Note: Talk about editions of D&D prior to Third or after 3.5 here. Politely. Personal attacks or insults directed at other members of the Paizo community, or other companies in the industry, will not be tolerated.

4th Edition

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5E and at-will auto damage. You cool with it?

5thE D&D playtest

This mentality of OP wizards in 3rd, 4th, 5th...

Is anyone worried about Pathfinder after reading the Next playtest?

Roleplaying the Pregens in the Playtest - Thoughts and Distractions

5E....PFRPG v.2.0 (D&D 3.8) or what?

Next Playtest

The Fifth Edition Announcement - What do you think of their stated intentions?

DND Next Similar to 3.5

D&D next playtest info ( with video)

Character Creation packet next

I'm not playtesting anything with these terms and conditions...

D&D 6th Edition

Participating in the D&D Next Playtest

Alternate Adventure Ideas for Playtesting Next

Do mechanics have to suffer for flavor to appease Verisimilitude [D&D:Next]

D&D 5th Edition Conversation: What should be on the Character Sheet?

I owe Pathfinder players an apology...

DigitalMage's 4e House Rules

Monte Leaves, Playtesting Begins

Info On The New Edition Of D&D

How to make Two-Weapon Fighting not stink for the Layperson

Thoughts on 5th (next) edition D&D...

"Skill Challenges" and role-playing

D&D Next

What's age got to do with it?

Lingering Wounds System - advice requested

Warrens of the Stone Giant Thane

'Leaked Review' of D&D Next

Vancian Magic

D&D 5th Edition

5th Edition - put Hit Point caps back in... please

Most useful gaming aids

Save or die mechanic

Any word on the 5E open playtest.

Monte Cook on modularity

Blog: Call Down the Thunder and Reap the Whirlwind!

[Publishers] Chris Pramas: "Green Ronin will not be signing the Game System License (GSL) at this time."

Design Guidelines for Making Your Own Powers

5th ed Rules might come sooner in a published D&D game "Driders (Drow spider riders)"

My feelings about 5E D&D

Core vs. Optional in 5E - WotC Poll

Its not looking good for the fighter class in 5E

DnD Next: Any reaction from the Paizo Staff?

Do you subscribe to the DDI?

How can Vancian and non-Vancian coexist in a balanced, exciting fashion

Mystara in 5E?

WotC Announces 1st Edition AD&D Reprints Benefiting Gygax Memorial

Something 4th Ed D&D did that I liked...

I just ordered the 4e Dark Sun books!

Why 5E doesn't matter unless they go back to OGL

Pathfinder to support 5E?

Who will join the new D&D playtest?

Encouraging thoughts about 5E

WotC's big announcement

What can 5e add that Pathfinder doesn't already cover?

Not sure I gave 4e a decent chance -what should I try?

MTV:Geek w / MIke Mearls

I hereby declare the end of the 1st edition war

To my Fellow Gamers - We Have a Wonderful Hobby - Thanks - Pazio, WOTC, and all the Others

What would you want in 5E?

Mearls talks 5E

'Future of D&D' article

Now that a new edition has been announced how show 4th edition end?

Editions: A Fallacy?

Anyone else going to D&D Experience?

4th Ed Classic Adventures - Was there any?

5e? No, but I can see me buying 6e!

5e D&D needs a new approach beyond just new rules

The "No-Flame-War" Pledge

Once bitten, twice shy (5E)

If 5e is even just a little compatible with 3.5, will this threaten Pathfinder?

5E format of first products

D&D 5th edition

Ink print smears in 4th edition books

Carrying Capacity seems to be . . A LOT

Hypothetical ability question

Hack and Slash: Generic Powers for Martial Characters

Thoughts on Gardmore Abbey boxed set?

A detailed view of Pathfinder vs. 4th edition

Maps! I Need Maps! Undead Maps!

Fury of the Feywild Fortune Cards

More WoTC (Pre Xmas) Layoffs...

Help me get over my issue with fourth edition

Ravnica (M:tG) campaign using 4E

Convince me to play 4th edition. Yes, really.

Monte's new association with WotC

Heroes of the Feywild

Please don't boo me out... want to learn how to play 4.0

The First Vault Project (Conversions)

Red box help needed

So, gods are weird.

DDI Monster Builder

Mapping player character classes XP points?

So 4th Edition Forgotten Realms

Idea for a 4e Artifact of Pharasma

4E Malazan Sapper

Online "Companion Builder"?

My problem with WoTC adventures (spoilerish I guess..)

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