
Victor Vladimirovich Khrabrov's page

18 posts. Alias of Mightypion.

Full Name

Victor Vladimirovich Khrabrov




Bladebound Magus 8
















Spellsword for hire

Strength 21
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 8
Charisma 12

About Victor Vladimirovich Khrabrov


Perception=12 (+2 via alertness)
Base AC=18/17/11
Typical buffed AC=22/21/11

Offense: +1 keen Falcata
AB +13 1d8+6 Crit 17+

base stats:

Con=13 +1 =14

HP = 8+7*5 + 16 +8

resources and spells known:

Level 0:
Disrupt Undead, Mage hand, Arcane Mark, Prestigitation, Detect Magic
Spells 5/5/3
Level 1: Longarm (x) Shield (x) Shocking grasp (x) Shocking grasp(x) Shield (x)
Level 2: Bladed dash (x) Bladed dash (x) Mirror Image (x) Mirror Image (x) web(x)
Level 3: Force Punch (x) Haste (x) Monstrous Physiuqe 1 (x)

Arcane pool 6/6 (reduced due to archetype)
Black Blade Arcane pool: 2/2

Black blade:

Black Blades

A black blade is a particular form of intelligent weapon gained by a magus with the bladebound archetype. There are several ways a magus might gain this weapon. Sometimes it just appears among the magus’s possessions, and its origin is a mystery. Other times the magus finds a black blade during an adventure or event of some kind. Sometimes a black blade is passed down generation to generation in an ongoing search for a magus who can unlock its true potential.

A black blade is always a one-handed slashing weapon, a rapier, or a sword cane. The magus chooses the blade’s type upon gaining the blade, and once chosen, it can’t be changed. As a bladebound magus increases in level, his black blade gains power.

A black blade is independently conscious but features some personality traits reflecting its wielder. A black blade always has the same alignment as its wielder and even changes its alignment if its wielder does. The blade typically works toward its wielder’s goals, but not always without argument or backlash. Each black blade has a mission, and while sometimes two or more black blades will work in concert, each mission is singular in purpose (the black blade’s mission is usually up to the GM and the needs of the campaign or the adventure, or a GM can determine the weapon’s purpose randomly using Table: Intelligent Item Purpose). Some black blades are very open about their missions, but most are secretive. Certain sages have speculated that an invisible hand or arcane purpose moves these weapons.

Black Blade (Ex)

(See FAQ)

At 3rd level, the bladebound magus’ gains a powerful sentient weapon called a black blade, whose weapon type is chosen by the magus (see sidebar). A magus with this class feature cannot take the familiar magus arcana, and cannot have a familiar of any kind, even from another class.

Instead of the normal arcane pool amount, the bladebound magus’s arcane pool has a number of points equal to 1/3 his level (minimum 1) plus his Intelligence bonus.

This ability changes the Arcane Pool class feature and replaces the magus arcana gained at 3rd level.

Black Blade Basics

A black blade is bonded to a particular magus, much like a familiar, but in more of a partnership than a master-servant relationship.

Intelligence: This is the intelligence score of the black blade. It starts at 10 and increases by 1 for every two levels of the bladebound magus (at 3rd level, 5th level, and so on).

Wisdom and Charisma: As the bladebound magus increases in level, so do the Wisdom and Charisma of the black blade. These abilities start at 6 and increase by 1 for every two levels of magus.

Ego: A black blade starts with an ego of 5, and that ego increases as the blade becomes more powerful, as per Table: Black Blade Progression below. In cases where a wielder and the black blade come into conflict, like any intelligent item, a black blade can attempt to exert its dominance (see Intelligent Items). Due to its flexible and powerful nature, a black blade has a nonstandard ego progression.

Languages and Skills: A black blade starts with Common as a language. As the black blade increases in Intelligence, it manifests knowledge of languages and arcane lore. Upon reaching an Intelligence of 12, it gains a bonus language of the GM’s choice, and gains 1 rank in Knowledge (arcana). Each time the sword gains a bonus to Intelligence, it gains another language and another rank in Knowledge (arcana).

Senses: A black blade is aware of everything around it like a creature that can see and hear. It can be blinded and deafened as if it were a creature. It uses the saving throws of its magus, even if the magus is not currently wielding the black blade.

Black Blade Arcane Pool: A black blade has an arcane pool with a number of points equal to 1 + its Intelligence bonus.

Black Blade Ability Descriptions

A black blade has special abilities (or imparts abilities to its wielder) depending on the wielder’s magus level. The abilities are cumulative. A black blade normally refuses to use any of its abilities when wielded by anyone other than its magus, and acts as a masterwork weapon of its type.

Alertness (Ex): While a magus is wielding his black blade, he gains the Alertness feat.

Black Blade Strike (Sp): As a free action, the magus can spend a point from the black blade’s arcane pool to grant the black blade a +1 bonus on damage rolls for 1 minute. For every four levels beyond 1st, this ability gives the black blade another +1 on damage rolls.

Telepathy (Su): While a magus is wielding or carrying his black blade, he can communicate telepathically with the blade in a language that the magus and the black blade share.

Unbreakable (Ex): As long as it has at least 1 point in its arcane pool, a black blade is immune to the broken condition. If broken, the black blade is unconscious and powerless until repaired. If destroyed, the black blade can be reforged 1 week later through a special ritual that costs 200 gp per magus level. The ritual takes 24 hours to complete.

Energy Attunement (Su): At 5th level, as a free action, a magus can spend a point of his black blade’s arcane pool to have it deal one of the following types of damage instead of weapon damage: cold, electricity, or fire. He can spend 2 points from the black blade’s arcane pool to deal sonic or force damage instead of weapon damage. This effect lasts until the start of the magus’s next turn.


And this, Mr. Khrabrov, concludes my research on the specifics of your black blade. I must confess it was a most exiting journey of discovery!
The professor announced

Let me get this straight Sir Professor The bloodrager interjected

Upon figuring out a degree of Abyssal influence, You essentially casted contact entity, targetting the Demoness Alithera, known for being an incredibly well connected abyssal information broker, and asked her for an information trade? Her knowledge pertaining my back blade for your knowledge of a topic of her choice?
He narrowly did not drop his cup of cofee saying this.

Oh, kind of, I also asked if and how she would like to meet and gave her my address. She was most polite and professional! The Lady in shadows agents were most pleased to consult the order of the palatinate eye and there is much fruitfull cooperation ahead!
She reminded me of an excellent student I had when younger! She was interested in my research of the whispering way! It is so rare to find interest about such esoteric matters among the young!
The professor answered

As far as I know, she had a hand in causing the downfall of the demonlord Alynythia and recalls the circumstances Nocticulas capital was founded, thus establishing a minimum age of 3 millenia give or take a couple of centuries due to non homogenous timeflows in the Abyss?
The mercenary spoke

She was young at heart for certain! The professor spoke

But well, we exchanged knowledge, had a very nice dinner in Absalom, greater teleport at will is a very useful ability! Then we were back and she even suggested some research subjects! Your backblade was originally a pharasmin weapon, near broken by Orcus, Demon Lord of undead, then stolen/robbed by agents of Nocticula because why not, sold for an unspecified favor, rebought by Pharasma and then turned up in your hands spontaenously. From the context, it could be a bit of a joint undead killing enterprise? The professor continued exitedly

Empty night, the mercenary thought.
I dont know anything about the whispering way, but if she is interested in them, they are not esoteric but currently active. I don think the professor is under threat from her, not in a way I could fix and not directly. Will she tell the whispering way that someone knows about them? If there are proper incentives, certainly. Does this put the professor at risk? Absolutely. Qlippoths beneath bugger my lovelife, did I kill him by asking this question? Also, Pharasma and Nocticula plausibly being in cahoots? I would watch my back if I was Orcus, Kabriri or Zurah, but thats clearly someone elses problem. The mercenaries thoughts raced as he thought.

Black blade personality:

Oi, Meatbag, I have scouted the necromancers head! Now he is a crater!
His blade happily ESPered as a shocking blow from his falcata cut deep into his enemies neck, the air being rife with the smell of burnt flesh
Is this some type on inside joke I am unaware of? Why do you say *scout* whenever we kill something. The mercenary answered telepathically
Meatbags and humor... Unfortunately, the context and the nuances of this situation would take too long to explain. Ugly Ghoul on your six.
Viktor whirled, cutting the ghouls head clean off
Nice Scouting Victor! Since the Zombies arent collapsing, we clearly need to scout where the actual main necromancer is and then properly scout him too! There is so much scouting to be done here! His bladed continued, clearly enjoying herself.
Why do I think of her as female Victor thought before communicating
Have you once been an incredibly stealth focused entity and now you are greatly amused by destructive happenings? to her
Sometimes, I forget that you are indeed fairly intelligent for a meatbag! Oh, hej, that looks like a good spot for a trap so dont get scouted by it! And yes, I identify as female! And no, I will not date you! Relationships with meatbags are unprofessional!

build choices:

--Back blade replaces level 3 arcana
--Martial tradition to gain falcata proficiency (replace bonus human feat)
--Dimdweller (replaces skilled)
--Magical lineage chill touch because shocking grasp is boring

--Level 1 Feat: Toughness
--Level 3 Feat: Weapon Focus Falcata
--Level 5 Feat: Combat reflexes
--Level 5 Magus feat: Intensify spell
--Level 7 Feat: Combat casting


Profession Mercenary=8+3-1=10

Acrobatics=3+3+1=7 - ACP
Kn. Arcana=4+1+2=7
Kn. Dungeoneering=4+1+2=7
Kn. Planes=4+1+3=10
8 left to distribute

GM only background:

How interesting a disembodied female voice, cool, dispassionate and likely devoid of emotion, other then perhaps a degree of sarcasm, spoke.

Have I... intrigued you? Another female voice answered, this one full of sensuality, emotion, longing and... no small degree of sarcasm as well.

It is unusual for you agents to be so... well behaved and assistive, in regards to my psychopomps efforts to controlling the undead population. Do you plan to murder Boney Mc. Boneface?
Or the hungriest ex-elf ever? Or perhaps the second most slutty thing to come out of Thassilon?
The sarcastic dispassionate voice answred

I am many things, but not a hypocrite, and acussing my near peer competitors of sluttyness well... nah. But yes, both the bonerless boney boi and the "abyssal trash compactor who thinks he is a demonlord" are on the mid term menu. The seductive voice answered

And for this you are clearly making nice with me, totally not in an effort to gain my trust and try to murder me later the sarcasitc voice spoke again

Even if I were to murder you, there is no way for me to ursurp your powers without also ursurping your duties, and I would absolutely hate sitting in the boneyard and judging random mortals I dont care about for eternity, but how about a little joint venture as trust building exercise, we both invest in some mortals who could work for either of us, with the aim to, as you stated, regulate the undead population a bit further? Oh look, someone worshipping you found a black blade! What an unforseen turn of events! The seductive voice spoke

How unforseen indeed, and this is absolutely not a play from you to yoink all of the order of the Palatinate secrets the sarcastic voice answered

I cant joink what I already joinked before, that would be boring
The seductive voice is apparently quite insistent on having the last word



Budget: 33K
+1 Breastplate 1,2K
+1 Keen Falcata 8K
+2 Int headband 8K
+2 STR belt 8k
+2 cloak of res 4K
+1 ring of prot 2K