A horde of Cultists and Barbarians shouted as Beerfiend downed another mug sized shot.
Amazingly, his opponent wasnt doing too hot. The attractive demoness looked with slurring speech at the 6 mugs before her, as she downed a 7enth in one go.
Qlippoths beneath bugger my lovelife, f#@%ing Cayden turned off my poison immunity She slurred in Abyssal
F$$!ing Cayden? An ambitious plan indeed! Beerfiend commented
S#~&, I said that out loud? He heard her voice in his head.
Sure did, Didnt you just directly challenge him? Also, yes my booze is really good! Beerfiend replied openly
which is why I was going to bind you, for the rest of your life, to a mobile brewery, but if Cayden turns of my booze immunity he is watching, and I am not pissing off a god. He heard a slightly more focused mental replay.
Ah, f@** it, congratulations Beerfiend you won your freedom and can brag that you outdrank a Succubus. Now, where too?
The demons eyes turn bright
Ok Mortal, does your god always talk like that? She almost stammers
What did he say? Beerfiend, also pretty drunk, speaks as he raises an eyebrow
Protect a Bartender named Ameiko looking like that
The Succubus turns into a fit looking human showing some Tien heritage
Easy Beerfiend thinks
I am more then capable of doing security for a Bar!
And put her on the throne of f#+!ing Minkai overthrowing their despotic, antialcoholic and antifun government! Maybe Milani will date me then! Collecting, at the same time, many mythic booze receipies and ingredients while facing extreme dangers and hardships. The Succubus spoke with her femine voice increasingly being droned out by a strong and confident male one
Are you impersonating Cayden Caylean? Beerfiend asked
[i]No you t@@#, I am so drunk he speaks through me A telepathic reply came
And now I shall put you in a bag of holding and dump you somewhere conveniently for the purposes of my masterfully thought out plan! THe male booming voice annoucned as the Demoness did just that.
F+&$ its cold Said Beerfiend as he tumbled out of the bag. Not much further from him, the demoness was puking a rainbow, before giving him the universal "I have no idea whats going on but I am glad it doesnt involve me" look as she teleported away.