Note: Talk about editions of D&D prior to Third or after 3.5 here. Politely. Personal attacks or insults directed at other members of the Paizo community, or other companies in the industry, will not be tolerated.

4th Edition

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Blog: "Is Fate Fixed? Will No One Go Out to Face Tiamat?"

I'm glad Paizo tells the truth and is honest, it appears WotC may have taken us for a ride...

Spelljammer coming for 5e!!!!!!

Converting pathfinder skill DCs to 5E


Vampire As A Class?

LMoP obits (thread might get spoilerific)

Is 5th ed dnd too powerful?

How do you think 5E cantrips scale when you multiclass?

Tiefling variants for 5e; anyone interested?

Dungeonscape Cancelled

Necromancers in 5th edition

Monster Manual is amazing and Trapdoor beta starts next week

5e Armor and Stealth Disadvantage

Need some pregens for a one off....Halloweenish!

Do you think proficiency with shields is "worth" proficiency with a skill in 5E?

Any Paizo staff tried 5E?

[Kobold Press] Southlands

Do you think the 5E sharpshooter feat applies to thrown weapons?

Converting Golarion to 5th Edition

Forum Metaquestion...

maps by yellowdingo: temple of killitkillitnow

How do casters play in 5e?

The AV Club Reviews D&D 5th Edition

Drow rogue, sunlight and advantage

5e Starter Set First Session Report

maps by yellowdingo: eik-am-gar

maps by yellowdingo: village of arn

5E Character Sheets...

5th Edition and HârnWorld

Small piece of 5e Homebrew / patch (yes already)

maps by yellowdingo: the dungeon of hurty things

Any thoughts on a 5E gnoll race?

Rogue and advantage / disadvantage?

Is it just me, or does this edition change over seem less 'edition war'-ie

Something i just noticed in 5e

Pretty Big Announcement from Kobold Press

Why WotC?

DnD 5e has it's new Organized Play model

maps by yellowdingo: the tower of arn

maps by yellowdingo: roundhouse tavern and diggerts farm

maps by yellowdingo: classic redbox map

Explain the excitement over D&D Next

Opinions on DnD Next

becmi vs d5d

5e Bounded Accuracy

Now that you have access to the basic rules for 5th edition, what do you think?

5e CharGen utilities or character sheets

get to know dungeons and dragons 5E

5E Gameworlds ? (namely, Greyhawk)

Necromancer Games 5E Monster Teaser #2!

AD&D adventures

Has there been any word on whether or not the new PHB, MM and DMG will be available as PDF?

So what's new in 5th edition?

Gunpowder rules in 5E

The Kensei

maps by yellowdingo: torisande stronghold and dheubaulo mine

5th edition stat-block concern: Saving throws

Free Ebook in celebration of D&D turning 40

5e is what we deserve!

5E Starter Set - additional pre-made character and encounter

Threshold Magazine #3 Now Available!

maps by yellowdingo: the hive

Hoard of the Dragon Queen PDF

Blog: Get Together, Roll Dice, and Have Some Fun!

Redoing the APG for 5th?

maps by yellowdingo: the citadel

maps by yellowdingo: falgrave manor

Isnt Hasbro the one in charge of WOTC and D&D now?

WOTC and trust

D&D in 5 of top 6 spots on Amazon but PF Core is still in spot 7

Dear WotC: D&D 5, Hero Lab, and the OGL

5th Edition D&D Beginner's boxset live-stream event

Jonathan Tweet & Rob Heinsoo: Making their own 5th Edition?

5th edition

Monster Manual 5E gains 32 free pages (352 total)

Albnfeld Agricultural District

Converting AD&D AC To D&D 5e AC

D&D Next is here. Thoughts?

Mike Mearls L&L: Basic D&D

It's D&D, not 5E and not NEXT.

Basic D&D PDF is available

5th edition

D&D Starter set, I have it.

5th edition

D&D Next and the OGL

Wizard's Amulet plus some portents from FGG

Boredom on the lightning rail

D&D New Edition

Tiamat Tuesdays: Behind the Scenes of the Dragon Attack Art

D&D Adventurers League

Sell me on the Pathfinder Game World

101 Reasons why 4e DOESN'T suck

create your own d&d adventure

Yesterday's Anouncement by Mike Mearls at Hasbro Seems Troubling -- Here's Why

D&D 5E modules work with just free PDF--don't need 3 core books

Gamma World Xenogears

Mike Mearl's L&L about the OGL

shady dragon inn

Hoard of the Dragon Queen Autographed Edition

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