
Lucille de Avrois's page

201 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Lucille de Avrois


spell slots oracle 1 5/5 SLA druids level 0 3/3, monkeyfish1/1 Fracture Soul 2/2


Oracle (Battle) 2


Female Lucille de Avrois HP:27/27 Fort/Ref/will=4/2/3 AC17/15/12 Init 2 roll twice Perc 4 CMD:15 Sense Motive-1




Do you actually dare to ask this?




Oh my, clearly, I am the most innocent and friendly Shelynite ever!


On a Ship


Common, Abyssal

Strength 14
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Lucille de Avrois

Not enlarged:
Female Lucille de Avrois HP:20/20 Fort/Ref/will=2/2/1 AC17/15/12 Init 2 roll twice Perc 3 CMD:15
Sense Motive-1


Female Lucille de Avrois HP:20/20 Fort/Ref/will=2/1/1 AC15/14/10 Init 1 roll twice Perc 3 Sense Motive-1


Lets make some money Lucilla thought as she began her performance in a rather seedy pirate bar.
Ok Bartender, do you think anyone important in the crowd understands Abyssal? She asks the bartender
I think Captain Harrigan over there does, as does his sorceress
Abyssal rather then common it is then She said

Lucille let her Abyssal side show more clearly, and began to

Give it up friends, for the pride of Besmara, that has crushed Dagons pride beneath the waves of the Abyss! And lets stick to the original Abyssal for now yes?

Видно как из тьмы порой мелькал линкор

И затишье в миг на море обернулось в сильный шторм .

Знамя власти, силы знак

Курс намечен! Поднимай якорь моряк

From the mist, a shape, a ship, is taking form
And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm
Sign of power, show of force
Raise the anchor, battleship's plotting its course

Гордость народа король всех морей

Зверем из стали Призрак звали

Pride of a nation, a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion, king of the ocean

Создан он чтоб быть царём среди семи морей,

Он бог стальных машин,

Способный впредь возглавить бесмарин!

Кошмаром средь морей,

Был "Призрак" да и бесмарин!

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the war machine
To rule the waves and lead the Besmarine
The terror of the seas
The Spectre and the Besmarine

Две тысячи людей и мощь в пол сотни тонн

На Атлантику курс держат и за ними батальон

Перестрелка в плен не брать!

Всем постам из вида цели не выпускать

Two thousand men, and fifty thousand tons of steel
Set the course for the Abyss bringing Dagons kin to heel
Firepower, firefight
Battle Stations, keep the targets steady in sight

В строй все вставайте! В атаку скорей!

Смерть и проклятье, флот на подходе.

Создан он чтоб быть царём среди семи морей,

Он Бог стальных машин,

Способный впредь возглавить бесмарин!

Into formation, the hunt has begun
Death and damnation, the fleet is coming

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the war machine
To rule the waves and lead the Besmarine
The terror of the seas
The Spectre and the Besmarine

Кошмаром средь морей,

Был "Призрак" да и бесмарин!

судна в бездне океана средь тысячи смертей

шли на дно не оставив следа

И флагман всего флота кошмар для всех морей

Стрелять перестал навсегда.

At the bottom of the ocean, the depths of the abyss
They still hunt, coat their iron with blood
The flagship of the navy, the terror of the seas
His guns they do reload quite fast

Гордость народа король всех морей

Зверем из стали Призрак звали

Создан он чтоб быть царём среди семи морей,

Король больших машин,

Способный впредь возглавить бесмарин!

Pride of a nation, a beast made of steel
Bismarck in motion, king of the ocean

He was made to rule the waves across the seven seas
To lead the war machine
To rule the waves and lead the Besmarine
The terror of the seas
The Spectre and the Besmarine

Кошмаром средь морей,

Был "Призрак" да и бесмарин!

Король больших машин,

Способный впредь возглавить бесмарин!

Кошмаром средь морей,

Был "Призрак" да и Кригсмарин!

Король больших машин,

Способный впредь возглавить бесмарин!

Кошмаром средь морей,

"Призрак" был и бесмарин!

To lead the war machine
Rule the waves and lead the Besmarine
The terror of the seas
The Spectre and the Besmarine
To lead the war machine
Rule the waves and lead the Besmarine
The terror of the seas
The Spectre and the Besmarine

Excellent, she thought as Captain Harrigan waved her over

He has a grimm reputation, but an association could prove fruitful enough.

Soon afterwards things went black for her.

Stat sheet:

Sense motive=-1

Bec de Corbin=1d10+3/1d10+6
Cutlass d6+2/d6+4

AC=17/15/12 (scale mail, Bec)
AC=19/17/12 (scale mail, shield and cutlass)


Oracle of battle

Revelation: Skill at arms
Extra revelation from feat: War sight
Curse: Demonic

Free feats (Feat tax rules)
Power attack, Deadly aim

Feats chosen: Combat reflexes, Extra revelation

Fates favored,
Touched by the sea
Extremely fashionable (diplomacy taken back as class skill, which demonic loses)

Alternate racial trait: Fae Magic (extra class skills Stealth and perform sing, low light vision, favored terrain ocean)

Attached (to an item of the GMs chosing, perhaps a crimson scarf of other type of fashion accessoire?)

Spells Oracle:
Level 0:
Detect magic
Read Magic
Create water

Level 1 4/4
Cure light wounds
Divine favor
Murderous command
Enlarge person (Mystery)
Shadow Trap (chosen)

Spells druid from fey magic, each once per day.
Level 0:
Create water
Purify food and drink
Know direction

Level 1

Perform Sing=1+3+4=8
Profession Sailor=3+3-1=5
Linguistics: 1+1=2 (new language Polyglott)
Kn. Geogrpahy=3+1+1=5
Adventure (4+1 int bonus skills):

Diplomacy:4+3+3=10/13 (if phantom inside)
Bluff: 4+3+2+3=12/15 (if phantom inside)
Kn. Planes=3+1+1=5
Kn. Religion=3+1+1=5
Spellcraft: 1+3+1=5


180 starting gold

Cold Iron Bec de Corbin 26 gold
Scale mail 50 gold
boarding axe 6 gold
Cutlass 15 gold
Oracles kit 40ish gold
Heavy shield 7 gold
Sling 1 gold
Slingstones 20
Wooden armor 20 gold
Entertainers clothes (currently refashioned into a crude sail)
Some Kellid Mead.

Looted from Mans promise, or rewarded:
1 ring of nat armor +1
3 potions of cure moderate
1 potion of invisibility

Advancement plan:

Level 2 Oracle 2 (picking up mystery spell enlarge person)
Level 3 Oracle 2 Fractured Mind 1 (Feat=Phantom Ally)
Level 4 Oracle 3 Fractured mind 1 (CHA increase)
Level 5 Oracle 4 Fractured mind 1 (Probably deceitfull)
Level 6 Oracle 5 Fractured mind 1
Level 7 Oracle 6 Fracured mind 1 (Probably conceal spell)