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Hi I just ran the goblin attack on sandpoint in 5th ed rules. Going forward I know I have a lot of conversion work to do to make characters work for 5th ed. So far I've turned the quasit into a warlock and stated out tsuto, but I was wondering if anyone else has started to do this or already done it and has advice/statblocks etc. to share, I'll post my own conversions as I get them.
So far the only things the players have encoutered that wasn't from the MM is a goblin bard; I'll post stats tonight. Instead of a goblin dog and a goblin ranger I used the goblin boss from the MM mounted on a boar. It worked well and my player wound up using the grapple rules to toss the goblin boss down a well. I also had a player break off a table leg to use as a club and then try to throw said club. Pretty cool stuff and we had a lot of fun.

Alan_Beven |

Doing this AP myself in 5e right now. Pretty much I am doing this on the fly with zero preparation, using the MM monsters, or reskinning them as required. What is neat is that the finely balanced CR ratings of Pathfinder are FAR broader in 5E. Basically you can get away with monsters that are "out of challenge band" and would be a walkover in Pathfinder and still have a very decent challenge in 5E.
Having a blast!

TheRavyn |

My 5e group is about to wrap up the end of part 3. The Ogres were a pretty tough challenge, especially when encountered in numbers, but the party is using good sense and retreating when necessary. The PCs just hit 7th level, and still having a great time. It's hard to believe we'll likely finish the whole campaign before Summer - the faster combats of 5e make a huge difference!

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yeah Tsuto in my game will be a reskinned veteran with sneak attack and flurry of blows 2/day Orik will just be a veteran, Brathazmus will be a bugbear rager (or whatever it was called) the lady wizard will be a cult leader subbing wizard spells for cleric ones. a lot of the first AP is just reskinning things, I think I'll write up nualia as a full death cleric but give her multiattack. Ripnuggett will just be a goblin veteran with a goblin bard and three goblin bosses that'll be fun when no one in the room can hit who they target :).
I'm reskinning death dogs to be the goblin dogs, and I made a special stat block for the goblin druid since I wanted him to retain his natures stride. I forgot to take my notes with me so I wasn't able to post more last night but I won't forget tonight.
The first AP isn't as much of a concern, it's going forward. The second AP has lots of monsters that are gonna be completely different and I don't know if it'll be as challanging but I'm looking forward to the adventure!

TheRavyn |

Interesting... did this require any discussion beforehand to explain that the players could consider running? I know that in the past, this concept has been a hard pill to swallow for many of my players.
It happened organically, but we have a couple of old schoolers which probably helped, along with no one really knowing what to expect, power-level wise, from even the most mundane monsters.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

My group is also using 5th Edition to do RotR and just reached 7th level after a harrowing battle with the ogres.
(My hill dwarf Life cleric got down to 1 hit point at one point, and brought to 0 at another--and the party fled my body. I lucked out and the ogres were more interested in taking my stuff than coup de gracing me, so I just barely survived: 2 successful death saves, then 2 failures, and then a success.)
Anyways, it's been a blast, and tactics have often helped us. And lack of tactics have occasionally almost TPKed us.
It looks like I'm in TheRavyn's group! Hi!
If my dwarf cleric died, I would probably make a wood elf druid archer-type. The party needs a healer, and I could wildshape if they REALLY need a tank. The current party is my hill dwarf Life cleric, an elf rogue (arcane trickster), a human (?) ranger archer, a human divination wizard, and human fighter 2/rogue 2/wizard 2 (3?) that is probably going to be rebuilt as a fighter 7 eldritch knight.

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Statblock time
AC 15 (chain shirt)
HP 8
Speed 30ft
Str 8 Dex 14 Con 10 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 12
Skills: Stealth 6
Senses: Darkvision 60ft PP 9
CR 1/2 (100xp)
Nimble Escaple: Goblins may disengage or
hide as a bonus action each turn.
Spellcasting: As a 1st level Bard, save
DC 11, +3 to hit
Cantrips (at will): Viscious Mockery,
True Strike
1st (2 slots): Tasha's Hideous Laughter,
Thunderwave, Cure Wounds, Bane
Melee: Whip +4 (reach) 1d4+2
Bonus Action
Bardic inspiration (recharge 5-6) 1 creature
that can see and hear bard gains a d6 to
apply to either attack, damage, save, or
ability check before result is announced.
must be used within 1 minute or lost,
one creature cannot have multiple inspirations
AC 17
HP 58
Speed 40ft
Str 14 Dex 16 Con 12 Int 13 Wis 14 Cha 8
Cunning Movement: on each turn may take dodge,
disengage, or dash as a bonus action.
Sneak Attack: when Tsuto has advantage on attack
rolls or an ally within 5 ft of his target he
deals an extra 1d6 damage to target.
Multiattack: May take two attacks with fists
Melee: Fist +5 (5ft) 1d4+3
Ranged: Shortbow +5 (80/320ft) 1d6+3
Flurry of Blows: (2/day) May make an additional
fist attack as a bonus action

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Stat attack continued
AC 17 (natural)
HP 58 (9d8+18)
Speed 30ft
Str 16 Dex 13 Con 14 Int 3 Wis 10 Cha 8
Nimble Escape: Koruvus may use the hide or
disengage action as a bonus action on each
of his turns.
Multiattack: Koruvus may attack with his
burning longsword, handaxe, and silvered
dagger each round.
Melee: Burning Longsword +5 (5ft) 1d8+3
+2 fire
Handaxe +5 (5ft) 1d6+3
Silvered Dagger +5 (5ft) 1d4+3
Bloodspew: (recharge 5-6) 15ft cone, anything
caught in the bloodspew must take 3d6 poison
damage DC 13 ref save for half, followed by
a DC 13 con save or be poisoned for 3 rounds.
Koruvus was modeled off the veteran stat block
AC 18 (natural)
HP 35 fast healing 2
Speed 20ft fly 50ft
Str 8 Dex 18 Con 13 Int 15 Wis 10 Cha 13
Skills: Arcana +5, Stealth +5, Pursuasion +5
Damage Resistance: {non-magical bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing} cold, fire, electric
Damage Immunity: Poison
Condition Immunity: Poison
Senses: Darkvision 120ft, PP 15
Fast Healing: As long as Erylium has not been hit
in the last round by a silvered weapon and is not
at 0HP she regains 2 HP at the beginning of her
Magic Resistance: advantage on saves vs spells and
magic effects
Dark Ones Blessing: if Erylium reduces something to
0HP she gains 4 temporary HP that last until she
completes a long rest.
Spellcasting: as 3rd level warlock, save DC 11,
+3 to attack
Cantrips (at will) chill touch, friends
1st (2 slots) Armor of Agathys, Arms of Hadar, Hex,
Witch Bolt
Melee Claw +4 (5ft) 1d4+3 DC 10 con or 2d4 poison +
poisoned for 1 minute, save at end of each turn to
end condition.
Scare (1/day) 20ft, DC 10 wis save or frightened for
1 minute, save at end of each turn to end condition
with disadvantage if they can see Erylium.
Invisibility: Attack, Scare, or concentration ends.
Erylium I've tried to keep somewhat close to the book by giving her wings and fast healing and loosing the shapechanging (more for simplicity than anything else) for ranged attacks she'll use chill touch. since I'm cutting back on the prolific magic items the original AP throws at the players.

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well 17 is the AC of the veteran, which is a CR 3 stat block and tsuto, erylium and koruvus are all CR 3-4.I may drop Tsuto down to 16, but Nualia is 18 because she was 23 in Paizo which was damn near impossible to hit so i kept it high without making it impossible since now she actually does way more physical damage than she did in pathfinder. Goblin bard has the same AC as a goblin so I gave him better armor and lost the shield.

2097 |

I haven't tried my hand at RotR yet, but I do DM a lot of 5e.
We had five character deaths in Lost Mine of Phandelver, three character deaths in The Lost City, and one in The Caverns of Thracia.
So nine total over the last six months of play.
It's certainly lethal.
I think you should think seriously about what your options would be if a character in your group dies.
I play and run more dungeon crawls and point crawls than adventure paths so, while character deaths are tragic, working in new characters to join the party is seldom a problem.

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well in pathfinder playing reign of winter, the one player had 2 deaths, and the other had one. and that was just in book one and two. So these players are no strangers to character death (my character was the only one that survived cause the bear man was awesome{someone else was DMing}). My group is not one to get all "it's my fault blackleaf died" over a character.
Honestly when 4th ed was anounced and discussed, my expectations were what 5th ed became. Although I'm glad 4th ed came out cause if it hadn't I might not have become such a paizo fan. Cause I'm not kidding i think 5th ed is great and if it had been 4th edition i would've stuck with dnd and might not have gotten all my great APs

TheRavyn |

Might I ask what your approach would be should one or more players actually perish? Would they create a new character in the traditional D&D sense, or would some other solution be found?
Probably make a new character, though the party has access to a minor raise dead - type spell now (the name escapes me atm). We're still new enough to the edition that everyone has the next couple of character concepts in mind they'd like to try, so not really a big deal.

TheRavyn |

How did you do any of the leveled ogres?
Just added HD, cherry picked some abilities from the class and upped the prof bonus / ability scores as seemed appropriate.
For instance, the 5th level fighter ogres got a second attack, an extra 50hps, and some better armor, among other tweaks. Conversion is really not hard or complicated, especially once you get a feel for 5e's power curve. A lot of the unique creatures/NPCs in the campaign book I just modify on the fly now, and save the in depth conversion for the important baddies.

TheRavyn |

I should also add that an optional rule from the dmg helps conversion speed immensely, instead of assigning specific skills, just pick two abilities the creature is proficient in all skills for. So a quick stat block for a creature might look like:
S12 D14* C10 I13 W8 Ch15*
*+2 prof bonus to saves/skills

TheRavyn |

Anyone else running this notice that 5e's leveling curve is a lot different? My group just hit 7th level near the end of book 3, which is recommended for level 9-10 in PFRPG, and is handling the adventure's challenges just fine. The AP itself looks to end up at 18th level for PFRPG, but I'm thinking we'll top out at 14-15th level with 5e.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Ravyn's campaign got REAL nailbitingly tense last night. Lots and lots and lot of giants and hags. My dwarf got tossed....about 50 or 60 feet into a stone wall. We had 3 battles in real quick succession without a chance for resting: a coven of lightning-bolt hurling hags, 5 regular ogres & 5 heavily armored ogre fighters, and a rune giant necromancer with a stone giant flunky, all while we were 7th level (my Life cleric dwarf, a diviner blaster, arcane trickster archer, ranger hunter archer, and two-weapon fighting eldritch knight).

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we had our second session last week, the two quickly dispatched the skeletons in tobyns crypt even with me giving them resistance to slashing and piercing weapons. Then they went on the boar hunt with Aldern Foxglove. The boars charge attack killed a horse outright, but the paladin went nova with his attack using smite+ thunderous smite to deal a massive hit, and was quite scared when the boar was still up after taking 26 points of damage, but his ability did knock it prone and prevent a second charge attack, so it was worth it and the monk flurried to knock it out. In town the monk was more than happy to join shaylis vinder downstairs and to quote his words "I'll go as far with her as she's willing to go" so that was quite the moment when dad busted in. The dragonborn also had a fling with ameiko, but doesn't know yet she isn't interested in a relationship (that may change if he pursues her especially when we run the glassworks) but we'll see how he takes the news that he was just her indulging curiosity about "dancing with a dragon". So far they've both earned sin point for zeal during the festival because they played the tug of war game 8 times until they finally won (it was a contested str check vs a team with a str 18 and if they had formed their own team by gathering NPCs they met noted for str they would have had advantage, but instead they just kept going back with whomever would join them immediately and rolling and I kept rolling high), and the monk earned a sinpoint for lust and pride with his roleplaying last session. We wrapped up in the middle of Shelelu's meeting with the PCs. Instead of the longshanks, I had the goblins refer to the PCs as the giant kobold and the punchy longshanks.
Next session a new player with a high elf fighter with the outlander background (the elf was raised by varisians when his clan was killed at a young age) joins the group. So I'm looking forward to it. I will run them through the glassworks, the catacombs of wrath, and the goblin in the closet.
I also noticed the change in XP values so I talked it over with the group and I'm just leveling them when appropriate. They leveled to 2 after the attack on sandpoint, and they'll level to 3 after they clear the catacombs of wrath.

TheRavyn |

We're on the 2nd half of Book 4 now. Conversion is still easy as pie, though I occasionally have to "beef up" encounters to keep them engaging. The group is 8th level, at a point in the AP when PFRPG characters would be 10-11th. It's pretty cool how resilient 5E characters are. Not that things are a cakewalk by any means, but they can handle a lot more encounters in an "adventuring day" than their PF counterparts, and combats are still fast at higher levels, we're still getting through between a third and a half of a book each session. At this rate we'll be wrapping up RotRL after only 15 sessions or so.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Looking forward to it! :-D
TheRavyn has run some pretty brutal encounters, and he's even made taking a short rest difficult in some dramatic situations. We've been down just to cantrips and melee weapons a couple times, but so far no PC deaths, even if we've nearly been TPKed a few times.
But it's been really fun.

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Really great.
My hill dwarf Life cleric of Desna died twice.
Once I was coup de graced by some kind of scorpion-tailed hell hound, but the nearby church of Desna used a scroll of raise dead on me.
The next session, we stopped to take a long rest, so we didn't waste time with cure spells, got ambushed by a magic-user, and I got hit with a DC 20 Dex disintegrate spell and I have -1 on those, and he rolled EXACTLY my current hit point total, so I got dusted.
And true-rezzed after the party made a deal with a balor-succubi of some kind.
But no one died the most recent session!

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
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We're at the RuneForge, just fought a lich in its lair.
I think we're in Part 5 or 6. Near the end, at least. 10th level on the cusp of 11th.
At 10th we fought a CR 20 dragon 3 times, finally chasing it off for good. Then we fought a balor-succubus and her minions, then a lich, plus a bunch of other encounters.
So hopefully we'll level up soon!!!!!!!!

TheRavyn |

It's been great fun to run this AP so far. It certainly has a classic, epic feel to it, and even towards the end now (we are wrapping up book 5 next session), conversion is easy as pie. In fact it's kind of easier now that I've learned more about 5e by running it for months now, and how elements between it and PF kind of relate to one another. For instance, in a recent encounter with a lich, I ended up with kind of a mix between the 5e PHB version and the original statted in the AP.
If I have any complaint it is likely to be that the AP is Extremely combat focused, to the point that it's obnoxious sometimes. I feel like a lot of it is just there to fill some kind of xp quota, and I cut a good portion of it. If I ever run this AP again, my conversion time will involve less stuff to fight and more stuff to explore and RP with.
I'm looking forward to the big finale!

SmiloDan RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Yeah, we've been averaging a couple levels below the recommended PF level.
But with the way cantrips work for 5th Ed, and the fact all the "main" PCs are spellcasters of some kind, we're able to deal with a lot of encounters with relative ease. And the Extra Attack also helps. Getting a full attack every round really speeds up combat and makes it a lot more survivable.
Really, the only thing I don't like about 5th Edition is how the Life cleric's Preserve Life ("channel energy") ability works. It's too persnickety. I wish it worked more like the paladin's Lay on Hands worked.

TheRavyn |

How did the levels match up? It seems like you don't need to be the same levels as you would in Pathfinder.
Not at all. The PCs should hit 11th by the end of part 5, I think in PF they would be 14th or so. 5E characters are very resilient at higher levels, and have a wide breadth of options and versatilty. I've been surprised at how tough they are, you can really tell this system was well play tested before release. The game definitely harkens back to 1e/2e in that respect. I had projected ending the campaign at 15th or so, but now I'm projecting 13th. We'll see. Fortunately there's plenty of stuff to mine for adventures regarding the Runelords and the mythology behind the AP, so there'll be plenty to do if the players decide to keep these characters going rather than starting a new campaign (which I have about a zillion ideas for, 5e definitely inspires DM creativity!)