Ostog the Unslain

Pär Joakimson's page

98 posts. Alias of Mightypion.


Eagle Knight of Andoran
"Aenir Stridson"

Male Human Steelblood 1 (5 posts)

Female! Human Oracle (Spirit guide, Life)4 Swashbuckler (daring infiltrator) 1 (5 posts)

Female Actually not a Lilitu Gestalt Oracle 1/Dashing thief Swashbuckler 4 (0 posts)

Female Angelkin (but thinks she is a tiefling) Fated Champion (Skald) (10 posts)
Braddikar Faje
Aekold Helstrom

male Human Steelblood (Abyssal) 1 (9 posts)
Aeric "Screamer" Thorleifson

Male Aeric AC:17(FF:15/T:12)/ if raging CMD:17 if rage HP:8/11 Saves-FO:+3 RE:+2 WI:-1 Skald 2 (fated champion) (99 posts)
Aletha Verkossian

Female Aasimar (Angelkin) HP 12/12 AC 16/14/12 F 2 Ref 4 Will -1/+3 vs charm and compulsion Falcata swashbuckler 1 (121 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
Alexandr Sergejevich Kerensky

Male HP=44/49 Rage=8/11 AC24/22/13 Fort:8/Ref:4 Will:5 Will vs mind effecting +4, vs charm/compulsion +3 Init+2 perc+3 Sense motive +10 Urban Bloodrager 4, Fractured mind 1 BR level 1 2/2 Spirittualist level 1 0/2 no active buffs RageAC:18/16/11 ShieldRageAC:22/20/11 (279 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Alexandr Sergeyevich Meier

Male Human HP 38/38 AC normal: 23/21/12 AC crane style: 27/21/16 Fort:6 Ref:4 Will:1 Init:1 Steelblood 2 Mauler 2 (108 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Alexandra Edgaria Poeschkina

Female Temp HP 0/0 hp=34/43 AC=15 Spell slots 1/2 curse 0/1 SLA invis 1/1 SLA Silent image 1/1 passive perc=9 Advantadge 0/1 Madness 1 Hexblade 5 Resources hexblade curse 1/1 spellslots 1/2 Exhaustion: 0 (535 posts)
Alithera Valaris

Female Half Elf Sworm of the Eldest 5 (11 posts)

Male Human Stats:HP 48/48 AC 21/18/13 Saves 7/5/2or6 CMD 22 Init 3 Perc 6 S.M. 10 Mixed Blood Abyssal-Infernal Bloodrager 4/Spell warrior4 Gestalt Resources Raging Song 12/12 Bloodrage 16/16 Level 1 spells 4/4 Level 2 spells 2/2 (248 posts)
Arkon the liberator

CG Orcish Thiefling Champion 6 (Liberator) 88/88 hp AC=20 Fort=7 Ref=5 Wis=4 (36 posts)
Askold "Beerfiend" Magnusson

Male | Speed 30ft/20ft | 1st: 3/3 | Active Conditions: None | HP12/12 | AC 17 (19 with shield) T 12 FF 15 (17 with shield) | F +4 R +4 W +1 (+5 vs Charm compulsion) | Perc 3 | Ini 2 | Skald 6 (116 posts)
Askold Sörenson

Male Ulfen Human Abyssal Bloodrager (11 posts)
Aurelie de Simone-Simmons

Female Human Bard 5 HP39/39[/ooc] AC:22/17/15 Saves Fort 3 Ref 6 Will3/7[/ooc] Init 5 Perc 8 (28 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Aurelius Flavius

Male Resistances Fire:5 Cold:5 Lightning 5 curr effect:Divine Favor Thiefling (Demon Spawn) Omdura of Malacoda 4 HP34/34AC22/22/10Fort 6 Dex 1 Will 3 Init 0 Perc4 Sense motive 3 CMB/CMD7/17[/ooc] Spell Slots L1[ooc]4/4 [ooc]L22/2 (333 posts)
Aurie de Valois

Female Human HP: 26/26 AC=19/ FF 13/ TAC 16 Saves=5/7/0 Perc=6 CMD=17 Init=5 Urban Bloodrager 1/Falcata swashbuclker1 Rage=5/6 Conditions Shard of pride (272 posts)
Ciapha Cain

Female Human Rage=17/19, Sprt Spells 2/2, BR spells (level 1) 4/4, BR spells (level 2) 2/2, Blood intensity 2/2, vengefull ring 3/3 [ooc]HP75/75 AC21/25 FF19/23 Touch13 Fort11 Ref 5 Will 13 Ini 2 CMD 27 Urban Abyssal Bloodrager 8 Fractured mind 1 (72 posts)
Nighttail the Glib
Compensates for nothing!

M Kobold stronkest Fighter 9 Paladin 5 Frac Min 1 Myst. Stranger 1 186/186HP AC44/32/22 Fort=23 Ref=21 Will=21 Init 8 Perc 12 (154 posts)
Cayden Cailean
Cydric de Bergerac

CN (3 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Dylan ap Dryffed

Male rage 6/10 Skinwalker (Fanglord) Urban Bloodrager4 Fractured mind 1HP 33/42 AC18/16/12 SavesFort:7 Ref 3 Will 4/8/11 Init +2 Perc6 CMB6/8 CMD18/20[/ooc] (151 posts)
Dyre Stridson

Male Tiefling (Demonspawn) Bloodrager 8 (0 posts)
Eric de St. Cyr

Male Human Skald 1 10/10 hp AC16/14/12 Init 2 Perc.3 Fort4 Ref2 Will1 CMD16 CMB 4 3/5 inspire ferocity (129 posts)
Lady Evgenya Zunaida
Erith "Beerfiend" var Emrys

Female Dhampir Echo knight 7 Cleric of war 7 (74 posts)
A figment of Dylans imagination

Female Phantom hp=42/42 AC=19/16/13 Fort=1 Reflex=4 Will=4 CMD14 Phantom 5 (14 posts)
Miacknian Mun
Fritz von Braun

Male Human Alchemist 7 Fractured Mind 1 (8 posts)
Weather cock
The Inn and Out

Building Totally not Mimic Inn 1 Smuggling Company 1 (3 posts)
Karl Pärson

Male Skinwalker (Fanglord) Fractured mind (3 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Kriemhild Stridsdottir

Female Rge rnds 4/7 Half Orc Bloodrider/Primalist 1 non Rage: HP:13/13 AC:16/15/11 Fort:4 Ref:1 Will:-1 CMD:15 (140 posts)
Lady Ekaterina

SR:18 Stats HP 75/75 Fort:8 Ref:9 Will:6/15 AC 28/29, FF 21, Touch 26/27 CMD34/35 Init+6/+8(underground) Current eff MoG, Heroism, TtW, See invis, performance[/ooc] Resources L1 spells 6/7 L2 spells 2/5 L3 spells 3/4 SLAs: Charm Mon. 2/3, Detect thoughts 0/1, Darkness 3/3 Spell Kenning 0/1 Lore Master 1/1 Half Succubus Gestalt Urban Skald Gunslinger (240 posts)
Shiyara the High Mediator
Laura Flamekissed
(0 posts)
Leif "Elsewhere" Leifson

Male Tiefling (Demonspawn) Urban Bloodrager 9 Falcata Swashbuckler 1 (14 posts)

F GreengatesResources: HP220/220 Mythic power12/13 Spell slots 1:6/7 2:6/7 3:6/7 4:4/5 5: 4/4 ACs:47/41 Touch 37/31 FF 19 Saves:Fort 19 Ref 31/25 Will21 CMD:53 active effects: My. Heroism, Tears to wine, Glibness, Freedom of movement, insp. rage (1,478 posts)
Liza "Horny" Black-Gluz

Female Demonspawn Resources: Raging song 6/6 Level 1 spells 2/2 HP 9/9 Rage HP 11/11 AC 19/17/12 RAC 18/16/11 Fort/Ref/Will 3/2/1 Rage saves 5/3/2 Perc 3 CMD/RMCD 15/17 Init2 Skald 1 (26 posts)
Lucille de Avrois

Female Lucille de Avrois HP:27/27 Fort/Ref/will=4/2/3 AC17/15/12 Init 2 roll twice Perc 4 CMD:15 Sense Motive-1 spell slots oracle 1 5/5 SLA druids level 0 3/3, monkeyfish1/1 Fracture Soul 2/2 Oracle (Battle) 2 (201 posts)
Lucretia de Artois

Female Thiefling (Demon Spawn) hp 31/31 AC19/17/12; Fort:4 Ref: 3 Will:2; Perc +6; Init+2; CMD 18; current buffs none Gestalt Bloodrager(Rageshaper)4/ Oracle (spirit guide)(life)4 Rage HP 43/43 (33 posts)
Lucretia de Valois

Female Human Spell warrior 5 (7 posts)
Pathfinder Chronicler
Lyudmilla "Balalaika" Krasnova

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) Oracle (Lunar) 3 (1 post)
Markus "Hot Dog" Lyranus

Male non rage hp 80/82 AC 24/21/14 Fort: 11 Reflex 7 Will complicated CMD 25 level 1 spells 1/3 Half Orc Blood conduit 6/Fractured mind 1 Rage hp 94/96 AC 21/18/12 Fort: 13 Reflex 6Will complicated CMD 24 (192 posts)
Aldern Foxglove
Markus "Meatbag" von Steinchen

Male Armor 5/9 Heat 4/6 Fate 1/3 Human Noble mechwarrior Phoenix Hawk High concept Firepower solves everything Fault: I pissed off that important guy (109 posts)
Mental Compensation

Female Phantom Dedication Phantom 1 (4 posts)
Goriath the Balor
Midnights Blade

Angelkin Aasimar (0 posts)
Omega White

Male Human Brickwall (2 posts)
Ouchi Setsuna

F Human Urban Acquatic Bloodrager 1 (16 posts)
Marhevok Grunhuld-Wintersun

Mal Demon Spawn Abyssal Bloodrager 2 (3 posts)
Ostog the Unslain
Pär Joakimson

M Human hp 89/89[/hp] [ooc]AC B/F/T 29/26/14 Fort:7 Ref:6 Will:5/10 (vs charm/compulsion Ini+3 Oracle of battle 7 Fighter 1 Active effects:Prot from evil, Div Favor Current AC29/26/15 Spell slots: L1 5/7, L2 7/7 L3 5/5 (98 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth
Ragnar af Raliscrad
(0 posts)
Callous Rake
Ragnar ap Gundrun

Male Half Orc Legendary Bloodrager (12 posts)
Lieutentant Pavo Voc
Ragnar av Gundrun

Male Human Bloodrager 2 hp rage 26/26 hp 22/22 AC 18/16/12 Fort4, Ref 2, Will-1/+1 Rage:6/7 Ini:2 Perc:4 CMB=5 =CMD=17 Ftg:4 (244 posts)
Ragnar Skuggason

Male Sense motive 1/nA Half fiend Aasimar (Angelkin) Steelblood 2 HP: 24/24 Rage HP 28/28 AC: 23/22/11 RageAC 21/19/9 Frt: 6+2(rage) Ref: 2 Wil: 4+2(rage) CMD 20 Perc.5/nA (58 posts)
Sabina Merrin
Ragnhild Demondottir

Female Humam Barbarian(Rage Prophet)1/Bard 1 Gestalt AC15/14/11 HP14/14 Fort:4/Ref:3/will2 Ini:3 CMD15 CMB4 (87 posts)
Roeganjoe the Balor

MALE BALOR BRAWLER 20! (18 posts)
Rorek Thricedamned

Male Human Spell warrior 7 (86 posts)
Sandria de Artois

female Thiefling (Asura spawn) warpriest (war priest 4) (0 posts)

Female Phantom Phantom (Lust) 3 HP 36/36 AC 16/14/12 Fort 6 Ref 2 Will 3 Init 1 Perception 6 (4 posts)
Sigrid Leifdottir

Fighter 1/Cleric(Devout Pilgrim) of Ran 4 HP:57/57 AC: S 19/N 16 FF 15/ T 12 Saves Fort:9/11Ref:3 Will8/10 Init8 CMB 7 CMD 19 Perc: 13 Sens. M. 9 Human Divine Favor None Resources Bit of Luck 7/7, Agile Feet 7/7, Channel 2d6 4/4 (248 posts)
Sigurdr "Snake in the eye"

Male Thiefling Demon Spawn Urban Bloodrager 4 Mysterious stranger 1 (7 posts)
Tsadok Goldtooth
Sigvald Urfheddr

Male Half Orc HP27/27 AC14/13/9F/R/W8/3/1 or 3 CMB 6 CMD17 Init1 Perc4 Abyssal Bloodrager ressources Rage rounds5/6 (90 posts)
Sir Pounce

Male Mildy oversized fun having kitten Animal Companion 3 (41 posts)
Solveig Stridsdottir

Female Human (Kellid) Gunslinger (Maverick) 3 Empyreal Sorceror 3 Gestalt (4 posts)
Svetlana "Tigress" Ulyanova

Female Skinwalker (Fanglord) HP 32/32AC 18/15/13 For=2 Ref=3 Will 4/7 (vs charm compulsion) CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 4/-1 (to spot enemies) Level 1 spells 7/7 Level 2 4/4gore 6/6 Oracle 4 Jump 0/1 (211 posts)
Sviatoslav the loud

Half fiend male Thiefling (Demon Spawn) AC (Buffed, normal, FF, Touch)=26/22/20/12 Fort=9 Ref=4 Will=7/12 Init=2, Perc=7/10 (if phantom inside) CMB/CMD=9/22 Skald (Spell warrior) immunity to poison; acid, cold, electricity (half fiend), DR5/magic, ER10 vs fire SR 17 Fly skill=16 (30 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Varvara Ulyanova Vladimirovna

Human 8/8level1spells 5/5level 2 effect: CLW: 28/50 Oracle 5 40/40hp Fort3/Ref4/Will4or8 AC 22/13/19 CMD:21Init:+7 Perc:7 Sn.M.:4 (329 posts)
Vellexia the illustrious
(7 posts)

Female Phantom HP 26/26 AC 16/14/12 DR 5/slashing Saves 3/5/3 CMD 16 Init 2 Perc 6 S.M. 0 Phantom 3 (7 posts)
Victor Vladimirovich Khrabrov

Male Human Bladebound Magus 8 (18 posts)
The Witchdaughter's Nightmare
Victoria Svarogova

female HP: 29/29 AC 24/19/15 Fort=5 Ref=6 will=2 Init=4 Phantom Half Fiend Phantom 4 (3 posts)
Vikla Ragnardottir

Female Resources Channel 4/4 Human Cleric HP: 36/36; Nonlethal 0; AC:16/15/11 ; Fort: 6 Ref:2 will:8 ; Init +1 ; CMD:15 ; Perception +4; (196 posts)
Viktor Hämndson

Male Human Slayer/Spell warrior AC17/15/12 Fort 4 Ref 4 Will 1/5 CMB=5, CMD=17 Perc=3 Init=2 (63 posts)
Wzz-Karr the Wizard!

Lizardmen obviously (1 post)