read Sebastian's profile and Quote it for Truth on 4ed...

4th Edition, New Campaign Setting?

4th Edition Elves

The 4th "Circle of Hell" Edition...

Two (somewhat) rational concerns about 4ed

Watch the 3rd video

4E teaser video = marketing disaster

My Problems with 3.5

Question about Paizo's new campaign setting

D&D 4.0 Preorder

Cautiously Optimistic

Dungeon and Dragon online $10-$15?

Book of Nine Swords is a glimpse into 4th edition D&D spell system.

What In 4th Edition Would Convince Me To Try It?

Listen to the D&D podcast

Campaign Classics Ideas for Dragon's Online Version (4th Edition)

Why is simpler better?

Stop the madness / Begging for content

The Proposed New Covers.

Succubi are now devils (or, stop the madness!)

Just Say No to 4.0

Game Spy 4.0 interview

I find it strange...

If 4.0 goes down the toilet....

Necromancer Games choose 4e - Any decision from Paizo?

Staggered Release of Books?


Tell Me Truly, Threadjackers Thread

Absolutely Geeked!

Monsters: Size Change?

Podcast & other things that will come with 4E

Can you confirm this?

Tome of Horrors 4E?

4th Edition rules, 3.5 edition feel...

Winter's Tomb

Homebrews and 4th ed

WizCo forum hysteria and Paizo Forum calm

Continued 3.5 support?

Orcus on the Cover of the New MM

New Cosmology

A little affinity goes a long way

Dungeon and Dragon Blunder

Gleemax Terms of Service

Cosmology Article...

Fluff, Crunch, and what is D&D

4e. Level increases: whaddya want---

4e. Darksun

Critical with fireball spell?

Dragon and Dungeon on the DI are Late

Eberron 4e.

30 Core Levels...

Positive Things about 4.0

Psionics & 4th edition?

Since it's relevant now.. Tiefling, the pronunciation game

Imaginary 4e. multiversal retcon thread

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